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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. Back AGAIN

    The saga continues 

    Well turned up this morning ( 6th time) for my certificate of residency, about 30 minute wait, and then got it, no worries 

    So off to the hospital for my medical ( 3 rd time) no worries, 20 minutes and 100 baht and all good

    Goes to DLT office and gives the paperwork to lady, who looks though it all, and the new certificate, then goes off to talk to someone

    Come back, puts all the papers on the counter and says, 

    No good, need immigration !

    managed to work out that the immigration had put my house number down as No 2, NOT No 12

    So back to immigration ( 7 times now) and after around 1 hour and a lot of talking, finally get to see an occifer , who when i explain what's wrong, tells me its my fault !!

    Refused to explain or answer when i said, you print it, you check it, you sign it, how is it my fault but just said, not my job

    Told cant just alter the number by adding a 1, oh noooo, not allowed

    You need new paper now, so we need all new paperwork from you, ? I gave up at this point, threw all the papers to her and said you sort it out with those\Finally , after a lot of huffing, puffing and glaring at me she said, come back Friday maybe ready then

    soooo, we will see what happens Friday morning, No 8, but if ok, still means another medical No 4 and another trip tp DLT ,No 3




    Another wasted journey again today\seems  the boss man is too busy to come to the office this week, so can't sign my papers

    Told to come back  next Wednesday , when he should have time to come to the office and sign them

    Asked for some letter to show i'm waiting for new licence, so i don't get fined if stopped, but surprise surprise, no can do

    So now over 2 months trying to renew my licence ,which expired 21st November 

    and these people want us to treat them with respect ??



    • Like 1
  3. well. an update for everyone on here 

    it seems that the TM30 reporting, for any stay in hotels, guesthouse, etc, requires a TM 30 change of address on return

    This is Nakhon Phanom immigration office, who say they have never seen or heard about the 30th June notice saying TM30s are no longer required and that i should eb happy, they not fine me for not coming earlier !

    So the TM30 in my passport, the TM30 i did for my licence renewal is not acceptable, so luckily i had the correct paperwork to do another one 

    That's 3 in 2 months !

    So it seems that we have certain offices that are too stupid to read, or understand the rules, and they certainly don't like it when you point them out to them 

    Not only did i have to waste nearly 2 hours, i STILL don't have my certificate of address, to enable me to get my licence

    Seems they forgot to get it signed by some boss man, who is not back till Friday, so another 100k trip to , hopefully , get this paperwork at last

    so far 5 trips, 2 medicals, 3 TM 30s, and umpteen papers, 

    And they still want us to treat them with respect !!

    Tried to find the official copy form immigration showing this 30th June 20 report on not required any more, but comes up unavailable

    any oner have a link or something to it, so i can print it off and stick it under their noses ?

    although did that with the 2 months prior and 3 months after  money i bank, but they say, no understand that and pushed it back to me saying,  we not use, we say 3 months prior, 3 months after, now we fine you 1,000 baht for being 1 day late !


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  4. is this the same Astra Zeneca vaccine with an effective rate of possibly 70% ?

    so even if we manage to vaccinate the whole population of 68 miilion, ? then that means there will be a round 20 million people still able to infect others and potentially die from this : deadly: virus 

    And this is not counting the other 15_20 million people who cannot, for any reason, have the vaccine 

    So maybe slow it down, maybe ? 

    Eradicate it ? in your dreams 


  5. 32 minutes ago, Anna Rak said:

    Astra Zeneca has been produced to be non profit and this is known throughout the world, however the Thai Generals wont want that. Brown envelopes and sticky fingers.



    is this the same Astra Zeneca that has had numerous court cases and paid out billions in fines and compensation to the courts and the poor sods who took their meds and vaccines, then found themselves with debilitating illness after Astra lied and misinformed them about passing the safety tests, about how safe they were, about how they had had long term testing , when they knew they had not

    See how many outstanding cases still remaining against Astra Zeneca, even after their almost annual outing to the courts 

    sound familiar  to this vaccine by any chance ?

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

    People from the UK shouldn't be leaving to go on holiday anywhere outside the UK - and there shouldn't be anyone arriving either.


    A national lockdown may hurt the economy, as we have seen so many TVF members post on different threads, but the fact is that if you initiate a harsh lockdown until the virus is eradicated, then you're going to be laughing happily to the bank. China did this and is now the only economy that is growing. China should never be an example of anything, as they have a terrible human rights record. However, I think we can all acknowledge that they contained the virus (which started in China) successfully.


    Plague island (UK) needs to be shut off from the world - only goods and emergency travel should be allowed. If these measures had been implemented at the very begining then perhaps the UK wouldn't be in this situation. Approaching 60k cases a day now. Quite what this family of four was thinking is beyond me. They've now selfishly prevented any Brits still waiting to get back to their families here, all because they wanted a holiday. Selfish a-holes.


    so we have an unknown amount of infected people in Thailand

    So as you say, we lock down completely ? How hard a lockdown ? stop all traffic between provinces, including transport, food, etc, plus any essential workers ?

    And whay happens in these locked down provinces, these with an unknown amount of infectious carriers ? do we let these continue to infect all the people in the province, and let the deaths increase ? 

    surely if you have thousands of infected people locked into an area, who can, and will still intermix, then how will this prevent the spread, or the increase in deaths ?


  7. 2 hours ago, skorp13 said:

    You have almost all effectively closed restaurants for dine in. You should have closed off all travel when this first started and none of this would be necessary. Again a fine example of effective leadership

    does this "all Travel" include deliveries, food distributions, essential workers crossing into different provinces to work  ?

