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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Could you be any more of a pro-Russian troll?
  2. "Perhaps because winning isn't the goal. The goal is to fuel the machine." Right; state your conspiracy theory as a fact and assume foolish people will believe you. To the foolish: Do you really think Zelensky, Biden, and other supporters of Ukraine will be saddened if Russia gives up and leaves Ukraine?
  3. Here's a World War 2 comparison: Hitler justified his invasions of other countries by claiming he was defending German people and giving them land to live on. Just like Putin is doing. There are a lot of Hungarians in Romania, a lot of French in Canada, a lot of Chinese in Thailand..... Let the fighting begin!
  4. I think the World War 2 comparisons are very warranted.
  5. Do you think the Russian people are more likely to stop Putin if he is allowed to rebuild the Soviet Empire? I think they are more likely to stop Putin when they see he is bleeding his country to death with little to show for it.
  6. Gee, and here I thought "the bear" was poking Ukraine. I still think that. Please explain how Ukraine "poked the bear", other than by defending itself.
  7. Joe Biden has accomplished far more legislatively and diplomatically in two years that Trump did in four. If that is how he performs at diminished capacity, it's a pity he wasn't elected President sooner.
  8. Great. Tell us what crimes the FBI, Hunter Biden and the "Bidens" should be prosecuted for, and what evidence there is. Remember, rants from far right wing-nuts doesn't count as evidence. And try to make the crimes comparable to Trump's; saying the FBI is corrupt because an agent was caught jay-walking doesn't cut it.
  9. "The "university" started with a free 90-minute seminar, continued to a three-day seminar that cost $1,495, and charged $35,000 for the "Trump Gold Elite" package, which promised personal mentorship from experienced instructors "handpicked by Trump."" "At every seminar, students were told that the most valuable secrets were only available at the next, more expensive level, according to an investigation from New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman." "Instead, most of the curriculum came from an unnamed "third-party company that creates and develops materials for an array of motivational speakers and seminar and timeshare rental companies."" https://www.vox.com/2015/7/29/9067429/trump-university "The free seminars were the first step in a bait and switch to induce prospective students to enroll in increasingly expensive seminars starting with the three-day $1495 seminar and ultimately one of respondents’ advanced seminars such as the “Gold Elite” program costing $35,000." "At the “free” 90-minute introductory seminars to which Trump University advertisements and solicitations invited prospective students, Trump University instructors engaged in a methodical, systematic series of misrepresentations designed to convince students to sign up for the Trump University three-day seminar at a cost of $1495." https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/trump-university-scam/ I have degrees from Duke University and the Air Force Institute of Technology. I've taken graduate engineering courses at the University of New Mexico and specialty courses at MIT and UCLA, among other schools. I was never promised anything more than the opportunity to learn. The fraudulent Trump University certainly violated any implied Warranty of Merchantability, but real universities don't. Real universities provide an education in any number of fields. Real universities don't urge people to max out their credit cards with promises of skills that will let them get rich in real estate taught by professors hand-picked by Trump (they weren't). Regarding your Merrill Lynch and UBS Paine Webber work experience; financial planners who are fiduciaries are required by law to work in their clients interests. Most people who present themselves are financial planners are not fiduciaries and steer clients to products that pay the planners generous commissions and other fees. Consumers beware.
  10. Both Prayut and the generals in Myanmar think the best possible situation is one in which the military is in charge of government, not the people.
  11. No, it was happening then as well. My post was not a deflection, it was a reminder that if we want to stop illegal immigration we must stop people from hiring illegal immigrants. The fact that enforcement of laws against hiring illegal immigrants is not a priority tells me that stopping the entry of illegal immigrants is also not a priority. What we are doing is the equivalent of belly-aching about illegal drug use without taking action against illegal drug dealers. If we want reduce illegal immigration we need to reduce the incentive for illegal immigration; we need to go after those that hire these immigrants. Is any politician from either party proposing that?
  12. The difference is that the generals in Myanmar are asking the generals in Thailand for advice on setting up a "democracy" that is subservient to the military. https://www.economist.com/asia/2022/02/03/myanmars-generals-have-a-dubious-role-model-in-thailand
  13. Remember when the Republicans were in charge and they came down hard on the people in the US who were hiring illegal immigrants? No? Me neither.
  14. Once again; the claims of doxxing of Musk and any relation between his private jet's movement and the alleged stalking of his child have been shown to be false.
  15. The claims of doxxing of Musk and any relation between his private jet's movement and the alleged stalking of his child have been shown to be false. Trump was removed in keeping with Twitter's policies: "The section of the Files on the banning of Mr Trump’s account, while titillating, tells a story that is almost identical to the account that Twitter published itself on January 8th 2021, shortly after the decision was taken. Mr Trump was banned for violating Twitter’s policy against Glorification of Violence because of links between his social-media emissions and the actions of the January 6th rioters. " https://www.economist.com/united-states/2022/12/14/what-to-make-of-the-twitter-files
  16. What a surprise: Thailand's military government doesn't want to upset Myanmar's military government. "SOON AFTER General Min Aung Hlaing mounted a coup against Myanmar’s elected government, a year ago this month, the army chief wrote to the prime minister of next-door Thailand for advice. How, he asked Prayuth Chan-ocha, to build a flourishing democracy?" https://www.economist.com/asia/2022/02/03/myanmars-generals-have-a-dubious-role-model-in-thailand
  17. Translation: You don't know why these people were banned, and neither do the people who were banned. How is this protecting freedom of speech?
  18. Translation: When Musk sees something on Twitter he doesn't like, he creates a rule to ban the author of the offending information and any other authors tweeting similar information. How is this protecting freedom of speech?
  19. I thought you liked political theater. You certainly seem to enjoy it when DeSantis is the performer.
  20. If the university promised that an unwanted degree would lead to a high paying job it might be fraud. Do any universities give that promise? If no promises were given, then it is no more fraud than if you go to a store and buy something you don't use.
  21. The low reported mortality rates are the result of poor data collection. Tell us more about these "local grassroots providers". Are they the sort of people you would go to for health care? Do you think they may have something to do with the low life expectancy in Africa? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African_countries_by_life_expectancy
  22. Isn't there a Nazi problem in many countries, including Russia? Is Russia entitled to invade any of these countries? Is NATO entitled to invade Russia to eliminate its Nazi problem?
  23. Is your argument that poverty, poor to nonexistent health care and a low life expectancy prevents Covid?
  24. Right.... How accurate and comprehensive do you think the collection of medical information and causes of death is across the continent of Africa? Do you have sources to support your claims?
  25. No, what you are doing is definitely not empirical observation. You are drawing your preferred conclusion then searching for evidence that supports it, while ignoring all evidence that refutes it. That is the opposite of empirical observation.
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