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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Reminds me of that book “ Fly-tipping “ by J R Hartley ????
  2. Another great Tom Hanks movie is Finch, just Tom, his dog, and a robot . Watched it on its release in 2021 but have lined it up again for another viewing, can recommend .
  3. Wonder if he brought his deadpan nemesis Jordan Schlansky to ridicule ? The pair made a great funny/straightman duo .
  4. I didn’t think that the MG4 had a sunroof ? @JBChiangRai , what sayeth thou ??
  5. An interesting video from the Shanghai Motor Show highlighting the trends that the Chinese EV manufacturers are pushing. Zeekr X gaining the most interest, Nio pushing a lifestyle experience and BYD with their vast range.
  6. Whether he is still a man or now a woman ?
  7. Yup, did that for years with my iPod or iPhone.
  8. Sodium-ion , and sodium/lithium ion mix, batteries look set for production this year . https://carnewschina.com/2023/04/20/catl-and-byd-sodium-ion-batteries-will-be-put-into-a-mass-produced-car-in-q4-2023/?fbclid=IwAR1bxUOnfy0YplICJ5ZSNq5Gf5Z4Jh4g-kdfpjCy8bL-U0LGLAXUTX1eOo4
  9. As it has been a good few hours since BYD released a new car !!, don’t worry cos here’s one. No info on whether it will appear in Thailand, just as well as it looks too much for my meagre pension, but it’s good to dream. https://carnewschina.com/2023/04/22/byds-denza-n7-gets-two-battery-options-with-702-km-range/?fbclid=IwAR1qWULNNmj6-y6B1ia75NmbG-N7jnKUrLuFJOKO89sVbkr5JAuIWmb7GbE
  10. Yes, a 72% drop !! ( edited my previous post where I mistakenly calculated it to 28% )
  11. That’s what happened to me : A increase in units used , 212 to 362 = 70.75% increase. An increase in price, 887.66 baht to 1,867.30 = 110.36% increase. On the cheaper bill ( 212 units ) the FT surcharge was reduced by 72% No reduction on the 362 units used. Hence once you get past the reduction limit, 300 units ??, the cost rises rapidly. Good incentive to save electricity I guess.
  12. From 850 baht to 1800 baht, just over double. 2 other family members also had similar results.
  13. Apologies for plagiarising this but some witty Australian posted this on a FB group and i thought it was very well done. 10 Commandments for the Shakespearean EV era: 1. Verily, plan thy trip with the wisdom of Solomon and the cunning of a fox, lest ye becometh stranded like a beached whale. 2. Know thy electric steed's true range, for illusions and wishful thinking shall not propel thee forward. 3. Charge thy wagon like a squirrel hoards nuts, with abundance and regularity. 4. Fret not about charging costs, for if thou can buy a shiny electric horse, thou can surely feed it too. 5. At charging stations, behave not like a gluttonous king; leave some juice for thy fellow pilgrims. 6. Park with grace and thought, that others may quench the thirst of their electric companions. 7. Inquire with gentleness and respect of the charging station's keeper before plugging in thine electric stallion. 8. Forget not the sacred cables, for without them thou shalt be like a bard without his lute. 9. Arm thyself with a trove of fast-charging apps, lest thou spendeth more time seeking than charging. 10. Laugh heartily, like a jester in the king's court, as thou passeth petrol stations and beholdest the dwindling relics of a bygone era.
  14. Bum gun at home , wet wipes elsewhere, always carry a small pack with me. Bum guns are great but am not too keen on using one in the PTT gas station toilets. I mean, you don’t know where the guy in there before you put it !!
  15. A healthy 10.1% increase for those who are yet to achieve retirement age and those, dare I say it …. renegades ????, who forgot to mention they moved to Thailand .
  16. Here’s the top 15 global EV sales for 2022 with the percentage of change from 2021 BYD and Tesla, unsurprisingly, leading the sales with VW in 3rd. A different story from Thailand with MG (SAIC) lagging behind and GWM (Ora) not making the list.
  17. Maybe get the BYD Seagull: Or the Wuling Bingo ? Both should be close to the Neta V price but just a question of if they come.
  18. Is there no end to the BYD range, recently reported at 31 !!, let’s look at one of their recent cars to be unveiled at the Shanghai Motor Show PHEV anyone ?? BYD unveil their latest PHEV the Destroyer 07, PHEV’s seem popular in China ( BYD will have 4 models soon ) and this one is a competitor for the Haval H6 PHEV with a 200 km battery range coupled with a 1.5 ICE ( turbo also available ). https://carnewschina.com/2023/04/18/byd-destroyer-07-phev-debuts-in-shanghai-with-a-200-km-range/?fbclid=IwAR2NF2mP7RBxKsuBrIq2Rq1ruDvccBXwPR7rjmt2X_QEJdiHFoLQvtUNEBk Will BYD test the waters with a PHEV in Thailand ? not sure . Haval didn’t appear to sell too many here but i think that can be put down to the price, plenty of interest when the H6 PHEV was announced but the large jump from HEV to PHEV was a bit too rich for many, myself included. If BYD get the price right it could be a winner, okay maybe in a different colour ????
  19. The Thaiger or Thaiger Talk
  20. That’s why i find it ironic why ASEANNOW should post a piece clearly using the wrong terminology. No wonder half the clientele of this forum get it wrong.
  21. Looks like you are on a laptop ? Try it on your phone, maybe your browser is giving you the muddled message. I get this on my iPhone:
  22. If you have done the extension then you don’t have a visa anymore !! Of course we all understand what they mean but retirees looking at retirement in Thailand will be given the badly worded advice before they even set foot here. Call me pedantic but getting the terminology correct from day one is important, then they can use the slang afterwards .
  23. I stopped reading after they had called it a “ retirement visa “ 4 times in the first paragraph !! It’s almost like they don’t know the real name ??
  24. Yes for real ! A great little city car as opposed to a highway car or both, smaller range and smaller interior more suited to short trips. Nobody said driving in the city/slow moving traffic was pleasurable. Learn to understand postings before replying .
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