    If not then a complete waste of time 

    especially when most Thais, and farangs, know he back roads to by pass these blocks 

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    Will be instersting to see what this means in practice.




    maybe it means like the last big lockdown, we use the back roads like all Thais to bypass the control checks

    Same as the beer. if village shops run out, got to the local town and buy from there, maybe 6 am but no worries 

    sam4 as going to the next province to meet up at the bars , just like the Thais, so not sure how having the plods sat on the roadside will ever stop it in any way 


  9. 16 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    Generally any machine accepting banknotes in Thailand requires firmware from Bank of Thailand. Which is why it sometimes takes a long time for CDM machines or vending machines to accept new banknotes. Most vendors wait for official firmware as that's the only way that BOT will be responsible if a fake banknote is accepted. If you make your own software, and something like this happens, you're on your own to cover the losses.


    Most people also don't know that majority of recent (past 20 years) colour printers print a yellow dot pattern inside the image which contains printer's serial number.

    are these just on laser printers, or on standard inkjet printers too ?

  10. 24 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

    Thailand is relatively rich compared to some of its neighbours.  But so what?  Compared to the G20 it is not.


    Of course, if you did some rudimentary research rather than spouting ill informed anti-Thai sentiment, you might discover that Thailand partnered with AZ to produce their vaccine here - n agreement made quite some time ago.  Forsight and planning by Thais?  Shorely not.  Must have been brown envelopes, right?


    Given that most of this and neighbouring countries do not have extensive VERY deep freezer availability to be able to use the Pfizer vaccine, waiting for the AZ one (which has just been approved in UK BTW) might just have been a sensible and farsighted decision.  But I doubt the Thai knockers will acknowledge that; will you?



    thanks for this 


     you mean the signing of the agreement in November, but will take until March before putting into operation making the public wait for the vaccine while this so called deadly virus rages through Thailand 

    Why is this anti Thai sentiment ? is it not fact ? 

    Are you saying that such a progressive's and far reaching country like Thailand is incapable of manufacturing or purchasing deep freezers, as per other countries, which if they had the Foresight to do so, could now be carrying out the vaccinations this country needs, while awaiting the new vaccine next year 

    Knocking them, noooo , wouldn't dream of it 

    But i think the brown envelopes will have a say in what happens  next 

  11. 21 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    This is really not true, there are a handful of cases where people supposedly got ill twice, it probably meant they did not have enough of an immune response from 1st round, but as I said, exceedingly rare

    but how many infected people would it take to re start a pandemic ? 1, 5, 50, ?

    how will they know what the life of the vaccinations is, unless they either get sick, or they keep testing every person ?\

    And how long to vaccinate a population of over 66 million, not once, but twice ?, but then possibly withing the year, to do so again ?

  12. 17 hours ago, smew said:

    So in the end,  it was not the tourists that brought it in but Thai jumping the quarantine.


    Funny as hell... almost wan to cry...  

    it seems that Thais do not need to be tested prior to travelling on a plane, unlike any other passenger

    Seems to make a mockery of the testing and paperwork the farangs have to go through , who then can be given the virus by the Thais while travelling 

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Burma Bill said:


    Just 28 more to go - 73 Provinces in total!!

    How do they know its not in every province ?

    How do they know how many infected people there are ?

    They only know, for the majority of people, if they test them, with the very few people actually showing symptoms, with even fewer people dying 

    Keep testing and the numbers go up, as it would with testing for the flu, but it seems that has little bearing on the number of deaths, which at the moment is still less than 1 in a million 

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  14. 6 minutes ago, tandor said:

    ..i for one will not 'mark your words', as i doubt very much that your are virologist...its not about the deaths but more of the debilitating resulting conditions the sufferers have to bear.

    while i agree with your post about the covid giving debilitating conditions, but surely this condition is not confined just to Covid, is it ?

    im guessing there are many other illnesses and diseases that give these conditions too,, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc, yet we only ever seem to mention the Covid one. 

    • Sad 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    It has?  You might like to tell that to the US where, at current vaccine aplication rate the populatoo will all be vaccinated by some time in 2030.


    But Thailand (and other non-First world countries) might have a better chance of early vaccine if the rich west had not bought up pretty much all of the early production.



    But i thought Thailand was a rich Asian country ? 

    or maybe they took too long trying to work out the brown envelopes  first

    Im sure china would have sold them a vaccine if they asked nicely 

  16. On 12/29/2020 at 2:15 PM, abrahamzvi said:

    What is missing in my view is a total ban on travelling from one province to another. If this is not done, we are going to have situations like in the US or Europe. I believe that if such a ban and other measures like a nationwide closure of entertainment venues, possibly a night curfew and similar steps, are not imposed , we are going to have a strict nationwide total lock up, before too long.


    if we have a total ban on travelling, this will stop the infections spreading to other areas

    But, what happens to the people who stop travelling, do they suddenly become free of the virus ?

    if you lock down the areas, you contain the virus within that area, so why does the death rate not increase in these areas ?

    So the "deadly" virus will not get you in the shopping malls, takeaways, government offices, etc, but will kill you in a bar or restaurant ?

    And how do they arrive at these "magic" figures of 18,000, when they have no idea how many people carry the infection ?

    and with a death rate of 1 in a million, surely that' better odds than crossing a road or driving a car, all of which we do without any fear 

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