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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 4 hours ago, jackdd said:

    No, but if you experience any problems with the papers when you are back in your province and after you have paid already, it might be difficult to correct such issues, depending on the seller of course.

    Thus the best option is to do the transfer together with the seller and hand the money over when the DLT gives you the OK regarding the papers. The problem as a foreigner is of course that usually the DLT wants a certificate of residence from immigration in the same province. (I've seen a few contrary reports where a COR from another province was accepted, but usually they won't).


    The official name is Department of Land Transport (DLT), as can be seen on their website: https://www.dlt.go.th/en/

    i note the problems with the certificate, and due to the last certificate i needed took almost 8 weeks to get with 8 visits, would it be much easier if i put the book in my missus name ?

    Im happy to have her name in the book, have signed my other paperwork on the other bikes and car ready for if, and when i pop my clogs 

    I guess she would just need copy of ID card and house book ?

    Would it be better if i go to the sellers DLT office with seller, get the paperwork and bike checked out,, if ok, do a bank transfer,  and then do the book transfer in my own province at my leisure ?

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated  

  2. 48 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    You need to have address proof  in order to transfer the bike into your name which means usually certificate of residence unless for example you have a work permit which states your residential address. You go to the DLT, not the land office (that one is for land titles as the name implies). The DLT in the province where you reside.

    Thanks eisfeld

    I understand that part, i need to register it in my own province

    But do i need to go to the DLT with the seller in his province to do anything, or do i just get him to sign and get copies of his passport, etc, which i then take to my local DLT, along with my paperwork ?

    Do i need to do any checks before i ride away with the bike back to my province ?

    Sorry for so many questions, but have only ever bought new before  from dealer

    Thanks again

  3. Hi there, just reading about changing the ownership of a bike if i buy it

    Go with seller to Land office, check out the bike and do the change of ownership there ?

    But, it says i would need a certificate of residency 

    Only just got this certificate for my licence renewal, which took weeks to get

    do i need to get a certificate, before buying ? The other paperwork is no bother, i think 

    and if i buy in another province, how does that work ?

    Probably a simple answer for a simple person, but would appreciate some advice 



  4. 2 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Are you filing a new TM-30 each time you return to your place of residence?

    Be aware that since end of June last year, that this is not required anymore.

    A TM-30 has to be filed only once of you staying at the premisses, and it stays valid as long as you do not enter Thailand on a different Visa, irrespective of any domestic or even international travels.


     ut would be good if you could tell my immigration office that too

    tried that myself, told No, no you do, they want a TM30 for every hotel stay !

    last time I was there, gave them a copy of the police order showing it’s no longer required, but think they will ignore it, 

    out I.O is getting worse, they just made my friend get a certificate from doctor and clinic because he had been to Pattaya, last September, plus a TM 30 , if not, no90 day renewal !

  5. 18 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    That message can be caused by many things. Basically it means your record could not be found.

    Often it is an error when entering the info on page one. Double check that you entered all the required fields correctly and used the drop down menus and calendars.


    Just re tried it a couple of times, no luck

    managed to do it once last year, since then, no luck , so looks like another round trip 



  6. 5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Apparently you are using this web address that bypasses the first page.


    This one takes you to page one. https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do


    Thanks Ubonjoe

    easy when you know how 

    but , just filled in the online report, then box pops up, " see your local immigration office "

    Was trying to avoid going there, cos they have been playing silly beggars with TM47, TM 30s and many other things

    Took me almost 9 weeks to get the certificate to renew my licence , and have done at least 3 TM30s since November 

    But thanks again 

    Much appreciated 

  7. 38 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Have you scrolled down to the bottom of the terms and condition to see this.


    After ticking the box and clicking accept it will take you to the next page.


    i would, but this section is not appearing on my screen

    no terms and conditions come up prior to the next page 

    i only get the blue/green/orange box appearing 

    i click on the link "immigration.gov, 90 day online, TM47 action do, accept terms ", but no page appears with terms, just the page with the 3 boxes on

    Thanks ubonjoe 

  8. On 1/18/2021 at 7:32 AM, PeeJayEm said:

    The answer is obviously YES - and it is also obvious that you ought to have had similar insurance in place before in any case. - Who else will pay it for you ? -  or for the cost of hospitalisation you may require even if not related to covid?  I- t's a fundamental basic provision every expat living in Thailand should have put in place for themselves from day one arriving in Thailand.


    so all ex pats living here should have similar insurance in place

    But that is not what is stating is it ?

    it specifically says 100,000 usd insurance, and this insurance only, so may have a much better insurance, like many have, but still be refused unless you take out this specific insurance 

    So you say all expats should have insurance, pay stupid premiums after 65- 70 years old, rather than keep money in the bank for such emergencies ? 




  9. 56 minutes ago, Schlepenstein said:

    You need 2 separate documents for Fit to Fly and Covid test.  Even if you get them at one clinic make sure they give you 2 separate papers.


