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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Like most forms of mental illness, the disorder known as religion crosses all social boundaries. No real point in making lists of those afflicted. To see the magnitude of the impairment just make a list of the multitude of different religions now extant, most of which claim to be the only 'true' one. 55555! Unfortunately it's all but incurable and has plagued mankind from the beginning of time. Fortunately, as society becomes more enlightened, the fraction of society suffering from this delusion gradually decreases, as statistics clearly show, especially in the EU. It won't happen in my lifetime but this 'destroyer of reason' will eventually be eradicated, hopefully before we make it the stars and poison other intelligent life there.
  2. That may be true but it doesn't matter if they don't use any at all. As far as I know, the primer is just a strong solvent that cleans and preps the pieces being joined. Interesting that the instructions advise joining the pieces while the solvent is still wet. I have to assume it serves a purpose. I don't really believe the cement here is any different than anywhere else. I think they don't use primer here because it's not free, requires effort, they don't really care about doing it right, and probably don't know how anyway. In any event the primer is much more important for pipes greater than 2" diameter. Too often, no cement is used at all, especially with buried electrical pvc conduit. In USA electrical pvc conduit is usually just friction fit, but glued if buried; not here. Also I've seen water pipe joints that come apart (my sprinkler system). When I find the leak and dig it up, the pipes slip apart very easily. Close inspection shows a ring of pvc cement around the ridge of the fitting. They shoved the pipe into the fitting and then put a bead of cement around the interface, NOT inside the fitting. Just ignorance I have to assume. Bottom line, as others have observed is that quality of workmanship here, in virtually all areas of construction, is just p*ss poor. If you can't do it yourself then it usually won't be done right.
  3. You misunderstood me. I can appreciate the stance Thailand is taking. Too many smaller countries are faced with this dilemma. Playing one side against another is a delicate and dangerous game, That's unfortunate but the struggle against autocracy is ongoing. The difference is that China and Russia wish for our total demise, are our enemy, and their destructive efforts should and must be resisted. Their enmity is a fact, not conjecture or even questionable, as you imply. America helped China rise to become a global force. Nixon created an enemy by helping open China to the world. He falsely believed it would put China on a track to democracy. This was naive in the extreme, but America did not wish to destroy China as it does to us. There is finally beginning a global recognition of the threat that China represents, and actions taken to defend against that threat. The sooner that happens the sooner a safer stable balance of power can be achieved. But it has to start by recognizing China very clearly as our enemy.
  4. True, if the leak is in external plumbing fixtures. Nearly all such leaks in my 11yo house have turned out to be in buried pvc pipes usually at a pipe fitting that had no cement on it. It is very common for them to fit pipes and conduits just as a friction fit. Even if they do use glue, I've never ever seen a joint done with primer. Such primer is purple so that inspection for good practice is easy. I count myself lucky if they just use glue though.
  5. This is not simply hearsay subject to individual interpretation. Both Russia and China explicitly state that they oppose western countries whose political/social structures they strive to dismantle or dominate. But even if not stated, to any rational observer their actions make the fact abundantly clear on a daily basis. Those who do not recognize their sworn enemies will surely succumb to them. Any species lacking this beneficial understanding are doomed to extinction. That is a fact of the natural world, not hearsay.
  6. Exactly correct. Morals and ethics are artificial psychological structures peculiar to humans only in the physical world. Therefore they exist only in the eye of the particular human viewing them. It's naive to expect such artifice to be the same all over the world, because humans are not the same everywhere.
  7. 'Correct'? How exactly do you know this? Who said it? I think you mean that's the version you remember so it must be the 'officially true' one.
  8. Hmmm. Yes, I was using a VPN (doesn't everyone now who understands the issues?), but think it was probably connected to Singapore. I had the same problem with my bank but finally twigged to the problem and switched the connection. I can call IRS,SSA, etc but logging on is a different thing. I too plan to use a close friend to get the phone codes she can message me on LINE. I'll try again with IRS using a USA connection. Thanks.
  9. And more of it. Anything that crawls, walks, flys or swims is considered food along with inanimate objects such as anything with roots, bird nests or shark fins. What's not to like?
  10. The UI is clumsy and awkward to use with half second delays in clicking buttons, but the call quality is good generally. Still get drops occasionally too. Still, the best I've found for my needs. The only fail I've found is using that number to open a USA IRS account. They accept only USA land-line and mobile number for verification during account login, and I have neither. They won't accept the Skype USA number for some reason.
