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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 6 minutes ago, robblok said:

    But you got hours to complain about it online. While a simple inspection and room quote on paper would have helped you. 


    Kinda like the hare and the turtle. You do know that story don't you.


    Anyway I would expect the basics. But your shifting way off your original story where you were angry about a change in room rate not what was in the room. 


    Anyway if you can't use common sense like getting a quote and things in writing then your a lost cause and ill stop posting.

    ahh ok

    care to tell me which hospitals would be kind enough to provide you with a Porter and motorised cart and escort you around the hospital looking at rooms, before you agree to pay any money ?

    if you read my original post, you will also read that I was talking about the lack of basic facilities in the room, as well as the changing room rate

     The quote I agree on, but unless detailed, means very little on what you will get for the room rate 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Your trying to make up stuff to cover up your own incompetence. Stop digging that hole. You should just have gotten the quote on paper and you were done. Now you can make all kind of fictional scenarios up that suit your narrative.


    By your own admission you now have a quote on paper something you did not do with your first so that in itself shows you were aware you were to blame too.


    As for your purely fictional scenario, is it that hard to look at a room and see what they are offering ? I don't expect much in government hospitals in private hospitals i expect more. But usually they have more then one kind of room. So looking is always the best way to ensure its all well.

    The quote i got was for the treatment, not a room rate

    ahh, so you take time to run around inspecting the rooms, while waiting for treatment , that’s good

    me, I’m too busy trying to find out why I’m sick and spend my time trying to sort that out, rather than go inspecting rooms

    I’m curious which hospital (state) will provide you with a helper to escort you around the various room for inspection, which in itself, could take over an hour to do so?

    you don’t expect much, maybe I’m being too fussy expecting extravagant things like, soap, towels, and all the basic things for 3,200 a night

  3. 10 hours ago, robblok said:

    so now you do the thing I said was the smart thing to do get the price in writing. That was what i said was what you did wrong. Had nothing to do with money just with common sense when dealing with stuff like this.


    So by your own admittance you understand that it was not smart to not get a price written down before. Hospital was wrong but so were you.


    so if I get a quote for the room rate, per night, does it include all the facilities.

    things like towels, soap, decent bed and pillows, put you up beds for your “helper”, menus for the food, cleaning arrangements, any other things like water, tea or coffee, and then show the quality and size of the room.?

    or does it just state how much a. Night they will charge you 

    So they can give you a quote, which you find acceptable, then when you are wheeled into your room, you find there are no facilities, no soap, no towels, just a wooden seat and a hard hospital bed with a vanilla cover block for a pillow, cold or if lucky, lukewarm food,  and everything else in poor condition

    you have already agreed , as per quote, to pay the nightly fee, so surely, by your reasoning, things like this are acceptable, “because you got a quote on the night rate”

    how many people entering hospital, have either the time, or the possibility of getting a detailed quote, then travelling half way round the hospital to view the room , before signing  to agree to the quote ?


  4. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Even in my honest country i get a quote on paper before anything. I find this a bit oversight on your side. If price is that important to you then make sure you get it on paper. 

    i guess your a very rich person who does not care about money and allows other people to rip you off while thinking its ok ?

    I guess your happy paying 5 star prices, to stay in 1 star rooms, with little or no service ?

    Please read the post again. Its about price gouging, about getting ripped off, about dual pricing, and the shoddy service that is provided for this money .


    • Confused 2
  5. 8 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Not a question of situation. When procedures have been necessary it has all been discussed with the doctor and an appointment arranged. You then pay the cashier before the procedure is carried out. 

    If you are not happy with the price the hospital intends to charge you can go elsewhere.

    never paid in advance

    all been discussed with doctor, price quoted from cashier, but payment made at end of treatments

    In my case, they changed the price by 100% during treatments, 

    if this inflated price was quoted prior to getting treatments, as you say, i would have gone elsewhere, which is what i did after the first night .

    The treatments i am now having in the private hospital, is again, paid for after each session is completed, not before , although i have the fixed prices in writing this time 

  6. 5 hours ago, impulse said:

    I'd be jumping for joy at a hospital that only charges $100 USD a night. 


    Multiply that by 20-50 and you'll get a night in a US hospital.  And that's before the $5 aspirin tablets, $500 blood tests, and pretty much any real treatment.  Canada and the UK are marginally cheaper for treatment outside of the NHS, but nowhere near $100 a night.


    You're not paying extra.  Thai locals get a subsidy.  Just like residents of my county in Texas get a discount on the rates in the county subsidized hospital.


