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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Best way to prepare: Buy a road suit Buy a good helmet Update your medical insurance Don't drive during the day or night or on weekends or holidays Don't drive on any roads or highways. Carry a copy of your Will on your person . Carry next of kin information on your person. Avoid skids on gravel and oil slicks by deflating your tires at least 50% to maintain good road contact and fast stops. If you have a rare blood type carry several bags of it with you. Safety First! It could save your life! Carry a strong rope and grappling hook in case you need them after falling into road holes or sewer lines. Never start the engine. Be sure your lights and horn are working properly(actually forget that one. It's not important) Never approach any intersections and avoid sideroads,railroad crossings, and traffic signals. Disregard any traffic signage as it is merely suggestions and generally safely ignored. Keep your head on a swivel every second of every minute of every day. Driving through rice or peanuts spread on the road for drying is allowable though frowned on by the locals unless they are the ones doing it. Do not challenge any vehicles traveling against the traffic(it's normal and condoned by law enforcement) Avoid fixed objects along your path such as trees and hanging wires. Check your brakes often(the majority of road accidents in the Kingdom are brake failures). Never slow down or stop at zebra/pedestrian crossings. This may induce traffic behind you to fail to stop due to brake failures and it will be deemed your fault. Start with the gas tank empty and maintain that level throughout your journey of exploration. Never travel with the wheels moving Above all enjoy your trip and don't worry. Thai drivers are among the best in the world (at destroying each other and any property around them) Note: All the above precautions are strongly recommended if you are within sight of any roads/highways/sidewalks/ footpaths anywhere in the Kingdom even if you are on foot.
  2. Your dream continues unabashed. Enjoy!
  3. Exactly where do you shop now pray tell?
  4. Exactly. That's what this forum is for.
  5. I agree. Your deep thoughts on the subject are persuasive. We should wait until the problem becomes grossly obvious before we take any action at all beyond yammering about it. I propose that we wait until the 'balance sheet' is gushing red and then have prolonged discussions about how to turn it around after, of course,we spend a few (more) decades doing 'research'. Besides that, I'm 74 and don't give a hoot about how subsequent generations may suffer for my procrastination. I and my generation have already taken the big sweet juicy bite out of the apple and don't give a damn about the worms anymore. I won't even think about it until it's extremely clear that we are in very deep sh*t. Makes sense to me. No?
  6. If I owned a knife shop close to this alteration I would have gladly supplied both sides with all the paraphernalia they could carry. After all it's easier to carry bodies out to the airport when they're not moving And blacklisting is not necessary if they're dead.
  7. If you had a son wouldn't you be equally concerned about him seeing a vagina? It's much better if neither gender sees the other until their marriage bed....correct? Wait, if they watch porn they already know. I think knowledge of sexual physical differences should be banned for life. Ignorance is bliss.
  8. No. At least two including me. I think it's stupid to have such apps on my phone. If it's not there it can't be used against me. Very simple logic. I'm not holier than thou but certainly more cautious. Up to you.
  9. Are you implying that her father has Indian heritage? (1+1 does not equal 2/3.) If so, how do you know? If not, then you just sound foolish unless you are a genetic specialist with access to private information. Of course the most likely answer is that you sound foolish because.........
  10. I stand corrected. Even a bag of hammers is dangerous when wielded by aging autocrat dreaming of reuniting a repressive empire that was never truly united except in his imperialistic wet dreams.
  11. Between trump and a bag of hammers, trump is clearly more intelligent; but only because he can move his lips. He's actually significantly less useful however.
  12. By hitting the teleprompter, which it did,scattering fragments to FBI agents as well. Do you read the news?
  13. He tells the same lies repeatedly and still inventing new ones. Why would he need a prompter? He sounds the same nutcase now as in 2016, that much is true. You're fooled because he's a good enough con man to do it to you. Simple answer.
  14. Only if the vehicles occasionally (or frequently) crash into each other, the audience, or other stationary object within 500m of the path.
  15. No. He's referencing Mr Random Word Rant. Can't even make a lettuce salad with his nonsense. His age is clearly telling. Oldest nominated presidential candidate in history no less. Rapid decline is all we can expect from him. It's only a matter of how fast and how far. I'm not a psychologist but it seems he's near bottom already.
  16. If you support trump it seems obvious who has been FOOLed; for many years and counting I suspect.
  17. Are they still utterances if they are spoken? Can utterances be un-uttered? Is milk an udderance? Asking for a friend.
  18. Hopefully you don't teach English. LOL
  19. Maybe the more important question is whether the horse could find the Water by himself? Which country would you nominate to be the leader of the free world?
  20. And if you buy THB at your home country bank you will pay huge FOREX rates. Also, traveling with a bid wad of cash seems like a bad idea to me.
  21. I respectfully ask that you think a few seconds about what you wrote and see if it makes any sense to you.
  22. Be anywhere within sight of a road in Thailand at your peril.
  23. Yes Lou. That's exactly what happened to me. I was just sharing the facts of my experience. Furthermore, as a warning to people using the US POSTAL SERVICE to ship parcels to Thailand, be aware that regardless of their advertised guaranteed delivery dates if they deem flight cancellations as the cause their guarantee is void. So I paid for 3-5 l day delivery which took 13 days to arrive (crushed and damaged) but will not be compensated. Very nice! As for another reply stating that there is no link to immigration, with all due respect, I will pay their fee anyway. I have zero faith in the fair machinations of Thai bureaucracy.
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