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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. OK. thanks.
    Would still be nice to know what's physically running off of each CU breaker.  So Amp load vs breaker Amp rating.
    ...and find out how/where all the Earth Grounds are terminated, and test them.  
    It's usually 'best' to have the Earth Grounds running directly back to the CU and have a MEN-link (Earth Neutral bridged link) in place when possible so any potential earth-fault can be handled directly (rather than assume a 2nd-location ground will always be functional).   
    Also, it might be the forum suggests replacing the CU with one holding more breakers so you can run dedicated circuits and wiring to the 2 ACs and Water Pump -- in addition to what's already wired in the CU.  If that's the case then you can purchase a CU that includes a RCD.

    Thanks, most of that goes straight over my head but I am learning some good stuff.

    My initial reason for this thread was Crossy brought to my attention some new rules re: new house build and RCBO/RCD etc. Plus wanted to make sure that there was nothing blatantly wrong in the electrical install.

    But, with the help of yourself, Crossy and wayned ( among others ) I've already learned some interesting stuff and hopefully I can learn more and make improvements to my house.
    I won't physically be doing the work but it's always good to have some sort of understanding what needs to be done and if the work is being done correctly.
    Can you clarify these two posts?
    Originally I assumed you meant the ACs and Water Pump had dedicated breakers in the CU, but the second post seems to state otherwise.
    Can you give a description of what is run off each CU breaker.
    Also, do you have direct experience with handling live 220~240v AC, or will you be relying on getting a local sparks in to do any necessary changeover.

    Yeah sorry if I made it confusing, I did say at the start I have no electrical background and only started this thread because I hear of the horror stories and wanted to run some things by the more electrical minded folks of TV.
    I will be relying on local sparky for any electrical work and as I'm new to the area will have to ask around the neighbourhood.

    Each AC and the water pump has a dedicated breaker next to each unit, the water pump is wired into the outlet circuit, the feed for the AC's comes from up above so not sure if it's lighting or outlet.
  3. I have my elder brother to thank for educating me in music, him being 5 years older than me and playing to death a wide variation of "great 70's music ".


    From Floyd to Zep to Free to Rory Gallagher to Deep Purple and the rest including Can, Roy Harper , Pink Fairies and Camel. ( the list goes on and on )


    From that era ( 71 to 73 )my 4 favourites ( in no particular order ) are:

    Allman Brothers - Brothers and sisters

    Deep Purple - Made in Japan

    Pink Floyd - DSOTM

    and this one




    Not a bad track on these albums ( excluding the obligatory drum solo track The Mule of course )


    • Like 2
  4. Crossy and Wayne:
    Didn't get chance to buy those bits ( 10mm2 wire, RCD breaker and multimeter) today as had to go back to the apartment to sign off and the rain didn't help either !!

    Will hopefully tomorrow get the multimeter ( Homepro should have one ?) and with a lot of guidance from yourselves I will investigate the earth issue.

  5. Is there an earth rod  pounded in the ground somewhere outside?  Could be that the earth connection goes to a junction box and the earths are radials from there. 
    I did something similar to my house in Bangkok which only had non earthed two pin plugs installed.  I put three pin plugs where I thought that they were needed and ran earths from a rod that I installed to the plugs but didn't go back to the CU which was upstairs.

    Nothing obvious that I've seen, I'm not at home right now but will take a look when I get back.
  6. The OP says separate circuits to the AC's (2?) and water pump.  Leaves one circuit for all outlets and lights?  Where do these guys come from, I wonder.

    The 2 AC's were fitted recently, the feed comes from under the roof .They drilled a hole up into the space under the roof, guy disappeared through the hatch and connected ( to what I don't know ).

    The water pump, fitted a couple of days ago, gets its feed from a 3 pin outlet in bedroom ( via the wall ) , breaker for pump is outside next to pump.

    Sorry, no photo but am not there right now.
  7. [mention=77463]wayned[/mention] 555 it's not really that bad as Thai electrics go, but for a recent install it is.


