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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Sorry. I thought you were responding to my response,etc. We're on the same page. His advice is nonsense in every way. Sad case I believe.
  2. He had an insulated bucket. The problem arose in the transfer.
  3. OK look. I get that avoiding questionable places and groups of people, male and female is a good idea. Staying out of disputes not your own is solid advice too, especially here. My reactions are to the laughably fatuous advice to avoid ALL Thai men, at ALL times and places. Drivel.
  4. My advice is to give cancer a wide berth. That's got to be way easier than avoiding every male in Thailand. OK. I'm done. It was amusing for a while but now it's just plain silly.
  5. That's all you can say? OK, I'm leaving tonight; I just can't stand the suspense of waiting innocently for the death that is undoubtedly stalking me even now. Some Thai people live near me and some are clearly (gasp) male. It's true they look very old and even fragile but no point in taking risks, right?
  6. 2baht was reprimanding my post. I would say that you and I have been supernaturally lucky to still be breathing. Of course I value his advice and it's worth every satang of the @2baht I never paid him. I'm leaving the country tonight, back to the USA where it is so much safer. Wait...... Hmmmm. S**t! Now I'm very conflicted and just plain scared. What to do?
  7. If I leave my home I am absolutely sure to eventually come within striking distance of some Thai male, possibly more than one. Should I run or preemptively attack him/them from behind with a baseball bat? Would it be wiser to avoid any near proximity with Thai women as well, just in case? The problem is that this country seems absolutely bursting with Thai people. How was I to know I should fear and loathe them all? What say you? Just seeking more sage advice.
  8. Excellent attitude. Before you see them be sure to memorize the Thai words for "F#em!" to be sure they understand you.
  9. You are aware, I'm sure, that there are literally tens of millions of them here. The only way to heed your advice is to depart the country posthaste. I'll just have to take my chances I guess, as I've been doing for nearly six years.
  10. Yes. Do it that way. Get bank drafts, separate for the two fees. Worked great for me with USA renewal 5 months ago. Took ten days round trip. Delivered to my door by courier.
  11. Yes, that's essentially what I meant. Many such cables also delete the inner two contacts on the connector. However it's accomplished, without those inner pins data cannot be transmitted. If the contacts are there the only way to know if the data lines are dead is to try a data transfer or test continuity which is difficult because of the tiny connectors. I think between us the point has been made. Thank you.
  12. Ah! Good start. But there is only a single 100% risk free option: use a charger cable that has no data pins. The inner pins of a Type B connector are data. The two outer pins are power. The 'charger' cable won't have inner pins. Just look at the connector you're using. If it has data pins then you're at risk. .
  13. It will be an instant 'classic' photo and will be in countless history books as well as enjoying a position of prominence on my living room wall. It should be in every classroom as well as a reminder of how close America came to authoritarian rule.
  14. If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing. Nobody scrapes only half the d*gs**t off their heel.
  15. No rooster, it's not OK. I've seen numerous examples of moderators scolding posters about saying exactly, verbatim, what you did in your first sentence. Yeah, petty I know, but there you have it. I'm never quite understand the negative nature of such a peccadillo (word chosen specifically for your delight).
  16. Last August, 10 days from me at post office to courier delivering to my door. Huahin I went with the bank draft payment option the embassy offered.
  17. I agree with your protective sentiments. It is with deep regret, and born of an abiding concern for the safety and welfare of our Chinese brethren, that I must add voice to the chorus of other well-wishers: My Chinese brothers and sisters, please do not risk the existential threat that travel to Thailand poses; go anywhere else in the solar system, but make no landing in Thailand. ????
  18. Yes, it's a problem. I did that for friends, neighbors in America etc for radio, TV, computer, printer, etc I quit after a while because if anything went wrong after I touched the device it was automatically my fault and they felt I should always fix it forever. It's nothing but a liability without compensation or end.
  19. I agree completely. The 'packed' thing is obviously a ruse probably most often used to prevent cancelation and gain time to order the product and then reship to you, just as you say. I'm well aware of the COD vs Bank/card debates on the forums. I understand the pros/cons but am COD advocate for the simple reason that the one with the cash has the ultimate control. In the rare event I cannot find expensive items locally I buy from Lazada using bank payment, but I look very hard locally before doing so. I, like many others here have been a victim of the 'packed' to 'shipped' to 'canceled' game one too many times. Now, I give them a few days to move beyond packing. If they don't I send them a message saying if they don't ship by a certain date I will simply refuse delivery and COD payment. This is acceptable to lazada (I've asked them) unless grossly abused. In the few times I've done it the item magically changed status to 'shipped' within my time limit with no further messages from the store. Clearly they stand to lose not only the income but also suffer shipping costs both ways. It is, in my opinion, the lever Lazada gives the buyer over shipping delays by the vendor. There are very few items so unique that many other shops (some owned by the same individual) carry the same item at competitive prices. Money talks and it's not always gentle. As always, YMMV.
  20. You've got it on one. Best idea yet and easy to implement. I use a float level switch in several such applications including my koi pond fill solenoid. Mounting it onto the tank near the top is the only challenge. Of course the conduit wiring back to the solar tank should be robust. The final challenge is getting into the pump wiring to open the solar cell feed to the pump when the tank is full. But the control logic you name is the simplest solution, but not achieved in the few hours the OP has left to work it.
  21. Suppression of abortion rights? The vast majority of Americans favor abortion rights.
  22. ‌Carbohydrates:‌ 4 calories per gram ‌Fat:‌ 9 calories per gram ‌Protein:‌ 4 calories per gram
  23. Any official news coming out of China can only be trusted in a single respect : It furthers the CCP agenda ; no more, no less. Trusting anything related to the Chinese government is simply stupid.
  24. Amen. I've slipped on too many bathroom tiles here. We bought three high quality bathroom mats for each bathroom. They are now several years old and still doing well. Even tiles with a textured surface are dangerous.
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