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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Not unusual outcome for too many construction projects in the Kingdom. I can hardly wait for the Thai Space Program to begin.🫢
  2. So...... Harris' de-bait tactic works on you too. I thought it would.
  3. Very gracious of you but I don't.
  4. Oh well. I'm sure the psychopathic florida legislature can change that. Maybe a free bullet tax deduction?
  5. Dam good question. Go for it!
  6. Agreed. Let's exclude Florida from any gun control legislation and see how it all turns out. Maybe the headline won't require quote marks.
  7. Then maybe there is a god?
  8. Usually I'd agree with you but in this case let's wait a while and see what else develops. Maybe we're being to hasty.
  9. as I know he wasn’t even taking aim…… Well, it is a pretty large target after all. You know, broad side of a barn thing.
  10. Wow. That's a crushing zinger! Don't you feel just a little bad for laying it on so thickly?
  11. I've had a lot of experience using local people doing everything from digging to laying tile, plumbing, electrical, pool, metal roofing, etc. I have a lot of DIY skills but not the interest in using them. But I watch the work carefully but unobtrusively to try to avoid poor outcomes. I'm 50% successful on 50% of the jobs. Eventually I found a few tradesman with multiple skills, good tools, and good work habits. Now I generally wait for months sometimes for a time slot but pay them well. I concluded that that's the best I will ever do. I do use some jobs as excuses to buy tools and avoid a lot of aggravation by doing jobs myself. Digging trenches for drain pipe and putting metal roofing over tile roofing are not some of those things though. LOL As I often recommend to people on these forums: lower your expectations and be prepared to do the job again in a few weeks or months.
  12. I think it would be fair. After all, he lost the debate badly because he's a one trick pony spewing inarticulate hate and lies. He would do the same regardless of the venue. Hannity for one tried to help him save face once and he blew that one out his a** . He'll do it again without doubt. Then he will be without any defense except to claim Faux news is biased, so that's what he would do, looking all the more a fool. I wouldn't vote for him if he were running for village idiot.
  13. Hybrids make sense for most drivers. This is just one of many new hybrids to come.
  14. My personal observation: I drive every day and encounter local motorists with terrible driving skills every day as well. Sorry for being rude but these locals even dare to complain to me on the road when they are actually in the wrong.
  15. Yes at Bangkok Bank it is labeled as FTT. Another advantage of Wise is converting dollars to thb when rates are good but transferring it to Wise 'jar' and later transfer to your Thai bank from the jar any time you want to.
  16. Who would have thought anybody would vote against a women because of her gender, but there you are.
  17. Oh boy! You've done it now! Be prepared for a tongue-lashing for even daring to reveal such heresy as using personal research and personal discretion in buying a car that fits YOUR needs. Just pick an ev at random and drive the dam thing. I have it on good authority and 'direct experience' (but not my own) that it will all turn out great in the end. Disregard any information to the contrary.
  18. OK. I'll buy a bunch of toasters too. In for a penny,in for a pound.
  19. I suspect he was attacked and severely mauled by a vicious bag of weed when he was a child. I've seen this happen before. It hard to overcome such traumatic events at an early age.😔 Just cut him some slack.
  20. Agreed. 'Urging' the gov is good because it feels good but is ultimately futile.
  21. In my experience you are searching for a unicorn but I don't live in Pattaya. Good luck.
  22. Again, I was addressing the ev market in general. NOT ONLY THAILAND AND YOUR CAR. Also for every one who is happy as you are reports their experience, there are also many across ALL GLOBAL MARKETS who have had direct experience and are not pleased. If their experiences are not taken as likely factual then yours cannot be taken differently. Surely somebody somewhere has their own 'facts' that contradict yours. Which should I believe assuming I will not buy an ev and gain my own facts? If my experience does not agree with yours should I not consider it factual? That leaves me in the embarrassing situation of determining my buying decisions based solely on the reportedly positive evaluations of complete strangers. Is that why you bought your ev? Should I regard negative reviews on any product as false and positive as true? That seems derelict consumerism to me. All I can say is if the rest of the world has a different experience and EV sales are dropping then that must mean something. Alternatively you are right and everybody with a different experience is wrong. I'll go with that one. Thanks for your insights. I'm on my way to buy one each of every ev model in Thailand and gain my own direct experience. That would be a useful and fun exercise. That means I could drive a different ev every day of the month and I promise not to judge which ones I like the best. All ev are considered equal and my opinion would be worthless and could possibly persuade others not to buy, fools that they are. I'll get back to you with the results. Just hold your breath. In th e meantime please do continue your crusade of righteousness; the world will thank you for indisputable facts. Such are very hard to come by these days.
  23. We got off the track. By unwise consumerism I was referring to your comment that I should have no opinion on an ev since I didn't own one. I have already replied to that. My methodology is not buying things before I judge their worth to me. Therefore I must have a good opinion BEFORE I buy. Second I'm not very concerned about ev sales in Thailand. It's just statistical noise compared to larger markets. Besides that it is my observation that Thai nationals are not very savvy consumers so what they choose to buy is irrelevant to me. So enjoy your ev but allow me my opinion as I do yours. Me thinketh you protestith too much.
  24. I don't have to buy stuff and then regret it to know that it's not worth my money. If you are different then you're a lucky guy indeed despite following very unwise purchasing practice. I'm glad you are happy with your purchase. There are certainly many buyers who aren't, and no, I won't provide links for you. As for your second reply just remember that there are over 130 countries in the world and they are not so richly endowed with redundant charging stations as Thailand apparently is. The Hub of EV Charging for the world?😁 Here's a fact though. Many large car makers are reverting on their large investments and marketing efforts of EV. Alternatively, even though my arguments fall flat for you apparently they don't for car buyers now. Why do you suppose they are doing so? What do you know that they and I don't know? Come on. Give us a clue.... or start a EV car company and make your fortune quickly based on your inside knowledge. Here's my guess again though. People are seeing the current products won't fit their needs and have decided not to buy now. The car companies, not being stupid or emotional, have figured that out. I also strongly suspect that most of them didn't have to purchase an EV to make their decision. No worries though as I'm sure your vehicle will perform flawlessly for decades to come.
  25. Agreed. It would have changed the world. Too bad we will never know. After do many years it seems likely that DARPA would have released and claimed it as their own work though. The military advantages would have been to tempting to let it lie fallow. The simple explanation however is that the gov would want it all if he had succeeded; they just didn't know and definitely didn't want it falling into enemy hands. Occam's Razor explanation. Thanks for a thought-provoking question and civil discussion. It was refreshing.
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