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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Thanks for that presumably astute conjecture, but you didn't answer my question.
  2. Weak,but I'll take it as your best effort. Keep up the good work even though it's largely thankless and underappreciated for its humor!
  3. I'm curious. Would you say the same thing if your candidate was ahead in the polls? Truth is non-denominational and non-political. I do admire you for picking up the guttering torch though when many of your comrades here have decided that silence is the better part of the wisdom. (Admittedly, it doesn't take much to entertain me.)
  4. No. It is smaller than the cheaper one. 24 vs 26cm
  5. The thickness seems considerably more on the higher priced one. More material, more cost.
  6. Exactly right. The only way to respond to his constant stream of lies is to continue to refute them.
  7. He certainly looks svelte in that Tux. Wait . Men can't get pregnant.....right....? Is it possible that he isn't actually ........well never mind. Just a thought the way he comes down so hard on transgender peeps.
  8. Trump still rambles on about Biden. Biden isn't running for office.
  9. Tip: Use your phone GPS to mark the location of your car. Quick,simple,foolproof. I did it once on my first rental motorcycle trip into huahin. I returned to within 6 feet of my bike before recognizing it. Much relief.
  10. Agreed. Two months ago I returned to the usa for two months to close out my affairs there and prep my house for sale. I've been here nearly 6 years since getting a retirement visa. In that time I've been with a wonderful Thai woman, bought a house, gotten a dog, and abandoned any pirsuits or ambitions other that enjoying my life. The USA is chaos unbridled, a nation so polarized and a society so different than the wonderful life I led since being born in 1949 that it is unappealing and unrecognizable. I retired and left two weeks after a lunatic was elected president in 2016, just by coincidence. It's ironic that I'm doubling down on the eve of another tumultuous election involving the same madman. Regardless of the outcome, life there is going to be tense and tortuous for months or years to come. After only 3 weeks there I knew I had to escape for good and never return. I have no plans to ever see friends or family again. The tradeoffs I've made to live here are well worth the cost I paid; I have no regrets.
  11. Very big of you.
  12. Just as China had 'no choice' except to reject the UNCLOS ruling on the Phillipines EEZ?
  13. This just an example of the 'gray zone' warfare the CCP has been waging for years. Nothing to investigate.
  14. Thanks for showing up and adding hilarity to an otherwise boring and repetitive (if truthful) thread regarding Trump's pathological need to lie. No one can question your own pathological need to pander to a madman.
  15. I believe that he got no revelation at, but has duped billions of people into believing he did. Such is the way of 'belief', the basis of all religion: Not worth the wind it's printed on.
  16. But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who feels stuck in a married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle who is actually the one who's feeling sad. ========= There. I cut out the stuffing for you and now your "do as I say and not as I do" message is clearer.
  17. Joseph Smith got his 'facts' about mormanism from a hat, Mohammed from a goat. Where did you get yours? FOX NEWS?
  18. You truly have no idea how sorry you sound to sane folks. But your insight shows a vague glimmer of self-conciousness. Follow that thread and see what other devastating revelations it may hold for you.
  19. OP In your experience, are broad generalizations usually worth the breath to say?
  20. I give you credit for at trying to support your demigod. The frustration, embarrassment, and shame must be overwhelming. Most people have already had their fill of right-wing word salad though.
  21. Well. I opened this thread hoping to see some of his supporters try a disingenuous rationalization for his actions lately. But thus far they've decided to sit it out which is probably the better part of valor. Or maybe they just refuse to humiliate themselves trying to spin it. Just his detractors telling obvious truths (gasp!) about his failures. What fun is that? Where are his fist pumps and declarations of trashing Harris in the polls?
  22. The man's mind has always been a slurry and I think his mouth is just catching up with his brain.
  23. I certainly hope nobody engages the electronic parking brake before they start to park the car
  24. I recently changed from OA to O visa and had to prove my transfers from United States dollars to Thai baht to Bangkok Bank account. Bangkok Bank agreed FTT stands for foreign telegraphic transfer. They then went back 3 years and provided a printout of all of my ftt deposits for immigration office in hua hin. The immigration office concurred and I got my Visa with no problem. So though my experience is different from yours it may be because I use wise as my transfer agent and transfer is done in THB. Take it as you will but I accomplished what I needed to with immigration. In any event between the two of us we have probably helped a few people on this forum and I appreciate your help.
  25. BBL labels these as FTT on statements.
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