  11. I got a USA Skype number and can call any USA landline or mobile phone. $10/month. The Skype unlimited plan mentioned edrlier in this thread may be a better deal though. If both parties are on the free Skype account they can call each other without any paid plan. LINE, telegram, signal and others wifi services are free too but require each party to have the app.
  12. That would have gotten very hot. It looks they used a hacksaw blade or toothed file. The saw marks show it wasn't an angle grinder blade. That's why it took so long. Rhetorical question : Would you let an unknown Thai man go at your tool with an angle grinder whining?
  13. I took his comment as more recognition of the fact that PT is just another version of the dinosaurs inhabiting the Senate. What's needed is another asteroid. Can the Thai populace conjure one up? Up to them.
  14. You're still looking at it too narrowly. Many replies here are never meant to explore ideas or offer suggestions. They are meant to publicly proclaim the actual live presence of the poster and the fact that they have an 'opinion' or clever word play that should and must be recognized and appreciated. If they can zap a few zingers at anyone else in the thread or actually start an argument, then so much the better. This is all completely decoupled from the original OP topic. (Kinda like this reply! 55555.) As I said, that'll teach ya'. You can put lipstick on a pig, but......... The key to contentment in the Kingdom is to lower your expectations......... of everything.
  15. Well past time to say goodbye to Twitter. What a steaming pile.
  16. As near as I can tell nearly all of the Thai population are sales people in one form or another. But that understandable when most of them are dirt poor.
  17. Ah yes; unintended consequences. That will teach ya'. You must be forgetting where you are posting. Nearly all threads have a fair share of wasted digital ink. Most annoying are running exchanges between two members who have impugned each other's intelligence/honor /standing/ego, etc. So we get to hear them polluting the thread by trading one or two line snipes for the next hour. It can be something as minor as the spelling of a word. That's when I move on even if it's an interesting thread. Maybe I've been here too long but I don't read most of this forum anymore . Just endless repetition and jaw-wagging.
  18. Sorry for that. May depend on the IO, but the bottom of the form makes it clear that you can fill it yourself. I confirmed with IO in Thalyang, same in Huahin. This topic is a perrenial favorite do I didn't waste a lot of words. Search old forums for confirmation.
  19. I absolutely love it Celsius. Perfect description of the slight odor to the OP that I mentioned in my reply in this thread. Smoother way to put it than mine was too.
  20. I agree with you, but I think the reason for their behavior is inevitable and clear. 1. Most if them have difficult lives financially, 2. They have lived long enough to know that Thai men as partners are a gamble 3. Many farang men appear to answer the first two needs 4. They have no reason their opportunities will improve as they age. 5.They are not 'dating', they are hunting. Who can argue with that logic? I suspect I would come to the same conclusion were I in their shoes/flip-flops. There's really nothing mysterious or unique about the OP's experience. If he doesn't wise up quickly he will stumble into a world of hurt, for himself and/or others. I have to add that his post has a faint odor of boastfulness laced with a whiff of virtue signaling. Maybe I'm wrong.
  21. Or at least only long enough to drain you dry.
  22. I think it's true. We won a genetic/geographical lottery in a very real sense. I was born in 1949 to a upper middle class family. We never wanted for anything and was taught to handle money. My life road seemed to present any opportunity I wanted and I took plenty of them . I loved my chosen career, electronic engineering, until the day I retired at 67. I just wanted to see new things. I'm more than secure financially and free to do what pleases me. I wonder at times about my choice of retiring to the Kingdom, but a fantastic Thai mate and reasonable contentment keep me here. I suspect it would be the same wherever I retired. I certainly have no regrets about coincidentally leaving USA two weeks after the Orange Slime took over. My generation took the big bite out of the sweet apple called America. Those times are gone for good I'm afraid. That tree is withered for lack of care by the people, the fruit rotten and wormy from greed and power, and hate and division poison the soil, maybe for generations to come. 'Retirement', like 'Peace', has become a word rapidly falling into disuse and will soon again become a quaint anomaly as it has been for the majority of recorded history. But at least some of us have recognized the blessing we were given. I am thankful for where and when I was born.
  23. Just go to a garden store. It's ubiquitous. Read the labels. The ingredients are usually writtrn in English too.
  24. Confirmation bias most likely. You see what you expect to. Or, turn it around: "Why is it that everybody I see not smoking cannabis is obsessed with shaving?" Obviously neither is true, as you already suspect.
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