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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. From starting my first job in 1974 I started saving for retirement. I assume that USA Social Security would never be there for me when I needed it. I was wrong about that and I'm getting $2,800 a month from Social Security now but still I don't expect it to last. I retired at 67 full retirement age , and immediately came to Thailand and have been here ever since. I know some expats who retired in their early fifties and are now worried about money. So they were having a good time here in Thailand for more than 12 years while I was still working. They made a decision and took their choice just like I did. I didn't want to worry about money during my entire retirement so the decision was easy for me. I will say that I enjoyed my career quite a bit and was satisfied to wait until 67 as my earnings every year were going up. I guess if you hate your job that makes a difference. So I'm very glad that I saved more than I could need for the next 15 years that I expect to live. Anybody who depends on the State for their retirement is taking a big gamble IMO. When you take a gamble you must always be prepared to lose.
  2. PAWS also does a very active adoption service and places many stray animals in New homes.
  3. I think the answer to your question would be obvious if you thought about it for even a few seconds and did a few more seconds of introspection and then a few more seconds talking to your buddies who plan to vote for him. If that doesn't fill in the picture for you then nothing will.
  4. PAWS RESCUE is based in HUAHIN and I've been contributing to them monthly for several years now. It is by far the best solution for the stray dogs. They really need some contributions now because they're setting up a new center after they were forced to leave their current location.
  5. Apparently discernment is not one of your strong points
  6. This entire thread is a waste of time. Trump gets up every morning and does whatever comes to his head the first second he's awake. there is no Rhyme or Reason to it. All predictions about what he will do are nothing but smoke and mirrors, even to himself. The man's mind is a sieve. It has become so clogged with detritus such sharks, electrocution, windmills, shower heads, haitians, flies, etc that he simply can't form coherent thoughts anymore.
  7. Who needs in depth? I think his comment pretty well summed it up.
  8. I didn't vote in the 1888 or 1876 elections either, thank the gods
  9. Agreed on all counts. I out two layers of fiberglass insulation in my ceiling and it made a HUGE difference inside.
  10. Well. Then it is incontravertible evidence. Wait. I know a guy who was vaccinated and didn't get covid. Oh my. Such a puzzling conundrum.
  11. My house has tile roofs also. They are applied to a metal framework without any screws or adhesive of any kind. Thus they are held on to the framework strictly by their own weight. For my house most of the roof is at a 45 or more degrees slope and that keeps the rain from blowing up under the tiles. However, this pitch of the roof over the kitchen is much lower perhaps only 15°. It did end up leaking frequently when we got heavy rains . I ended up having a roofer come out and replace the roof over the kitchen with a metal framework that he then put metal roofing over. It has now been 2 years and has never leaked a drop.
  12. According to your link there were 1130 accidents per day and later in the article they said 27% of them were brake failures which works out to 305 brake failures per day. You are correct and the number is actually higher than you quoted and I stand satisfied with the information you provided. Thank you very much. I'm Amazed
  13. Given a chance Trump will make voting itself meaningless. Your choice.
  14. They should be thankful they are alive to vote.
  15. Bauxite is common ore. Aluminum is congealed electricity. Takes a lot to refine it. Ultimately recyclable though. The earth didn't change but electricity became more abundant, until recently. Bitcoin is also congealed electricity but exists only in people's minds, much like fiat currency.
  16. 120 per day? I'd like to see some supporting for that statistic.
  17. So you're into fantasy literature.
  18. OP, the answer is simple. Any institution or human effort based on truth,honesty, and transparency will suffer from leadership of anyone whose entire career and business is based on lies. Compulsive liars offer nothing to anybody in ANY endeavor.
  19. Great deflection. Nuff said.
  20. Oh wait, wasn't she in charge the last 3 1/2 years? That's a popular republican mythology making the rounds after the debate simply because it was the only coherent statement Trump made in the debate. Even then it took him nearly 90 minutes to formulate the thought and successfully pronounce all those big words in the proper order. However, a close study of the Constitution will show that the secondary executive branch team member is called a 'Vice President' so that even uninformed folks can see who is actually in charge; that person is called a President. I'm being straight with you. Really. Try it! Look it up. Actually it was even taught in school when I was young. Also as Trump is so fond of saying, nobody cares about the vice presidential candidate, hence his choice of a hillbilly clown for his running mate. It is also an admission of what he expects from Vance in the race. So far JD has delivered beyond both Trump's and the Democratic candidate's expectations. It is a rare VP candidate indeed who can please both parties simultaneously. Soon however KM will actually be promoted to President and you can then begin to gather the performance data you so sadly lack now, and over 4-8 years in office. I look forward to your considered analysis at that time.
  21. Such people are called katooie here. You should have no problem meeting them. To each his own.
  22. Who'd have cared? Get a hobby, take a walk.
  23. That is a very long bus ride. I suspect the baby was even conceived on the bus.
  24. Isn't the key word in the amendment "unreasonable". His actions are equivalent to an engraved invitation for a home visit. And they found what they reasonably expected to after all. She should hold her husband accountable for her problems. Hey, lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas. This could be the first time he has actually f**ked her!
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