    So a quoted  of 1,600 baht a night  for a basic room is subsidised?

    I can understand the medicines and treatment being cheaper, but a private room?

    as far as I know, the room rates in the U.K. are standard to anybody who wants to pay, no subsidies , only on the treatment costs 

    even at 1,600, it’s an overpriced room, when you look at what you actually get for your money, not even soap or hot water, no toilet paper, no towels, no decent pillows, only vying covered blocks, 1 simple sheet type cover on a hard bed, and only a wooden settee for the servant that is required to look after you, while the nurses p,any on their phones 


    but at 3,200, that’s 5 star hotel prices, with all the facilities provided in the room

    how would you feel if hotels did the same, quote you a Thai price, then make you pay double price when in room ? They both provide a room for you, both have fixed costs and profit margins, yet one is honest and gives good service, while the other is often dishonest and provides very very poor service 




    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    It seems you weren’t in an emergency situation, so why didn’t you just find somewhere else instead of a place that sounds more like a clip joint than a hospital.

    Good idea, but a bit late when your hooked up to drips in a private room when the suddenly tell you about the 100% increase in costs

    no,point in leaving the hospital till the next morning, since I’m being charged for the night anyway

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    As much as some seem to  hate this place I question anyone who claims a Doctor or hospital here says to their face "Falang price".  

    I have gone to the hospital a few times and possibly charged more but never ever said to my face I pay more because I am Falang.

    Whatever, maybe next time record it for evidence until then....




    Perhaps I should have had my phone on to record and video the conversation with the gentleman at the state hospital, then I could have posted it for you

    although this was not stated to my face, but in Thai, to my Thai lady

    do you recommend all farang walk about videoing and recording all conversations while being admitted, and during all treatments ?

    not too sure how that would go down with the staff, do you ?

  9. 4 hours ago, DavisH said:

    Avoid private hospitals if possible. They charge for every band aid and qtip. I usually use government hospitals as my wife is a civil servant so can claim back some costs. 

    Just getting the same treatment at the private hospital , and the saving is over 3,000 baht a day, plus much better service

    So with the silly farang pricing going on, there is not much difference between the hospital, and usually much better service and rooms in private 

  10. 5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Not meaning to come across condescending, but you are in a foreign country, you can't expect them to subsidise the costs for you, i.e. you are not a tax payer.


    The fact that you had already organised to be admitted to the hospital is good, however your admin skills a little lacking, i.e. you should have had them print off a total cost for the room, nights required and medicines, I think the hospital could have done this quite easily for you as a preliminary had you asked.


    I understand you don't have private cover, I do, but only for emergency cover and when I do go into a hospital for treatment, I always ask what the cost is going to be and to have a print out so as to avoid any differences, I also understand that at most times one cannot have a print out unless staying overnight, that said, it isn't to hard to work it out, i.e. it is going to be far cheaper than back in the old country.


    Put it down to a bad experience, your bad, don't blame the Thai's because if they were in your country they would have to pay farang prices too, i.e. the government wouldn't subsidise them unless they were a PR. 

    I agree,  ibut in my country we would be honest and upfront with the true cost, not wait till they start having treatment, then increase the cost by 100%, or do you think that is acceptable

    isnt hard to work out the cost ? No it’s not, if they stick to the quoted price, but very difficult to know the price if they suddenly double it without warning !

    far cheaper than back in the old country, lost me there, cos in the U.K. it’s free, so can’t get any cheaper than that !

    as a Thai would say, you think too much ! Of course they could do it properly, give print outs, quotes, itemised invoices, but you try getting them

  11. 8 hours ago, wprime said:


    This is pretty normal around the world. I go to a hospital in Australia and it's free, my partner does and she pays $300 minimum. Any treatment and that goes into 4-5 figures very quickly.


    Governments subsidise treatment for local patients. Foreign patients are more likely to skip town to avoid paying the bill so they need to factor this in.

     And how exactly can we ex pats skip without paying ?

    they have our passport numbers, our addresses, and most of the time, they almost frogmarch you to the cashiers desk 

    how many ex pats actually skip without paying ? 
    tourists maybe .

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, EricTh said:


    6000 baht for one night stay is ridiculous.


    Even though there is double pricing in all hospitals but some hospitals charge a much lower fee.


    Can you tell us which hospital is this? so we can avoid in the future.




    Sakon Nakhon state hospital, next to the lake

  13. 2 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

    That’s exactly the risk to live as expat without insurance!

