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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. A bible quote always spices things up and on rare occasions even adds a slight scent of authenticity to a comment. But not this time.
  2. I disagree. So many Republicans still believe the big lie and still pledge fealty to that most heinous and deranged creature called trump. We must keep them and their campaign of organized destruction of democracy and agenda of social injustice firmly in sight; now and for decades to come. Threats like this are cyclical because power seeking wannabe dictators will take advantage of any loss of vigilance. For the next several decades schools should teach about how such a dangerous and incompetent failure of a businessman highjacked a weak and misguided political party into supporting him in his demented and criminal bid for autocratic power. This battle is far from over until voting rights are firmly and irrevocably strengthened against future attempts to weaken or destroy them. There are already politians of the same ilk as trump hoping to step in and pick up the power base of social misfits and bigots that are still trump's key supporters. Their motives and tactics must be illuminated and scrutinized carefully, not forgotten or ignored.
  3. Do your predictions comes from dreams or your dreams from predictions? Either way, I hope you're correct. I am sincerely interested in hearing the top three reasons for your thoughts though. That stong a dollar or that weak a baht would signal huge global economic dislocations it seems to me.
  4. What?! No contact high?
  5. And let's face it: mass murder is very tiring, loud, and messy. Not even a mildly interesting thought when you've got couch-lock. It's a buzz kill dude!
  6. If I was earning money in America as a worker getting cost of living increases, the 10% inflation wouldn't affect me as much. As a retiree however, inflation just corrides my savings. So buying baht makes sense for me, up to a limit. At this point I have enough baht to pay for life in the Kingdom until my demise, barring catastrophic medical bills. It makes sense to play the FX game for now. But eventually all fiat currency will follow the USD down the tubes and that's where tangible assets come in. Those can be procured here much easier than in USA and with no tax trail.
  7. Ah, but she didn't clean the dress. She actually kept it for posterity. That little fact came out during the impeachment hearing. Bill, however did not keep any of the fragrance-enhanced cigars he obtained with her help. I'm not ot a cigar smoker but it always made me wonder.
  8. Same for me. I bought and rode a Click around Chaam for two years after I got here. It took that long for me to fully grasp the level of exposure to danger that a motorbike is and the extreme danger Thai drivers represent. It sits in the carport with 5000km on the odometer and my wife uses it for short hauls 3km to the local fresh market on back roads. It's hard to keep the battery charged. We have a Chevy Z71 pickup with lots of metal around us and my wife drives, always. She drives slower and more cautiously than I do anyway. There is nobody who will ever convince me that riding a bike here, motor or otherwise, is even remotely sane. But, as they say here, up to you. I'm all in favor of folk's right to choose their own dangers.
  9. I resent your slanderous cheap shot against chickens.
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