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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. On 4/10/2021 at 12:12 PM, Jeffr2 said:

    Where are those members that said this was just scare mongering by the government? Right...


    600 is just the tip of the iceberg.

    600 people found with the infection, which means nothing, it could be 1,000s, but due to minimal testing , the true figure is unknown

    But crucially, no reports of people in ICUs or any additional deaths

    97 deaths in 16 months from Covid, and everybody runs scared

    1,867  average deaths from the flu in the same time period, and nobody even notices or cares


    Seems its not so deadly in Thailand  

  2. 48 minutes ago, ProbPossConf said:

    Leaking tap Hafele kitchen sink faucet; 739B from HomePro.  Customer service says has  5 year warranty.  
    HomePro will just replace with new faucet instead of repair.


    Thanks Prob

    Will have a look at Hafele, but in rather cynical when i see any , so called , "Guarantee" in Thailand 

  3. 39 minutes ago, Asquith Production said:

    Im sure Thai people are very pleased your here.

    why, its mostly the Thais i:m talking about 

    They shut down the music festival at our local temple due to no social distancing. yesterday

    Where are they now, partying and getting drunk at various houses 

    Lockdowns last year, just meant they  had to go early hours of the morning to buy beer and then continue to drink and party  as usual

    Travel to different provinces, no problem, just bypass the road checks and carry on as usual

    Thais follow the rules, when it suits them



    • Like 2
  4. Just now, Crossy said:

    Yup ^^^.


    Actually, taking it apart and descaling it (use hydrochloric acid or vinegar) may well solve the issues.


    I just replace when they start dripping.


    We have some that are still just fine from 2011 when we moved in, others have been replaced multiple times.

    You replace the complete tap ?

    Any make of tap here in Thailand that actually lasts more than a couple of years ?

    Replaced the bathroom taps after 3 years, this is the 2nd tap in the kitchen in 5 years, bought cheap the first time, bought expensive second time, not much difference in quality or lasting time 

    Used to taps and things lasting for 10 to 20 years , 

    Seems even the chrome does not last either on the fixtures and fittings

    Thanks Crossy 


  5. 1 minute ago, Artisi said:

    Probably not a washer as us older guys understand, it is probably a fixed and a movable ceramic opposing components, the problem is usually the plastic part that applies some pressure onto the movable part to apply some sealing pressure, I have solved the problem a few times by fitting a very small section O ring between the ceramic and the plastic part. 

    Thanks Artisi

    forgot with such a short turn that it would be ceramic, so used to the old rubber tap washers 

    Not stripped it out yet, no stop tap on the incoming pipe so need one of those too

    Will have a look at the O ring and give it a try

    Seems a shame to buy a new tap for the sake of a simple fix 

    Thanks again, much appreciated 

  6. 26 minutes ago, Asquith Production said:

    Yes maybe its because of the lockdown and restrictions imposed thats caused such a low death rate. Thais have been very good at following Government restrictions which cannot be said for some western countries and farang here. 

    care to explain exactly how these so called lockdowns have reduced the death rate, when the infection rate is so high ?

    Following government restrictions ?? 

    Most people i know bypassed the restrictions, kept drinking, ignored social distancing, wear masks when in stores only, or for some reason, when driving a car, or riding a motorbike, 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

    Yeah well its not just about dying is it?  Everybody who gets it spreads it to other people who can potentially die. When someone dies in an accident thats the end of it. When you get the virus, no matter how serious, you just keep passing it on. Until everybody is vaccinated their as to be restrictions. This ongoing analogy with accidents is stupid.

    I like these words like, can, could, maybe, possibly. They say so much, yet mean so little

    So how many have died in 16 months in Thailand 97 ? 

    You have more chance of dying from being given the flu, than from this "deadly" virus 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, steevjee said:

    You and all the other Covid deniers are the hysterically irrational part of the equation.

    More than 97% of the population disagree with you but somehow you think you have a God given right to say it's harmless?

    Your attitude would change very quickly if a family member or friend was a Covid casualty

    nobody denies the virus is real, but we question how deadly it is in Thailand

    Do you know someone who has caught this "deadly" virus and died from it ?


    • Like 2
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  9. 6 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

    Deaths from accidents might be higher but the chance of catching the virus are even higher, 1300 yesterday. So as the number of infected people grow the greater chance of dying if your in a vulnerable group. The virus also tends to cause a cluster in a particular area so causing bed shortages for other illness in local hospitals. Road accidents tend to be spread out more nationally .

    so the chances of catching the virus is higher than dying in an accident, maybe

    But what are the chances of dying from the virus, compared to dying in a motor accident ?

    97 in 16 months , out of a population of 88.5 million ?  versus 37,000 road deaths in the same period ?

    For most folk on Thai Visa, you have more chance of dying on the toilet than dying from covid !

