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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Great idea. I'd also like a reference for this. OP, I assume you checked Lazada, Shopee, and the other usual suspects. My local pool store has nothing. Anybody have any thoughts?
  2. All we are, body and motion, is just temporarily borrowed from the cosmos. When we die we simply return the star dust and energy. Believing anything beyond that is most likely self-aggrandizing and self-indulgent wishful thinking.
  3. Agreed. Their driving shows a reluctance to stop or slow. Like the Zen Archer, all they see is their destination, nothing else between them and it.
  4. Bingo. I thought and did the same recently. Price difference w/shipping & install was minimal if any.
  5. Until uv destroys the foam. Paint will help but UV will eventually win.
  6. I think your solution will work. But I tried the blue LED kind and the don't work. Only the cylindrical tube UV lights work. There are some large area uv bulb zappers that are powerful current. I saw them on Lazada or shopee but didn't buy one. I use a smaller tube version which works quite well though. Good luck.
  7. Phillips for sure, as you and others have said 4000W is ludicrous. The OP is way over-thinking this .
  8. So when a threat becomes boring or too much trouble the logical thing to do is to ignore it. Let's also ignore the growing body of evidence that ANY level of covid infection or symptoms may lead to failure of various organs within years of contracting it. Got it. Very refined wisdom.
  9. Please verify that this is the newer bivalent please. I've had two Pfizer plus a booster about 8 months ago. You post is wonderful since I live close and I've been wondering if the newer Vax is available. Thanks.
  10. When I got a colonoscopy recently I simply went to three hospital sites, including a public hospital, got an info email address and stated my query in English . All three responded with a few days. Surprisingly, the public gov hospital was only slightly cheaper. I went with a private hospital and was more than pleased.
  11. It's sad and pathetic that a girl in a bikini top warrants a news article and pages of replies on a forum.
  12. Well, his song writing and singing career shows great promise. No?
  13. Such stories don't surprise me as much as the fact that sane folks are willing to live there. Yes, I went there once one early afternoon on the way to Rayong. We drove around the nightlife area for 30 minutes, recognized it for what it is, and rolled back to the highway. Once was enough for me; I just don't see the attraction. Brings to mind the truism "you are what you eat". But, like food, each person can choose what they personally consume.
  14. As often said : those who lust for power are the ones who deserve it the least.
  15. Wise uses mid-market FX rates. Most banks offer exchange rates considerably higher. That is the entire point of Wise's business model. If you follow such topics on AN you see many folks here use Wise as I have for 5 years. It's the fastest and cheapest. It should be the first resort and other methods the last, as you noted.
  16. Nobody can see it, but take it on trust that my phone is wet from the gushing volume of heart-felt tears falling on it. Nonetheless, I strenuously applaud the new immigration rules and hope they are stringently enforced. Hitting targets on Chinese visitor counts is very low on my list of concerns, well below my fear of contracting athletes foot.
  17. Well, pretty much anything is safer, on major roads, than a motorcy. I'll assume your comment is rhetorical. Any vehicle more than a few dozens kilo in weight that won't stand up on its on is dangerous. Pretty simple rule. I rode a motorcy the first two years I was here. Realizing my naivete and deciding my number would inevitably come up eventually, I sold the bike and bought a smaller sedan. What one can never protect from here is being hit from behind, and that never ends well for a bike rider. My mother often said "you pays your money and you takes your chances". I previously lived near a popular Colorado mountain climbing area known as Eldarado Canyon. When I went hiking there I regularly saw people free-scaling the sheer rock faces. I also often saw rescue teams spending hours recovering their bodies. They gambled and lost. If you choose to take such risks you should be prepared to accept the potential consequences. I feel sorry for this guy and all the others like him but won't be contributing to his cause. He gambled and lost.
  18. Male gynecologists? Male plastic surgeons doing breast implants? Should we be suspicious of them as well? I don't care if my mechanic has a fixation on mufflers as long as he does excellent work on my car. Where does it end? Or is this simply gratuitous speculation?
  19. Same for me. 6m thb, Bangkok Bank acct in Huahin. Transferred using Wise. No questions ever asked. I regularly transfer 10k USD with no questions ever. YMMV
  20. Of course this is nonsense but it does raise the question of who brainwashed you. BTW, the dollar is under pressure, and has been for decades, but the idea of any country "rapidly de-dollarising" is simply silly. What currency would you like to see become the world's reserve currency instead? Wait, let me guess.......
  21. Phalanges are fingers. I think that what he meant. ????
  22. Sorry, the minimum requirement is 15 cows. So close yet so far!
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