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Everything posted by Damrongsak

  1. Oh, it's a "police action". Pull your country to the side, get out and lay on the ground!
  2. Last fall I spent 2 months in Loei. No GF, not much in the way of bars. So I was pretty much stuck at home with my wife at our house. ????
  3. Apparently there dogs that can detect termites! Aren't beagles somewhat stinky dogs? Or maybe I'm thinking of some other kind. ... Ah, found at random: Beagles have a higher concentration of odor-producing microbes which love damp and wet environments. Their coat absorbs moisture and releases an unpleasant smell through oily secretions of their sebaceous glands (hair follicles). Although most dogs will have that typical 'wet dog' smell, beagles tend to have it worse.
  4. So, go there and ask for the 1,980 Baht price. Smile, talk nice. Bargain. Or is this some subsidized price?
  5. Looking at the NASA fire map shows fewer fires in the last day or two. Go back a week or two or three (cumulative) and it looks like everything was on fire. Looks like a lot of the burning has already been done. https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:24hrs;@104.3,17.1,6z
  6. No, you don't understand. As it goes up the ladder, it's more like "One for you, two for thee and 3 for me." 6 way split.
  7. " ... According to the police chief, most officers handled the curious teenagers well and were able to answer every question correctly. .." Q: "Does your wife do threesomes? " 555 Come on, the boss was around and they all know heat is coming down. No surprises.
  8. I wonder how many people subsist solely on the free meals they get for attending committee meetings and whatnot. There is such a thing as a "free lunch" in LOS, I'm sure.
  9. Well, they could send people on board when the plane lands and go up and down the aisles with a collection basket. They have long handled ones that work for wide body aircraft. (Photo courtesy of Tonini Church Supply Co)
  10. I had no problems with the charges at Loei hospital a few months ago. ER, one night stay, X-rays and a CT scan. It was about 16K Baht but most was the CT scan. All the other charges were cheap as chips. I was told the CT scan was pricey and OK'd it. I don't know what they charged for the bowl of jok and the hard boiled egg in the morning.
  11. "... There are concerns that the fund may be used to support large, established businesses, rather than providing support to those most in need. ..." Fewer but fatter brown envelopes is more environmentally sound than a whole bunch of little ones.
  12. It's not proof, merely an indicator in some instances. A name like NAJI SAMI BOUAKKAZ is probably a bit odd in thailand. This found at random on a Google search: "How Common Is The Last Name Bouakkaz? The surname Bouakkaz is the 69,057th most prevalent surname on earth, borne by around 1 in 1,014,272 people. This surname occurs mostly in Africa, where 99 percent of Bouakkaz are found; 99 percent are found in North Africa and 99 percent are found in Mahgreb." I have no proof of this, but you have to start somewhere.
  13. Other than the minerals in the bird <deleted> on the roof.
  14. No. Joe Cummings. One of Tony's first hired hands. Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones once contacted Joe when a concert was canceled due to airplane problems. Joe personally showed Mick around BKK and nearby. They had fun. Joe and I were in the same Peace Corps group 58 in Thailand 1977-79. We all went through language training together. a little blurb: https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/joe-cummings-lonely-planet-thailand/index.html
  15. I have a buddy who traveled extensively years ago. He didn't know where he was going to stay or even exactly where he was going. There were times when there was no hotel, so he'd sleep on the floor in a Wat. He then wrote the original Lonely Planet Thailand guidebook and several more editions.
  16. Poorly written article. "The arrest followed an incident ..." Followed an incident 15years ago!
  17. Yeah, how do I know where I'll be when relatives and friends drag us around to see the scenes? If they want to know my exact whereabouts, why don't they supply an electronic tracking butt-plug? And I didn't "move into" a residence, I stayed at our house for about 45 days. Went to Vietnam for 10 days, then BKK at a relative's house for 5 days on the way out. Catch me if you can.
  18. So, I visited our owned house in Loei for 2 months last fall. I told Immigration where I was staying on the visa application and even had to have an invitation from my wife with a copy of her Thai ID card and the Tabien Ban. And she still needed to report me? (She didn't and to hell with it.) If the authorities had come by to see if I was staying there the whole time, I would have introduced them to my wife's pet bantam chickens. They took a liking to me after a couple months. They knew I was there.
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