    This is from instructions after getting CoE:

    • Entry to Thailand
    • 1. After the receipt of COE, please prepare the additional documents to declare at the check-in counter as follows
      • 1.1 Passport and valid Thai visa/ re-entry permit (if required)
      • 1.2 Certificate of Entry (COE)
      • 1.3 Fit to Fly Health Certificate. (Thailand’s Health Control requires a hard copy version.)
      • 1.4 Medical certificate with a laboratory result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected, using RT-PCR test, issued within 72 hours before departure (in case of connecting flights, before embarkation from initial port).
      • 1.5 Insurance or letter from employer guaranteeing that the insurance company or employer will cover a minimum of 100,000 USD of medical costs incurred by the applicant in Thailand, including medical costs in the event that applicant contracts COVID-19 (The insurance must cover the total duration of stay in Thailand)
      • 1.6 T.8 Form (Health Declaration Form). You can download T.8 Form at https://bit.ly/34X6sAJ


    quick question

    section 1.5, it staes must have the 100, 000 usd insurance, ut then goes on to say, ' must cover the durations of stay in Thailand "

    so how does that work for people living here ?

    are we sup[posed to have, and keep renewing this same insurance for every year we live here, possibly, and hopefully, for the next 20 or 30 years ?

  10. On 1/11/2021 at 12:07 AM, CanadaSam said:

    Sorry the above post is for the T8 Declaration that you have to produce to enter Thailand.


    The FIT TO FLY certificate I am attaching now to this post.


    Jumping through the hoops!

    FIT TO FLY.jpg

    so this is a fit to fly certificate as used in the uk, and acceptable to Thailand ?

    so anyone can copy this and make a simple stamp on it ?

    How would immigration know to check any forged stamp or medical licence number ?

  11. 6 hours ago, mr mr said:

    going to coin a new phrase on this thread. soon those who refuse to take the vaccine will be labelled  as *the resisters*


    you will hold out for a while and kick and scream. it's my right. not into my body. bla bla bla. then when your world starts getting smaller. limited. you watch as people around you have freedom of movement etc. you will succumb. 





    how much for any copy of any certificate for flying and travelling from koasan road !,000 baht ?

    So easy to get certificates, rather than paying silly money for the vaccines 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Pmbkk said:

    Address for Natwest Stockton on Tees
    123 High Street
    County Durham
    TS18 1NW
    Telephone: 03457 888444 (Central Customer Services)
    So from Thailand +44  3457 888444 



    Thanks pmbkk

    have these numbers already, but kept coming through saying number no accepted , try again

    will let him try the lost cards number first, 24 hrs then try these numbers , which are only 10-5pm U.K. time 

  13. Hi there

    hoping someone can help a friend of mine

    hes lost his wallet with everything in it, and needs to contact his bank in Stockton on tees

    been trying the numbers, but keep getting either no answer, or wrong number 

    anyone know what is the correct number to ring ?

    trying +44 345 7887444

    and + 44 0345 7888444

    not sure what I’m doing wrong here, and he’s old and struggles to even use a smart phone now

    any help would be much appreciated,

    he needs to cancel his bank card (not debit or credit card) and order a new one 

    this would go to his daughters, who would then post on to him here in Thailand 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Always pays to check everything is correct before walking away.


    Thais are renowned for making errors when copying information from a supplied document, be it numbers or wording.


    Thanks and i quite agree, but for me its a bit hard when i can't read Thai  !

    Immigration here seem unable to provide any paperwork in English, or any other language other than Thai, unlike most civilized countries 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Food is a necessity, for the immediate future clothing isn’t and they don’t want people going to the stores for non essential item - its that simple and not difficult to figure out ! 



    but, but most people go into these stores, Makro Tesco, Big C to do food shopping , you know, those poor folk who wander around looking at food and the prices, so why not look and buy so called non essential items

    But you have not explained how stopping buying pots and pans will stop the virus, even if someone just goes into the shop to buy a pan 

  16. 12 hours ago, Natai Beach said:


    Smoking has for many years been increasingly banned. And taxed.


    Vehicles are regulated by hundreds of rules because they kill.


    Laws are being enforced to reduce the covid deaths. 

    same same

    You were doing so good till i read the second line 

    You mean these rules, which most people ignore , these regulations that the police refuse to enforce ?

    Laws are being enforced to reduce Covid deasths ? 

    you mean the social distancing, the signing in at shops and malls, the wearing of masks all the time, the no drinking of alcohol, , all these that are ignored again by the majority of the people here  


  17. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Because you'll be spending less time in that busy Tesco or Makro.

    wow, less time ?

    so you say we should be rushed and herded through eh store because we might catch the virus, and stopping to pick up any extra items will be deadly ? What if i linger over the meat counter too long, or get stuck in the queue to check out, will we die ?

    I'm guessing your reply was meant to be a joke, yes/No ?

    • Sad 1
  18. 21 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:


    Well the more it spreads and mutates - becoming more infectious and better at killing - the quicker that day will come. Some people only think about today.

    but but but, your saying that it will continue to spread and mutate, therefore making the vaccine almost useless ?

    Nice opinion on the "better killing and more infectious ", bit short on truth and facts, but hey, your welcome to your opinion like anyone else 

  19. 22 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    I'll try to help you there: shopping for clothes can be postponed by a couple of months, shopping for food can't. If you still don't get it you can PM me @Anutin.


    I don't get it, so can you explain to me please

    If i'm in a busy Tesco or Makro, with no social distancing, buying food to eat, how will preventing me buying non food, like a saucepan, or a jacket stop the virus ?

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