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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. You are way too sane, reasonable, accommodating, civil, well-adjusted, and coherent to be posting on these forums. Either learn to be a total jerk or stop posting. You're making the rest of us look bad. Find a few good gripes, beat them to death, be rude and combative, and engage in senseless tit-for-tat endlessly with anybody that implies that you might be wrong about anything. Nice guys are not welcome here.
  2. If he was going down why is the front of his shoe trapped. Was he standing backwards looking up?
  3. Well, of course. Do you know how hard it is to move large military weapons and troops by road?
  4. Exactly. Thailand lauds the new train for bringing more tourists from China. But that's hardly the only benefit to China. This was the entire point of the silk road ; drive easy access for product shipping into other countries as well as military equipment when needed. If train tracks could be built across the ocean the entire South China Sea would be covered with them.
  5. Maybe a bit, but most will go to layers of middlemen. But for the record, if prices increase on virtually everything it's not a stretch to believe that affects the packaging companies too. Everybody but the middlemen have increases in operating cost.
  6. Orwell would be gratified to be so prescient and horrified to see today's world. I read it again every ten years and can mark the inexorable march of authoritarian rule across the globe.
  7. She has the right to have the car restored to it's original condition. I bet the pickup driver uses his brake more and phone less these days . Or not. (most likely)
  8. And you loved every second regardless of your groaning protestations.
  9. Well, good that she has the sense to push from the back of the chair. She's a keeper mate!
  10. I read a lot of Dickens in high school, and you're right. It's more understandable when you know he was paid by the word and wrote a lot of it in installments for some publisher. Every pence counts ya know. Makes me wonder if AN is paying GG by the word too.
  11. Indeed. I fund my wise account and currently get over 4% interest while it sits there. Then I transfer some to BBL (no BBL fee) whenever the thb weakens, like now.
  12. Clean bathroom and working AC. Most else is optional unless I'm staying a long time.
  13. Some netizens are easily mesmerized it seems. Maybe it's the parents that need the magic elixirs. ????
  14. He had a good point IMO. Although parents everywhere are proud of their kids, some Thai people take it to a new level. I'm amused at how many of the ads on Thai TV revolve around marvelous elixirs that promise incredible physical and mental powers evolving if they are fed religiously to the children. Of course most are just colored sugar water or flavored milks. They tout any vitamins or minerals intrinsic to the drinks as proprietary additives. From the number of such ads I suspect these things sell well.
  15. Renting has multiple pitfalls as well. Owning has multiple benefits. Visa issues are irrelevant to owning or renting long term. Many of us own homes here and are happy to have control of their dwelling and environment. Up to you. Your choices are often going to be different than others. Blanket statements are rarely helpful or accurate.
  16. Habituation is categorically different from addiction. Stop drinking coffee and you experience the true addiction withdrawal symptoms.
  17. Firecrackers are cheap and safe. After a few episodes the dogs will flee when you pull out the lighter. Additionally it will annoy the dog owner. You don't have to throw at the dog, just dop a few in your own driveway.
  18. As bizarre as it sounds, given the way things work here it may be the best solution. Though I've seen numerous posts about such problems yours is a unique answer. In the end probably the fastest and easiest way to solve the problem.
  19. The exact formula is proprietary but it contains petroleum distillates, similar to lacquer and paint thinners. I'd sure be hesitant to rub into my skin.
  20. What the CCP cannot gain with soft power they will gain with force. This aggression will only end in war because eventually some country will be forced to fight. The CCP sees every facet of society as a battlefield and every country an adversary to be conquered. It's just the way they roll.
  21. If you are desparately in need of anything, this is the wrong country to be in. Relying on anybody here for anything is a mistake. You are more likely to be scammed, robbed, thrown in jail, or simply ignored.
  22. Agreed. But it actually started years ago with the 'challenges' that killed kids and has progressed to the point of utter idiocy. They are now nothing but a metastasizing cancer on the internet.
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