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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. Hi 

    Have shop in village. like  smaller 7_11

    The nearest ATM machine is around 15 kilometer's away, so not too easy for the villager,, many who only have bikes

    Any idea how to go about getting an ATM machine installed outside the shop ?

    Is there any criteria for them fitting an ATM ? 

    there is probably around 800 - 1,000 people in our village, with 2 other villages within a few minute ride, so should be of good use for the locals, as well as being good for our shop


  2. 43 minutes ago, Don Chance said:

    You need to look again. Football players have now been diagnosed with heart damage because they were asymptomatic and continued to exercise. Long term heart, lung, kidney, brain damage etc is a real possibility for people of all ages. They also think that covid may lead to parkinsons disease.

    You do not want to get this disease.

    People aren't dying because hospitals aren't overwhelmed right now. But that could change. e

    I see a few nice words in there. Think, May, Could  !

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    i have seen it for sale in the larger hardware store, may not help you it was the one on the 36 road in rayong

    Thanks steve

    Any idea of the name of the store ? maybe have one near to us


  4. 21 minutes ago, shaemus said:



    you might have to order it special. from one of the big stores. but know you have picture and a thai description to help you.


    Isaan is quite a big place and contains some big cities, may be a more specific location would help your cause.



    Thanks  shaemus

    i'm in Nackon Phanom, so would ideally be able to buy either here, or in Sakon Nakhon

    Have seen the web site, an have used these for many many years, which is one of the reasons why i would like it, very quick, very easy, and strong 

    Might have to just take pictures with me and travel round the sheds , see if anyone know what it is and stocks it, just a lots of milage to visit these sheds, over 55 k to the nearest shed

    Thanks again

  5. Hi there

    Just wondering if anyone knows where i can buy 70mm Gyproc C stud and tracks ?

    Do any of the big sheds sell them ?

    Want to build a couple of dividing walls in the house, and would prefer to use stud and board, rather than the mess of block and render

    Have seen a wall built using 75mm box section, welded, but is a bit over board  for a simple wall

    Am in darkest Isaan, so need the sheds ideally


  6. Hi there

    looking for some single and double Gondola type shelving, similar to what you see in 7-11

    Second hand only, if possible

    Anyone know of anywhere that sells these sorts of things , 

    woimage.jpeg.f79ffe830d9305988c5febadc6d58416.jpeguld be good if Sakon, Nakhon, Udon Thani areas, but anywhere would do

  7. On 8/6/2020 at 1:27 PM, Saltire said:

    My wife and i have discussed making/selling pretty much everything on your list at some point but it always comes down to a max price of 20 baht for anything to sell, even without the 'western' aspect of the food. This is generally not economically viable but I fully understand why you are looking at it.


    The one item that may work is soft-serve ice cream. One lady from the village bought a converted trailer selling chocolate and or vanilla soft-serve a few months ago and it is still doing a roaring trade, however a cone is only 10 Baht and its not very big.


    A successfull chef returning from Dubai a few years ago opened a small steak place where a steak (pork and beef with fries) cost 40 Baht. It was delicious, we were regulars. A month later no steak, not many wanted it and he changed to all the usual 20/30 baht standard Thai dishes, pad krapow etc.


    The closest 7/11 to me is one hour by car.



    nearest 7-11 to me is 30 minutes, so looking at enlarging our shop, to make it like a poor mans 7-11

    too many shops here sell the same stuff, usually in a dark, dirty and dismal shop.we already do well on drinks, snacks and toys, with some basic foodstuff for the adults, but fancy making a smaller version of 7-11 , so hopefully, they will come to us, instead of trailing all the way to town. Just got to sort out fixtures and fittings, second hand ones, sort out what we think will sell good, then with a few small changes, it would be good to go

    We already have the shop, so no problem extending into the adjoining building, which is tiled, air con, and most of electrics and things

    I never understand why so many village shops, try and sell in dirty dark shops, then give credit . Its not that expensive to tile/paint floors, paint walls, fit simple but good lighting, so at least the customers might actually enjoy spending their money 

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/6/2020 at 11:54 AM, colinneil said:

    Dream on mate, there could be a profit,???? Every village shop is in debt, due to giving everybody credit.

    A Thai friend of mine had a village shop, she told me i was 1 of her only cash paying customers.

    I told her, stop giving credit, i cannot stop credit, or my customers will go to another shop, hells teeth woman, let them go, you are struggling to survive, and still giving credit.

    Have shop for a few years now, never give credit !

    So no debt for us, and reasonable profits. Makes good money, but as always, would be nice to make more

    But we mainly sell to school children, with school opposite, so small amounts, but many many sales of  toys, snacks and drinks

    Mostly do 5 days week, so time to relax if wanted. \But due to rules, being so close to school, we are not supposed to sell beer and cigs, which would be good sellers, get asked so often 


    • Like 1
  9. if next to a school, try toys and sweets

    We have shop opposite school, sell many toys, ranging from lots of 5 bht to 250 bht

    Every morning the children turn up with 20bht notes, buy cheap toys, and then cheap 5 and 10 bht sweets

    Also sell ice cream, but Mingos, not walls. Most ice creams are 5 baht and some 10 baht, so again kids love them, but Walls is too expensive for very similar 

    Also sell sot drinks, socks, pens, pencils, books, etc, almost anything that school; children need, plus a few extras that adults might want, but not much of these, because too many other small, dirty shops in the village sells these. 

