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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. The first year I was here it seemed that way to me also. I've come to understand that they aren't aiming for you, but they surely don't care if they accidentally kill you, and clearly don't care if they die too. Nothing will change until the people themselves tire of losing friends and family on the roads.
  2. Just the facts. Nana Dental Clinic in Huahin put 6 implants, upper and lower jaws for my GF two years ago. Have two year grantee on the implants, and 6 month revisits for checkup. Excellent work. Total cost 210,000฿. SOA office equipment, clean, modern office. Female doctor, fully trained in USA and new training in USA once a year. Husband is dentist in USA and American man. I fully and totally recommend her. Non-stop bus available directly to Huahin from Bangkok Airport, ~3 hr ride. For implants you'll probably want to be here for the first month after work for followup etc. If bone marrow work needed before implant, plan on longer. A good dentist will tell you careful work and frequent checkups are crucial for successful implants. PM if you have questions.
  3. That would be my preference. My point is that I don't really carry if he's being unjustly persecuted or not, whether the justice department is biased, or any of the other right wing rants. I'm willing to sacrifice my own ethics and morals to see the man gone. IMO America is going down a bad road; avoiding the mistake of leaving this man in any capacity to influence others is worth any sacrifice of ethics. If USA is going to hell I just want him gone with it. All I know is what America used to stand for and this man definitely ain't that.
  4. Really. I don't care. I just want him gone. As you say, I loathe the man. If you are right about your conspiracy theory at least this time something good will come of it. The ends much more than justify the means. Sad perhaps, but I'm so deathly tired of the man and the destruction that follows him everywhere. I don't care if he's killed, dies, flees the country into exile, or goes up in smoke as long as he's gone.
  5. Especially on a one way street. Some of the more cunning drivers consider it a great opportunity to save a few seconds of transport time.
  6. Smart enough to know the election was a farce and they've been screwed again. Some people are driven to seek justice and some content to sit and watch, or, worse, even criticize them.
  7. Nice sentiments but you're wrong. It doesn't, hasn't, and won't start from anywhere. The Thai people accept the carnage and loss of family members so why would anyone else care? Keep your eyes and ears open and never, for an instant, think Thai drivers see you or care if they wipe you out.
  8. He will soon adapt and also become 'breathless' so he can keep his snout in the trough without coming up for air. How can one doubt Darwinism?
  9. I read this twice and it still makes no sense. Must be me.
  10. So you've learned the lesson. I went to Phuket once and Pattaya once. They were everything I imagined them to be. I won't be going again.
  11. When I lived in new jersey it was referred to as 'Philthydelphia'. That was in the late 60's and I doubt it's gotten better.
  12. I like it. In summary: Live until you die.
  13. I was alarmed at the headline. I immediately got online to my bank and made a significant donation to his defense fund. I encourage others to do the same. (not really. I would however pay good money to see him in jail tomorrow)
  14. He is obviously not OK. Note the orthopedic shoes .
  15. Next headline : Zombies wander the street by the thousands, all holding a hand up to their faces in rigid anguish. Doctors suspect a new virus that affects arm muscles after invading the cerebral cortex. As of this time there is no know cure, only palliative care until the patient expires.
  16. Couid have been a Ukrainian drone. I'm going with that because I like it better. Thankfully we are now in an age where any idea from anybody is acceptable as truth, aka 'alternative fact'.
  17. Yeah, but the only real rain we've had since rainy season started. Welcome, but we need more. Most of the pineapple fields around me have been newly planted. Without more rain they will do nothing.
  18. I would think that such manual labor would be taken on as an exercise in mindfulness while serving the temple. It's not like they have real jobs anyway. Of course leaves and rubbish don't tithe or give the monks fruit baskets.
  19. I'm convinced that a majority of road accidents here are a direct result of the 'Me First' movement. There are so many members cutting across all lines of society they should form the MFP and take the PM seat.
  20. Why presume it's even weed smoke? Could be tobacco.
  21. I'll take your word for that. But of course a VPN has two ends. The first, your device, encrypts the data. Somewhere it has to be decrypted and connected to the web. Maybe apple has its own server farms for this. Otherwise it's useless and I don't trust apple farther than I could throw their corporate headquarters. It's the far end connection that you must put your trust in. Choose that very carefully. If you don't pay for the service how do you think they can offer it without monetizing their clients in some way? Server farms in dozens of different countries have costs to pay. If Google offers a free VPN do you believe they don't get something (hint: your data) from it? I have both express VPN and Trust.Zone on different devices.
  22. That has not been my experience. I'm sure you're correct in some places, but not all for sure. I find it impossible to believe that buying jewelry requires an ID except in a few places that I would refuse to buy from. . If you give an ID of any sort when buying it is the first in a series of counterparty risks. I prefer anonymity.
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