    As a matter of urgency:-

    • Replace those two bits of (too small) black with a piece of 10mm2 (buy a couple of meters from HomePro or the like).
    • Whilst in HomePro buy a DIN mount RCD (63A/30mA).
    • If you have 3-pin outlets pop one off, let's have a look how they're wired.

    Yes, all 3 pin outlets





  8. Have moved into a new build house yesterday and some questions have arisen due another thread I started on a different topic.


    Anyway, here is a photo of my breaker box and some other info that might be useful




    Air cons have their own breaker as does the water pump.

    I have no water heater or bath/jacuzzi etc.

    There are no outlets in any of the bathrooms or near the kitchen sink or even outside.


    My outlet sockets are grounded as is the water pump.


    My electric meter and power was installed about a week ago, the house was built roughly 12 months ago and stood vacant until now.


    My question is:


    There seems to be a new law which states that new house builds need a RCBO or RCD breaker. ( this came from a post on TV which was brought to my attention by Crossy)


    Do I need to do anything, I.e. Get a sparky in to fit a different breaker or contact PEA for them to assess etc.


    Please be gentle !! I am not from an electrical background .



  9. Thanks everyone for all the answers and suggestions, seems like I'm good to go right now but I'm certainly a lot wiser on the subject.
    From the number of different suggestions it is surprising how many people have encountered the same issue.

    Whoever said " farangs sh1t don't stink " was wrong !!

    Re: the electrical questions, I'll open another thread in the electrical forum.

  10. I think your post about smell has just about cleared itself and think you should start a new thread on electrics -  rather than a mixed thread. 

    Yes, you're right, water in the traps and a bit of grout in the bolt holes seems to have cured it, although it could have been lack of use causing it to smell, anyway seems good now but it it reoccurs then I've plenty of ideas.

    I'll start a new thread in the sparky forum .
  11. Located the vent on the tank, a blue pipe sticking up at the back of the house ( pretty much where Thais would make their outside kitchen [emoji51] ). Close to it is a white cap sunk into the concrete, about 4 inches o/d with a couple of holes in the top , presumably to unscrew it ? was gonna investigate further but I'm whacked and the mozzies are biting !!


  12. Electrical

    Well done mate, on your job so far.
    In your consumer unit (CU, that white thinggy in the wall), the first breaker in the right, I think you could get your electrician to replace that with a RCBO, but Crossy's the guru, (may be a sinking guru If his river gets a lot of the rain we're still having). So do what he recommends.

    Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

    Okay thanks, yes I was hoping Crossy would give me some advice, but as you say it's raining like a MF and he's probably mopping out !!
  13.   I see no earth leakage protection (RCD, RCBO, Safe-T-Cut).


    Time to start a thread in the Electrical forum methinks.






    Thanks Crossy, have just read your topic IMPORTANT INFORMATION in electrical forum and seems like I'm missing some protection.


    Who's responsible for checking these new rules are enforced ?


    The meter was fit, and power connected, outside last week, I wasn't present and not sure if they even entered the house.


    Should PEA check that earth leakage protection is fitted?


    Just for info: There are no outlets in bathrooms, no water heater, bath etc, and the double socket in the kitchen couldn't be further from the sink if it tried.

    Air cons have their own breakers and the water pump breaker is outside.



    EDIT: just found your The Thailand Wiring Page site , very interesting, most of its completely over my head but useful nonetheless.

  14. Done well Andrew.


    This is about your power not P traps.


    As you've sorted the sewer and water, may as well check your power, to be safer.


    Sorry for rambling on, and stressing you more, but check your power to see if you have a Safety Cut circuit breaker where the main power comes in. Look on TV for RCBO.


    Think the cyclone predicted is nearly right overhead as biggest rains I've seen and reasonable winds.


    Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk







    Here is what is installed.

    The air cons have their own breaker.



