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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. For the moment. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  2. Inconsistent application of laws, procedures, and rules permeate every facet of business and government in this country from restaurants and banks to civil offices. This is simple fact that anybody who has been here for a while takes for granted. Get used to it and always expect surprises since it will never change and always change. Things change from the last time things changed. It's called chaos. That sounds like nonsense double speak because that's what it is but it's still true.
  3. I guess I just dodged a bullet. A parcel was delivered to my house yesterday by Thai post that was mailed from the USPS in colorado June 26th. By complete accident the Customs form that was attached to the Box did not match the contents of that box in any way or shape. The box was obviously opened by customs and there was some broken glass items because of box was half crushed. For the most part the contents seemed undisturbed and nothing was stolen. Nor was there any notice given that the box had been opened by customs as is done in USA. The most amazing thing of all was that there was some Thai documents taped to the box in an envelope claiming that I had to pay 105 baht VAT and they gave me a link to the several bank accounts that I could wire the money to. The document said the value was less than 1500thb, which it was, so only VAT was charged, no duty. Why they let the Customs form being completely mismatched from the contents in without comment is anybody's guess. My first reaction after finding broken items was that there was no way I was going to pay them 105 baht. Once I sobered up a little bit I realized that yes of course I would pay them 105 Baht because if I didn't who knows when it might come back to bite me at immigration or some other time coming or going from the country. Their country, their rules. Play the game or leave. I've got four other boxes coming over in the next few weeks so I'll find out if this was an anomaly or not and whether Duty will be charged or not. They only safe observation is that like so many things in this country, inconsistency in application of rules and laws is the norm. It just happened to work in my favor (mostly) this time.
  4. Don't infer your own proclivities to others.
  5. It's funny how one pineapple grows out at the top of another and then another grows out
  6. Amen. I never feel bad if the download is a stinker. Just delete it. The price was right though. I don't watch TV except from 7-9pm. Just not a good use of my time. I'm into season 2 of Battlestar Galactica reboot. Worth a watch and better than the original. Sorry to say the blonde bombshell Cylon doesn't seem very attractive to me.
  7. I assume you know trees grown from avocado pits usually grow no fruit or don't breed true. I also have one myself. 12 foot tall but no fruit. Still it was fun to grow and looks nice.
  8. Check the rules or ask your IM. YOU CAN FILE THE TM30 YOURSELF EVEN IF YOU LIVE IN A RENTAL HOUSE. I've done it several times in Chaam and Hua Hin. I see things like your post regularly but have almost given up trying to dispel this misinformation.
  9. Easy to believe. Once again you made my point. Wanna go for 3 in a row?
  10. No it doesn't. It makes him sound a fool. Saving the USA. What does that mean? An empty slogan that incites idiocy.
  11. I saved most of my life for retirement and now I'm spending it. No sweat.
  12. Sure. Everybody knows thai people don't what batteries are or how to buy or install them. Or that they can buy another remote at any flea market. Flawless plan indeed.
  13. May be? Your powers of visual perception have been distorted. Love in the eye of the beholder I guess.
  14. And your cherished leader is the poster child for obesity. I can only hope the burgers and fries finally do their job.
  15. Get a good auto battery. Hook it up to a AC trickle charger. Hook the battery to a 800W 12VDC to 220vac inverter. When power goes off plug your laptop into the inverter and turn it on. That's all a UPS does but it adds auto switchover. At least you have control of all the pieces and can replace them separately.
  16. Did you not see my question mark? That denotes me asking you a question, not making a statement. I guess your reply answers my question. YMMV
  17. Fear of things actually a threat is the best self defense. Not recognizing threats for what they are can be a risky proposition. Mongering is a relative term my friend and a facile way of dismissing real issues from gullible minds, but is ineffective for those recognizing the truth. Believe what you wish to,as will I.
  18. Hardly a correction. Just looking at it in a more idealist light. The truth is that even a single jihadist can kill hundreds of others and 23% can kill tens of thousands. One madman with a bomb can destroy the efforts of thousands of skilled workers. Terrorism is quite simply a cheap force multiplier. Factor that.
  19. So each one became a loss and you kept on buying?
  20. It was inevitable that the masses would eventually wise up to the very poor value-to-cost proposition that EVs represent. More thoughtful people saw it in the first two years of sales with high maintenance cost, poor range, insane surveillance built into the contract, and other factors. One of my bucket list items is to die before I am forced to buy an EV. The whole 'save the environment' thing is a cruel joke. We are way past that tipping point and still can't agree on a unified response. Humans may be the smartest animals but not enough so to stop their own self-inflicted demise.
  21. Maybe a yawn but it is still reported here and on other English media sites. You're the one pushing unrest with falsehoods.
  22. For engineering work Excel is absolutely the best. The rest of Office is OK but I don't need it. Now that I'm retired I still prefer excel after using open office. I'm getting a new laptop soon and will give win11 a chance but will enter the Linux world if 11 is too intrusive.
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