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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Now I understand; you don't read because you have comprehension problems. Your source states: "Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema told reporters the legislation would secure the U.S. southern border, including by requiring the Department of Homeland Security to temporarily "shut down" the frontier to most migrants if there are an average of more than 5,000 crossing attempts per day over seven days." It does not say it would allow 5000 a day in, it states that 5000 attempts at illegal crossings will trigger a border shutdown. It also doesn't give automatic work permits, that's just Scalise BS. I'd ask if you understand the difference, but I doubt that you do.
  2. Economist and BBC mostly, but I will occasionally read from other credible news sources: Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, AP, etc. People who want to be informed read. People who want to be entertained watch YouTube, and can't even define what they mean by "left".
  3. "Only a fool would not watch youtube." That says so very much about you. Mostly is says that you are not someone to be taken seriously.
  4. Fact: YouTube is not a news source. Wake up and read.
  5. Can you explain what you mean by "closing the southern border"? Stop all trade with Mexico? Ignore international law and human rights agreements? What do you have in mind? Do I need to explain once again why a country with a labor shortage and declining native born working age population should welcome ambitious working age people seeking to a better life?
  6. You can give no reason to support that claim, other than the fact that I disagree with you. Why don't you try to define what you consider "left" to be? Only in the political sense, don't divert with nonsense.
  7. You are correct; I don't get my news from YouTube. Only a fool would do that. I read (you should try it), and judge President Biden by his accomplishments, not his gaffes. Things like the infrastructure bill, alliances and agreements across the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean to contain China, revitalizing NATO, supporting Ukraine in fighting Russia's empire building aggression, and stuff like that.
  8. What measure of greatness do you have in mind other than the world's largest economy, most capable military and most influence in world affairs? I'd say those are the big three on practical measures of greatness. Yes, MAGA is a mindless campaign slogan. Thanks for confirming that. How many Biden supporters call themselves Build Back Better Americans?
  9. "I tell you what would be a nightmare, 4 more years of a man who can barely string a sentence together let alone remember the names of other leaders. " You just described Trump.
  10. You waste that much time on YouTube and accuse others of being ignorant?
  11. You accuse anyone who disagrees with you or calls out your nonsense as being "far left". I originally opposed Trump because he has no qualifications to be President. Now I also oppose him for being an election denying threat to democracy. That's not being left, that's being a patriotic American.
  12. While Trump can launch into long incoherent rants without any notes or preparation.
  13. "Can't live without drama." We agree on that. However that is a poor qualification for being President.
  14. So you like Trump because you find him an entertaining celebrity. His lack of competence doesn't seem to concern you.
  15. Wrong. Your comprehension is lacking.
  16. Right. He got a massive tax cut for the rich. Actually that was Mitch McConnell's doing. He got a lot of right-wing judges, sometimes extreme right-wing judges of questionable qualifications, confirmed. Well, actually that was McConnell as well. He also, uh.... What exactly did Trump accomplish?
  17. Dodge, dodge, dodge. No, I rarely bother with that nonsense. Why do you?
  18. Still can't address my post, can you? The Heritage Foundation, your chosen source, was caught lying and is not a reliable news source. Understand?
  19. A made up ratio, but par for the course for you.
  20. Money, power and influence don't matter? Tell that to Trump. You must be extremely leftist. So, Make America Great Again is nonsense, since America never stopped being great. Thanks for confirming that. I'm not advocating a fundamental transformation. What gave you that idea?
  21. The US has had the largest economy, most powerful military and greatest global influence of all nations since the end of World War II, if not longer. Three obvious questions the MAGA fans can not answer: When did America stop being great? How did America stop being great? Finally, assuming you buy the nonsense that America is no longer great, how will Trump make it great again?
  22. Evidence be damned! He's innocent! Or, if you prefer, we can use a variation of the Chico Marx joke: Who you gonna believe, the evidence or me?
  23. They will not recommend charges because they read and understand the law. Understanding of law seems to be beyond many Trump fans. Aside from the fact that Trump didn't declassify anything, there is the fact that Trump knowingly broke the law and Biden complied with it. But of course that is beyond the comprehension of Trump supporters.
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