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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Really? Do you have evidence that anyone knew about these old classified files sitting unnoticed and unread for so many years? Can you think of any reasonable explanation for them being there other than someone carelessly misfiling them and forgetting about them? In the case of Trump, who clearly knew about the files he taken and resisted returning them to the point of forcing the Justice Department to execute a warrant to retrieve them, all sorts of unpleasant possibilities come to mind.
  2. "Going back to before the invasion, negotiations with some loss of land to Russia might have saved all this death and destruction." It's more likely it would have lead to a more aggressive Russia and more land grabs. It was insufficient push-back after Russia grabbed parts of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine that led Putin to believe he could keep slicing off pieces of neighboring countries with little consequence. "Gorbachev ended the Afghanistan war- they didn't actually lose IMO" And in the opinion of many making the cost of the war in Ukraine unacceptable to the people of Russia will lead to Russia's leader, maybe Putin's replacement, ending the war.
  3. Try reading the full article. "Gulagu.net's founder Vladimir Osechkin told the BBC that Mr Medvedev had joined the paramilitary group in July 2022 on a four-month contract, but had deserted after witnessing a host of human rights abuses and war crimes while serving in Ukraine." "In a video posted by Gulagu.net to its social media channels, Mr Medvedev said he fled Ukraine in November after being informed that the group intended to extend his contract indefinitely." He signed a four month contract with a private business, witnessed war crimes, and was told he couldn't leave after four months. He didn't desert, he fled enslavement.
  4. Off-topic, but there is proof the square root of 2 is an irrational number. It's not that difficult: https://www.wikihow.life/Prove-That-the-Square-Root-of-Two-Is-Irrational No lawyer with any brains will tell you that something that has been agreed upon by both parties is a fact. Do you make any attempt to verify what you post? Or do you just troll?
  5. ? Did you reply to the wrong post? What facts did I get wrong?
  6. Evidently nobody knew the Biden documents were there which would have made them very secure. People don't break into garages to still boxes of old files. The National Archives, the Justice Department, and Trump knew the documents were at Mar-a-Lago. It's likely other people did as well. Trump should have returned them when asked. Nobody has given a good reason why he didn't.
  7. "Were the Microsoft employees performing way under par?" The article doesn't say, but probably not. They were probably laid off because they were the most recent hires. That's a harsh fact of life when working for big businesses in the US. "Were the Microsoft employees removing customers based on their political affiliation?" Were the Microsoft employees burying important information prior to an election?" No, these decisions were made at a much higher level. Will Twitter survive after firing half its workforce? It will probably limp along for a while, but long term survival, and what kind of company will survive, is very uncertain. Will Microsoft survive after laying off less than 5% of its workforce? Yes. Will Musk lose money and does he regret his foolish offer to buy Twitter, which he was forced to honor? It's safe to assume the answer is yes to both. Does the market driven down-sizing of Microsoft compare to the reckless mismanagement of Twitter? Not at all.
  8. Apparently papa has gaps in his knowledge. For example Russia said the Minsk Accord didn't apply to Russia. "A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now Do you think it is inevitable that Russia will roll over Ukraine? Do you think Russia will stop at Ukraine, especially if resistance to its invasion ends?
  9. Funny that your middle numbers, the one's headlined with the large 42.36%, are not part of your linked source and are completely out of line with the other out-of-date numbers. I assume it comes from OECD data, which you didn't want to use as a source because it shows that the US spending is below average among rich nations as a percent of GDP. https://data.oecd.org/gga/general-government-spending.htm Maintaining the human, physical, legal and other forms of infrastructure necessary for a modern, competitive economy is expensive. However not maintaining this infrastructure is even more expensive. The US government is not spending too much, it is allowing far to many tax loopholes for corporations and the wealthy.
  10. Seriously? Is the statement "Strong enough to lead NATO and confront Russia? Thanks to Biden we're already there." difficult for you to comprehend? I'm sorry, I can't make it simpler. Perhaps you can explain how Trump's habit of kowtowing to dictators and alienating allies makes America stronger.
  11. Strong enough to lead NATO and confront Russia? Thanks to Biden we're already there.
  12. Trump was lambasted for not returning the documents when requested, and using lawyers and lies to resist returning them.
  13. I see. You believe the GOP must destroy America to save it. Another indicator of fanaticism.
  14. Correct. Time to rescind the Republican tax cuts, not limited to those implemented by Mitch McConnell that Trump is credited with.
  15. I see; party before country. That's fanaticism, not patriotism.
  16. Classified in the military is handled much more carefully. I assume that is the case for classified in other parts of the government made up of career professionals. However it appears that classified in the White House is handled carelessly. I assume that is because no one feels they have the power to tell elected officials and their chosen staff that they have to follow the rules or accept the consequences.
  17. Probably. I don't think there are too many people experienced in covert operations using the Soviet era nerve agent Novochok. Andrey Medvedev better cut a deal that involves a new identity that is a well guarded secret.
  18. Questions that should be answered in every security investigation of unsecured classified.
  19. Let's play real war-time politics here: If the man provides info that will be useful in dealing with Wagner and Russia then grant him asylum. If he is of no use then treat him like a criminal on the run.
  20. You're confused. It's Putin who is sending young men to a foreign country to die, not Zelensky.
  21. Putin didn't bring the country from collapse, oil did. When oil prices are high the Russian economy does well, when it is low the economy suffers. https://carnegieendowment.org/images/article_images/Movchan_Graphs_English-03.jpg Winning elections is easy when you poison, murder or imprison all opposition and control the press.
  22. Not unless you can provide a source for your claim that President Biden stated that he was the one who misplaced this classified.
  23. Chomper Higgot was good enough to identify and post the relevant statute. Notice that intent is necessary for there to be a crime. Posting and reposting your uninformed opinions of the law do not change the law. What Biden's team did was careless but is not illegal unless someone can prove intent. What Trump's team did--denying, lying, refusing to return government property, etc.-- was clearly illegal.
  24. Of course they don't want Trump's. They're terrified of what they might find.
  25. You mean three different office and storage spaces? Yes. Do you have proof that Joe Biden was the one to misplace this classified and not someone on his staff?
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