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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. OP, as long as your spending your time on such speculations try this. How would you catorgorize someone who dresses etc like other groups but in fact does so because they like it? Maybe they did so before it was popular. Would that make that person the sheep herder or has he devolved to be a sheep? Think long and carefully because this is an extremely important point in your worldview.
  2. There you have the hard kernel of many of the Kingdom's problems. Cultural aversion to forethought in any activity or endeavor : you called it planning. Like the road carnage, this will never change because there is zero will among the population to do so. Thailand has doomed itself to third world status forever.
  3. Agreed. It is simple and fast once you've been through it. I do it immediately if I'm not pleased with an item. Moreover, you can have it picked up by a courier or drop at 7-11, both at no charge. I always pay COD. I've never been denied a refund and it goes directly into my Lazada wallet within a day or so.
  4. I'm OK with that. I call a threat as I see it, not based on race at all. A rabid animal is a threat regardless of what animal it is. Note that I referred to the CCP, not the Chinese race. I'm not concerned about the north Korean people either but I certainly fear their government's ambitions. Your political bias is shining through. Or is it just virtue signaling on your part? What do you have against hogs anyway? Animal bigot?
  5. Sure, that's an issue. But that's not what you were saying. You spoke about individuals selling to foreigners. Drop the deflection thing.
  6. If the CCP can't buy it then it steals it. If it can't buy or steal it will invade it. Total world domination is their goal and they openly admit it. The world has been way too slow in grasping this threat but that's changing now. If it's racist to say that then I'm OK with that. I call it cultural affinity and I greatly prefer freedom to servitude under foreign masters.
  7. To be clear, the offer is open to any foreigner, you included. None the less, it's like selling body parts in my opinion.
  8. OK, so he's an incompetent bigot. Still a bigot.
  9. Is that the same as "two for one sales "? I'm confused. (nothing new there)
  10. Wait. Are you talking about a certain former president? Sounds so familiar.
  11. This is a key point of confusion. My understanding is that your OA has to be within two weeks of expiration AND you have no re-entry permit. If you have more than two weeks before expiration they will not issue a tourist visa. The rest of the plan is as several have mentioned. I renewed my extension of stay at Huahin last week and had a minor hiccup with my insurance registration. The agent, one we know, recommended that I do an exit and return for an O visa next year. So this route is commonly recognized. I want insurance and got in before the insurance increase requirement next month. So I'll take this gambit when I renew next year. I'd be happy to see @ubonjoe weigh in on the two week factor. Other than that this approach seems well documented.
  12. It's sad that so many folks don't recognize that such engineering models are actually beta testing for the Thai Moon Mission. This piece, for instance is a radiation barrier for the spacecraft Bay windows. I guess you all believe the Chinese submarine purchases are intended for marine use? Silly rabbits! And those Chinese engine purchases? Just a distraction. The real spacecraft will be powered by 4,298 motorcycle engines operating in tandem. This is just a way to hide the massive 'black project' costs of the program from the public. So, for all you cynics: "put that in your pipe and smoke it". And....... that's legal now!
  13. So you think if every expat resisted such fees they would stop charging them? Very amusing theory.
  14. Good for you. Some replies here show that it depends on the office. Either way the $15 means nothing to me. I have zero interest in challenging immigration over trivial things. My goal is to make my life as easy as possible and to enjoy my life here.
  15. No. Frankly I don't care about the $15 or about challenging people at immigration over such trivia. Up to you.
  16. As you say except at Huahin office I had to get multiple copies of both passport scans and pay 500 thb. Took about 30 minutes.
  17. Banks are for banking and insurance companies are for insurance. Cut out the middleman.
  18. Rolling is difficult, but getting it lit is even harder. I have started using a propane torch.
  19. It is their business. In fact it's a major part of their cult to force others to do their will.
  20. Yeah I tried that too. Going in is OK but going out is like a fish hook. Not good for a happy ending either.
  21. My home is surrounded by pineapple fields. I regularly run and walk my dog through them. Technically I guess I'm trespassing. I regularly see and greet field workers and am on good terms with all of them and have never been challenged. There are normally many pineapple cut or dropped by accident off a truck during harvest. Frequently workers give me pineapples. However, my Thai wife cautioned me to never touch or pick up a pineapple on my walks. She maintains that I am under scrutiny as a farang and somebody would love a chance to complain. I believe her. On the other hand I have been wildly successful growing okra, American tomatoes (you know, the ones that taste like a real tomato), cucumbers, and other veggies in my garden on the edge of the fields and immediately adjacent to a dirt road accessing the fields. I've never seen or noticed any theft. Live and let live is working for me.
  22. China has a habit of claiming ANY land ANYWHERE as suits its mood. You sleep with dogs you wake up with fleas.
  23. I don't understand a thing you said but I'm sure it made sense to you.
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