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

    Many people put this up as a reason not to have lockdowns and restrictions. You just cant compare the two.  The virus spreads exponentially and someone with the virus can infect two to three others. Out of every hundred people who contract it, experts believe one will die. Yes if road deaths suddenly grew by 10 fold then the government would have to put in measures to stop it but they dont they continue at a steady rate. If their was no restrictions, the virus would do its own thing, which ever way that would be 

    so one person will die for every 100 infected ?

    So why do we not have 1,000s of people dying in Thailand, , why only 97 ?

    So who are these so called experts" ?

    Road deaths do not increase grow by 10%, just like deaths and ICU admissions do not grow by 10% either

    So how are the restrictions working so far ? It seems the virus is doing its own thing, and that is not killing the population .

    Any data on the 97 people who died ? How many had underlying illnesses, how many were old, how many were close to the end of their lives ? Any data on how many people have died from the flu in the last 16 months ? !,865 on average, yet nobody runs scared from catching the flu do they ?

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, mikosan said:

    No, the lunacy is that they are allowed to stay open at all, COVID doesn't care if you are having a meal or not.  The fact of the matter is that when they shut the pubs and bars the 'restaurants' took over their trade and continued serving alcohol, without serving food.  They took the p*ss and now they are being stopped from doing so and about time too.

    so you say all bars and restaurants should close ?

    are you saying you have more chance of catching this "deadly" virus in a bar or restaurant than say a market or other crowded places ? 

    Should we close everything down then.? 

    Look at any market, see how many people are crowded together , many without masks and no social distancing , yet they stay open

    Or does this magic virus only attack people who are in bars drinking ?

    Such fear and scaremongering for what is a minute number of deaths and ICU admissions. 

    You've more chance of dying crossing the road than with covid


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  12. 2 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

    Are you serious?  That is the same attitude that allowed Covid to spread all over the USA during the Trump administration!

    But it's worked so far, has it not ?

    I would have thought  that 97 deaths over 16 months, while no vaccines and doing very little is a very good outcome, 

    And this is Thailand, not the good old US of A, so no comparison

    Why do we have many thousands of infections here in Thailand, yet so few deaths ?

  13. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Why would I want to show otherwise, it was your claim and I was just asking you to support it, thanks, you can't

    why would i need to support it


    16 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Over the past year I doubt I've seen more than a dozen or so people not wearing a mask. Maybe Bangkok, where I'm not, or Pattaya where I'm not, are different. As to why so few deaths, do you think that closing the borders almost from day one might have had something to do with it. Like in several other SE Asian countries which have also kept the figures down.


    It is only recently that we've heard about people crossing the local borders, with or without the help of corrupt officials, with the result that Thailand can now, by allowing outsiders in, follow other countries in having an escalating crisis - ably assisted by a government that encouraged people to travel out of red zones to the provinces. It's almost as if they wished thousands to perish. Time will tell if they have succeeded.

    I made a statement, that , unless you can prove otherwise, must be taken as true.

    You cannot disprove my statement so therefore it must be true 

    • Confused 4
  14. 8 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Already short of hospital beds, limited testing kits, virtually no vaccines...

    Songkran national holiday allowing inter provincial travel.

    what could possibly go wrong...

    Prayut & Co should bow out now.

    short of hospital beds ? 

    Is this due to confining healthy people in them , people who just happen to test positive, yet are otherwise healthy.

    How many are in intensive care and how many are dying ? Surely that is the thing we should be looking at, not the infection rate

    I'm sure if you tested for the flu, you would have very high numbers too, of otherwise perfectly healthy people, with very few ICUs and deaths

    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

    Perhaps the government can take a few of the baht budgeted for submarines and get the lead out on vaccinations.  The rest of the world seems to be vaccinating like crazy but not Thailand.  Vaccination is the only way to control the pandemic!

    control what, exactly ?

    Infections, ?

    doing nothing seems to be working very well so far, 16 months and so few deaths

    why spend billions on semi useless vaccines to save so few lives ?

    better to spend billions on preventing road deaths and liver fluke cancers, that effects almost every family in Thailand, rather than what appears to be nothing worse than the flu to the Thai population 

  16. 16 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    The nearly 3 million who have died might not agree with you on that.

    but they did not live in Thailand, did they ?

    its been over 16 months now, so why has Thailand not had such large numbers as other countries ?

    No social distancing, limited mask wearing, inter province travelling, yet so few deaths, why ?

    Do they have some sort of immunity ?

    why are ex pats not dying like flies, as per other countries  ?

  17. 17 hours ago, Bkktodd said:

    Meanwhile 9 in 10 farangs walk around Pattaya without masks.  In their own little covid free world

    and you have some figures for how many of these "sad:" farangs have caught the virus and either been treated in ICU, or have died ??

    so much fear for so few deaths and hospitalizations, 

    yet people continue to drive cars and ride bikes without such fear, which is many many more times likely to kill you 

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