    Make good money during term time, and a lot less in school holidays, but then we go on holidays or just relax


    • Like 1
  10. On 8/7/2020 at 6:13 PM, sencelebi said:

    They stay here because they can not survive in their own country with the income they have or don't have. And what's funny about it is these people bitch about Thailand,Thai government and Thai people all they long at the social media. They know everything better than the Thai government. These idiots don't turn around and look at their own country. I hope Thai government stops border runs and any other stupid things not to keep these low life people in Thailand.

    not sure what country your from, but anyone can afford to live in the UK

    If they have a pension, then they get top up credits, they get housing allowance, rate rebates, heating allowances, etc, etc

    As a pensionerI would be better off financially in the UK than here, but much prefer to live here with my lady in the warmth 

  11. only had a couple of bad times at my office

    First time was when they started the 800,00 seasoning. The paperwork stated 2 months, officer said 3 months, Come back next week, i fine you 2,000 baht then give extension . No discussion, refused to look at the official paperwork showing 2 months, just stating she is helping me get new extension

    Last one was last week, when going for my 90 days. New lady, she looked at my passport, started jabbing her finger at it, threw it back to me, threw some papers to me and walked away

    Went back today for 90 day, took my lady, she sat at the desk, 5 minutes and back out of the door, no problems

    It just seems to be the odd newcomer who either does not know what to do, or is trying to show her superiority 

    But its a real pain when the change the rules and demand more paperwork, that then necessitates another 100k trip to I.O 

    Just wish everything could be done online, the less i go to the office, the better

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:


    i suppose its how you look at it.. you see the hassle, i see 2 hours of "work" sitting on my ass playing with my phone plus a bit of banter with the IO.. 


    for 20000 baht - cha'ching!


    my glass half full mate ????


    I suppose its how you look at it, 2 hours work, but 800,00 baht sitting in a bank that you cant touch for 6 months, ( my office insists it's 6 months )  then 400,00 that you can never touch ?

    I would rather keep the 20,000 UK pounds in my pocket to spend as i wish, rather than let the bank have it. Plus no hassle with jobsworth pen pushers who change the rules to suit themselves, plus i get a holiday while getting the visa too, so win win for me

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, clorox said:

    you have the right to be anywhere in the country you please and can be extend at any office you please, its not about you, it is the temperment of that IO that particular day

    Thanks Clorox, thats what i understood, as long as you extend by the official dates, then i understood it could be at any I O in the country. But the local I O don't like us doing that, it takes away the money from their office 

    • Confused 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, OJAS said:

    So how were you able to obtain your latest extension, then? Are you really certain that you didn't complete any form as per the one linked below prior to submitting your application at Jomtien?




    If you didn't, then many congratulations on achieving the totally impossible on that particular occasion!



    used an agent, no forms and thank you

    The impossible i do quickly, but miracles take a little longer 

  15. 3 minutes ago, clorox said:

    just do it online, if cannot, do it by mail, no need to see them face to face, if you stilll have the need to see them face to face try another day, she probably on PMS that day, i have seen this many time when i do my 90days, rejecting people for no reason,  just because they don't like the way the farang looks or what ever their reason.

    Thanks Clorox

    will go back next week when i go shopping, with another staff, and see what happens

    But its very hard to stay fairly polite, when they do what they did today, refuse me, but accept my old mate 

  16. 1 minute ago, lopburi3 said:

    Thanks Lopburi3

    That's the one i was given, but could not see TM30 on it anywhere

    Cannot see anything about ID card, house book either 

    Have reported for TM30 after leaving country many times, till this year, but the staff always filled in the form for me before

    Will fill it in and go back, ( another 100k round trip) and see what they say, but will choose a different officer next time, think i upset the last one asking too many questions that she would not, or could not answer

    If worst comes to worst, i could always go back to report in Jomtien, and have a few days holidays at the same time 

    But, i believe we still have an amnesty till end of August for 90 day reporting ?

  17. 6 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    They have eased the TM30 reporting - it is still required but not for every temp move.  You probably have not had any made for your current address (as said it has nothing to do with 90 day reports or other reports of your address).  As for what is required that is a local call so you need to ask immigration - normally best to have landlord do the reporting if possible but some offices allow person living there to call themselves the housemaster.  Have no clue what your office may require.  And this applies to everyone - not just you.  You have been found out because you obtained an extension of stay in another province, by saying you were resident there but now want to say you are resident somewhere else.  There is an online system to do this so home owner would not have to visit immigration to report you if that will help.


    I was not asked for an address in Jomtien/Pattaya, they knew i was from Isaan, and there on holiday

    have done TM 30 many times before they eased off them, when travelling out of the country and back

    Does the TM 30 form actually say the number on the form, like the TM47 does ? I cannot see this number anywhere on the forms she gave me

    Thanks Again

  18. 2 minutes ago, RichCor said:

    For doing 90-day reporting, 'some' Immigration offices will accept just presenting a passport to initiate and complete the process (if they are not also checking your bank balance).


    The issue you have is acquiring an extension-of-stay from an Immigration Office where you don't reside. If your local I/O notices the out-of-area stamp, they're supposed to redirect you to filing the 90-day report with the office you acquired your original extension. 


    But what happens if your not in your own province when the extension is due ? 

    And what happens when you move house to another province  after getting the extension ?

    Our I O seem to make up the rules as they go along, different officers have different requirements, even when you show the actual rules from their immigration site, they often refuse to accept it and say they work to different rules

    For the online 90 reporting, if having left the country and returned, must the first 90 day report be in person to I O, and then future reports can be online ? All I have been getting when trying online is a pop up telling me to see my local I O 



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