  15. Well, thanks for all the suggestions !!

    Haven't had much time to investigate today as I've spent all day loading and unloading a pickup with wardrobes and a fridge and the usual amount of tat that one accumulates over a short period of time !!
    Plus it's rained steadily since 5 to 7 this morning ( pickup arrived at 7 ) and it's still raining now [emoji20]

    Anyway, I'm worn out !

    The offending bathroom doesn't seem to smell today !, but maybe cos it's raining and cooled off ?, see what it's like when the sun comes out .

    I've certainly got a lot of things to try before I get the builder in .
    Pouring some stuff down the loo to create the required enzymes and investigation of the vent to the tank seem like first on my list but I will go through them all one by one until it's sorted ( not sure where I'm gonna get a dead cat from though Peterw42 !! )

    Thanks again for all the great ideas and if over the next few days you sense a really bad smell in the air , don't worry, it's only me making matters worse [emoji3]

  16. Yes, its normally about a 1/2 inch diameter blue pvc pipe sticking up.
    We feel for you. Building here is probably the most stressful thing you can do! Check for lost head hair!

    Luckily I don't have much hair left to lose [emoji51].

    I'm not building, I've bought a house on a Moobaan of around 30 houses, 3 or 4 left, the house has been empty for 1 year.
    The company looks pretty efficient ( [emoji15]), the houses have been built in 2 or 3 stages , mine being one of the last ones, so they have learned from their mistakes !!
    ( what the hell am I thinking !! )
  17. A P-trap is just down stream from the drain. It looks like an inverted P. Most likely it's improperly
     impeded in the cement floor or under it. Not easy to see or get at it and therefore not easy to rectify.
    Does your sewer tank have a vent? ie usually a pvc pipe installed thru the tank cover and extending straight up.  

    Haven't located the sewer tank, if it's in the garden it's covered by weed/grass/shrub right now, but I should be able to see the vent pipe ( if fitted ) ??

    Am moving in today and waiting for my pickup buddy and it looks like rain, am getting stressed !! [emoji36]
    It's been a tough week, some late nights and waiting for contractors, overseeing contractors, finding corners that have been cut ,etc, etc
  18. In Isaan in 15 years I have never seen a P-trap installed voluntarily. Are you sure you have one?

    The word P-trap implies something like a u bend to me.
    But what I have is a bell on the underside of drain cover which sits in a small amount of water in drain itself ( see sketch on post from Peterw42 ) , whether this is classified as a p-trap I don't know.

  19. Now your new pump and tank. [emoji21][mention=14979]crossy[/mention] has a drawing of how it should go. Look on back TV pump posts.
    Don't let anyone install your water until they see the drawing. Hand the drawing to the installer upside down, if he says 'yes, ok, no worries' get someone else.
    Wooppps, see you're past my post; still look at Crossy's drawing.


    Found Crossy's sketch and that how the guy did mine,


    Added it on here in case some others are in doubt.
  20. Yeah the excuse for P Trap drain covers only hold a very small amount of water. See if the drain top turns and comes off. If it does you see a round cup underneath for the water. Due to evaporation they do dry out.
    I'd guess you don't have them, so write a note on your handy white board to buy as many as you need from Global House. Global also have the diamond (in my case, round ) tile hole saw for fitting the new more betterer drain fittings that stop the smell.
    In my not so new house, I was away while they did the bathrooms, so none of my toilets had those flexible rubber seals, just plastic pipe into the toilet; no p traps. So I repaired the lot and used silicon under the bogger, which stained with all SWMBO's cleaning, so that's how I know.
    It's best to cultivate a nice Thai person who you can watch to do these jobs.
    Now your new pump and tank. [emoji21][mention=14979]crossy[/mention] has a drawing of how it should go. Look on back TV pump posts.
    Don't let anyone install your water until they see the drawing. Hand the drawing to the installer upside down, if he says 'yes, ok, no worries' get someone else.
    Wooppps, see you're past my post; still look at Crossy's drawing.
    Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

    Okay thanks for that, all good advice.
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