    But like many, I find the insurance at  my age ridiculous, so always have funds, both here and in U.K. to cover these things

    its not really about the price, which is a rip off for what is provided, but the way farang s are treated .. but it’s getting to the point where I could stay in a private hospital, with free WiFi , much better room, much better service and still cost almost the same 


    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Some government hospitals are doing this now, mainly ones located in places with a lot of foreigners.


    Government hospitals which don't have many foreigners are usually not doing this. But that's nto much help if you live in an area where it is done.


    There is no regulation against it, in fact the official government hospital price guide (which is widely ignored as most hospitals charge more) explicitly lists different pricing according to nationality. So no grounds for making a complaint.


    Sounds like this is all in the past tense but for future reference, when it is just for IV antibiotics there is often a regimen option that is just once a day dosing in which case you can easily go in each day and have it done outpatient.









    Well I’m out now, and the bill for one nights stay, plus 2 I’ve drips came to around 5,950 baht

    no option for reducing drips, nor for having them as an outpatient, no room, no drips as the doctor kept telling us

    lesson learnt, don’t rust even doctors. Or nurses unless it’s in writing .

    just been to the private hospital, same drips, but as an outpatient is fine, so cost each day is half that of the state hospital, but with better service too.

    for anyone who thinks I’m wrong, please feel free to ask at Sakon Nakhon main hospital for farang prices on private rooms .

    I also liked the cold mushroom soup and the frozen burger for tea last night, all I had to do was hobble down the corridor and join the queue for the microwave oven in the corridor , almost as good as the cold corn soup and dry cornflakes this morning 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Tarteso said:

    Apart of the problem “dual price”..Can they pay the bill in the event of an accident or do they have to wait for good Samaritan?

    Many I know can, bu5 there will always be some that can’t 

    just like many can’t get, or afford the high insurance premiums 

    • Like 1
  16. am i missing something here

    I thought it was the hotels problem to notify immigration not his, so why would this effect his extension ?

    If it does effect him, why can he not just do a TM30 before asking for extension.

    I had to do this in my I.O , even though the hotel had notified immigration, but immigration still insisted i had to do a TM30, because i had been in a hotel, before they would let me do my 90 day report 

    • Like 2
  17. 23 hours ago, Nout said:

    You can't eat  or drink with a mask on!!

     Your right

    but you can catch the virus with a mask off !

    but that’s how silly it getting.  No matter what restrictions, what care you take, there are times and places where you will need to remove your mask, which while minimising the risk, still leaves you wide open to the virus

    they have restrictions, like only 6 people together, and it’s safe, but if 7, it’s dangerous ?  Does the virus know that ?

    while having the vaccine may help, it may also make us complacent, thinking we cannot catch the virus, that we are immune for ever, and that we cannot spread the infection .

    so many unknown yet, will be a long time before we know the true facts about the vaccines and the virus, and maybe many many years  before we get some sort of immunity from it, and like the flu, we will have to accept a certain amount of deaths each year

  18. 46 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    You fell head first into the numbers trap with reliance on figures posted by the Thai government safer asking is it black or white to the colour blind ????

    ahhh, but you have fallen into the trap of not believing the Thai authorities

    Do you have any facts to show they are wrong ? 

    I'm not saying you are wrong, cos who the hell can believe anything the goverment says, but without any other facts to dispute their claims, we can only accept them at face value.

    And as far as paperwork for travelling, Khaosan road is your friend 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  19. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    I have never heard of a embassy stating a time period before you could apply for another visa after having a application denied.

    I don't think the lack of info from Thai Elite is their fault. They probably only were informed of the denial by immigration with no info.

    One option you have is to apply for a single entry tourist visa or enter the country visa exempt to get a 45 day entry that can be extended for 30 days. You could then apply for a 90 day non-o visa entry at immigration and then a one year extension of stay based upon retirement.

    You will need 800k baht in a Thai bank on the day you apply for the non-o visa with proof it was transferred abroad or proof of 65k baht income. Then during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry you would apply for the extension when the 800k baht has been in the bank for 2 months.


    Need to check with your local immigration office regarding the 2 months , Ours still insists on 3 months before, fined the other year for being 1 day late of their so called , 3 months, and refused to accept the official paperwork i showed them stating 2 months

  20. 23 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    I think it has to be the original ID card and copy of house book.


    Thais can do the transfer at any DLT, so you could just do the transfer in your wife's name while you are there already. This also saves you the province transfer fee, the fee for a new plate and a trip to "your" DLT.


    would be so much easier then to do this

    Thanks for your help


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