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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. It will be interesting to see how many participants are mowed down and left for dead by the local drivers. Happens every year. Being anywhere in the Kingdom within sight of a road/path /sidewalk/trail is a life-threatening activity.
  2. I've had to do this most of my life in America. Any words of more than two syllables are derided as, '$20 words'. It is a fact that vocabulary not used, especially verbally, is finally lost altogether. Americans speak in strings of cliches, colloquialisms, and idioms so only vague and fuzzy concepts are easily conveyed. Sad actually.
  3. Well, it seems good enough for the English. Folks from other countries might have a different opinion. (ask a silly question, you get a silly answer)
  4. There is a theory that human development took a quantum leap forward when our brains developed the ability to envision/project the course of future events and how a situation might unfold. Planning a bison hunt is an example. However, my observation is that forward thinking is a cultural deficit here. I see it in their their stubborn insistence on living completely in the moment with disdain for conjecture or thought of the future. Clearly this is not an evolutionarily successful adaptation.
  5. Good idea. How do we start? What will you do? Please advise guidance.
  6. Lucky b**tard. One is enough for me but I can dream.
  7. Looks like she was at a paint store when it was bombed. Ugh!
  8. Just another New Year's Resolution that evaporates by January 3. Disregards Rocketdog
  9. The humor of that trope faded decades ago. Let it go already. Now it simply sounds willfully ignorant.
  10. The simple answer is that the people obsessed with running other people's lives seek and obtain the power and money to do just that by any means possible. The people interested in only their own lives don't do that. Money and power attract each other and invite collusion to further their own agendas of control. This is a story as old as humankind. The oppressed and the oppressors, the repressed and the repressors, the bosses and the workers, the politicians and the voters, etc. It will never end and can never end because people are people and it's what we do. We're fundamentally still just large-brained monkeys slinging feces at each other.
  11. I'm more radical than that. I think anybody should be free to do what they want with their own body if not harming others. So hard drugs, abortion, suicide, selling organs: up to them. Not my concern. But too many people in every country, especially religious zealots (meaning anybody who 'believes'), think they know best about how people should manage their lives. They are the most insidious and entrenched threat to freedom. And they are everywhere and always will be. They are the ones to fear and loathe.
  12. Sure. Whatever you say. BTW, I've been an avid smoker and grower for over 50 years; long before it was legal to do in America. But I still cherished the freedoms I had there. A glass half full is better than an empty one.
  13. If you don't feel that you have a stake in a freer and more prosperous society, then you don't. Leave it to others to determine their own destiny.
  14. Not being snarky, but... FYI: The idiom is "off the top of my head". (as with most idioms it doesn't make much sense). But I take your point. We'll see. This may be the most important election in Thai politics for many decades. We expats can't vote but we still have a stake in the Kingdom being more democratic.
  15. Hmmmm. Where have I heard this before? Do all wanna-be dictators read the same operations manual or what? "Government Overthrow for Dummies"?
  16. Perhaps so, but such zombie re-runs are becoming more common it seems regardless of the OP.
  17. Agreed. I have been doing transfer from USA to Los, same account, for about 5 years. No browser changes, large amount, new account, etc that others here have hypothesizied. I have no other ideas why, but I went thru the same drill a few days ago before a transfer. I also had to repeat the picture process several times before it was accepted. I soon got a confirmation email and the transfer was uneventful. The email suggested that I would not have to do it again, at least anytime soon. I sure hope not. I strongly suspect every customer will be completing this process themselves soon. It's a sign of the times. The emergence of the internet in the 1990's promised so many wondrous things, and has in fact delivered many. But as with all things humans do, the bad players soon came in. Social media grew into the cesspool it is today, new jobs emerged for the so called 'influencers' that post garbage to draw more advertising dollars, security has turned so intense that it can bring one to tears, data breaches and identity theft so common, that it is now just a dangerous chore to do much on the internet of any consequence. There is no true security available short of simply unplugging totally. It's a risk to even have a computer connected to the web. The workforce assembled over the last decade to confront the security challenge is now quitting their jobs as too stressful and never-ending. The internet is now nothing but a tool for state actors to peddle harmful influence to their enemy societies and the rest of it nothing but a huge marketing tool that inundates us from every direction with pleas to buy their product. One cannot scroll three inches of text before some advertising pops up. Why is it that everything humans touch ends up as a dumpster fire? Watch the documentary "The Social Dilemma" to understand the self-inflicted threat we all now face. The truism "can't live with it and can't live without it" now has nothing to do with women. We have truly painted ourselves into a corner this time. As with climate change, this cannot end well, even as we renew our pledges daily to ignore it all and bury our heads even deeper in the sand.
  18. After 24 days I'm still waiting for the demise of this topic.
  19. Don't the four legs and hooves get in the way? I assume you are fitted with a custom saddle as well. Does it like carrots and apples or only peaches?
  20. Spandex helps a lot. Gathers and shapes the flab.
  21. They're all making money off foolish viewers who are most certainly wasting their time.....and money. Like a certain former American president, should we curse him or his supporters? Fools all. These so called 'influncers' are the bane of the internet, degrading to all involved in such a hot mess.
  22. Sure, except for about 12 hours each day, and even more on cloudy days, when it's definitely not working. Then you use storage batteries which are only slightly cheaper than a reactor and are all made in China. Take your pick.
  23. Best reply I've read do far. I got very lucky when I met a friend of a friend. We hit it off immediately, dated 6 months and then lived together since for over 5 years. She's 50, I still find her very attractive and she gets lots of stares at the beach in her bikini. She's only 6th grade educated but bright, active, and industrious. Her ethics and morals are solid. In my old age I've learned that education, accomplishment, world knowledge, and clever conversation are not the basis of an enduring and fulfilling relationship. Yes, I support her but she does the same for me in multiple ways. Our relationship gets better every day. We're very simpatico. My advice to the OP is to look for such 'lower class' women, and that's very easy if you speak Thai. Go to any shopping center or store like Global House or Makro. Visit restaurants in smaller villages and just sit for a beer or two. Pick one you like and simply introduce yourself, ask if you can buy her coffee. She will accept or not. After a cup of coffee you can decide to continue or not. Kind of like speed dating. As others have said, be sincerely and genuinely yourself. Humans are very good at detecting insincerity. If you're a poser, then that's who you will attract. You will be surprised at how many Thai women become more attractive once you know them better. Some of them will feel the same about you. So essentially I'm recommending doing almost the opposite of how the OP is approaching the issue. What does he have to lose at this point?
  24. I only been here for 6 years, but I'm still waiting for the "not hot" part. Is it every leap year or what?
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