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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 18 hours ago, Donga said:

    Let's see if this turns out be the huge wave Thailand was "lucky" enough to avoid previously, or whether they can bring it under control in a reasonable time frame say 2 months. Which is my projection, why:

    1. Govt is not so ineffectual as some portray as they have the contact tracing capabilities, strong quarantine processes and health volunteers to assist, particularly in the provinces.
    2. Thai society (apart from HiSos, a distinct minority) are community conscious and will don the masks, social distance more effectively than the Europeans and most other countries.

    Be personally responsible, like most Thais, and by June it will be like it was for most of the time, compared to the rest of the world. The numbers are still controllable and well below what many countries have endured.

    Are you for real ????

    Thais social distance ??

    Personally responsible ? 

    How many Thais wear  masks unless told to , and even then watch them lower them on entry to shops and malls

    You ever go shopping or go to bars and restaurants  ? See how they social distance, ha ha ha

    Huge wave of what, infections ? Why would this year be any different to last year, when  so few were in ICUs and so few deaths , and with none , or very little social distancing 

  2. 19 hours ago, elliss said:


         That was the procedure  for Covid , last year ...

         That was a trial run ..

         This time ,  Thai Goverment allows .

           Unlimited travel restrictions  on Songkran Festival .

          Thais are , jam packed on the buses from BKK , to Issan .

            I fear , the worse ...

    keep hiding then and leave others to get on with life 

    Testing, or no testing, still results in very few ICU admissions and even fewer deaths ,

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, multatuli said:

    the thai mentality: we are a superior breed, and nothing can happen ro us. Again and again.

    and what exactly is happening to the Thais ?

    very few emergency admissions, even fewer deaths

    why ?

    Without the media hype, how many people would even know about this so called "deadly" virus ?

    Yet people run scared of something that effects so few, while ignoring the many thousands of deaths from other causes 

    • Like 2
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  4. 35 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    The Gov,t will never take the actions that are needed to try and bring the Covid Virus under control in Thailand.

    Its all about the Money. The center of the Universe for all Thais.

    IMHO, the Government have overstretched on the War Toys procurement, ( among other things )that they say have to be purchased for National Security. This has left the Coffers severely drained of Money.

    Now the security of the Country is severely threatened by something no War  Toy can combat, and there is no Money left to fight the thing.

    Yes ! The Government could borrow more Money, but they are already close to the predetermined borrowing limit to GDP imposed upon them.

    The  end result is what we are seeing happen in front of our very Eyes today

    and what is it we are seeing ?

    an over reaction to a virus that effects so few of the population of Thailand as to be almost un newsworthy

    Yes we have infection, the true numbers unknown, but the numbers in ICU beds, the numbers dying ?

    More people die each week from liver fluke cancer, more people die in 2 days in road accidents, yet we do not close the country down and ruin the lives of millions

    Why are we seeing so few infections, so few emergency cases, and even fewer deaths , if this virus is so deadly.

    Closing bars and and venues , while allowing crowded markets and shops, cannot stop this spread, 


    • Like 1
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  5. 5 hours ago, internationalism said:

    that high figures infected means around 150 deaths daily.

    already the last week in bangkok hospitals beds were full and shortage of tests.

    those field hospitals will take time to arrange. It's not only beds, but personel and basic equipment and supplies of ppe


    Hospital beds are full ? 

    Of people who have tested positive, yet show little or no symptoms ?

    How many are in ICU beds, and how many have died ?

    Why put infected people in hospitals, why not let them isolate elsewhere, or if not, why not stick them in the field hospitals ?y get full service in the hospitals, free meals , room service , etc, ?

    We keep hearing about an increase in cases, but if no tests were carried out before, how do you know how many there are, and if these are an increase, or a decrease in actual cases ?

    if we have these large increase in infections, why do we not have a corresponding increase in ICU admissions and in deaths ?

    • Like 2
  6. I'm curious 

    How do they know that there has been such an increase in infections, unless they have increased the testing ?

    If they were not testing before, how do they know the number of infected ?

    With none, or limited testing, how can they know how many of the population have been infected ?

    They talk of increased infections, but no mention of the number of people in ICUs , or people suffering from long term sickness due to this virus

    97 people have died from this "deadly" virus in around 16 months, less than 2 a week, and how many of these 97 had other underlying illnesses ?

    They complain of hospitals being overwhelmed, yet continue to put healthy people in them , instead of either letting them self isolate, or keep them in field hospitals

    They continue to use words like, could, possibly, maybe, if,  which say so much, yet mean so little. 

    We had big increases of infections last year, yet so very few deaths os sicknesses, why should it be different this year ?

    Ask around your town or villages and see how many people have friends or relatives who have died or been hospitalized due to this virus, yet  they run scared due to the constant hype from the media

    How many would have known or even noticed the few deaths and sickness out of such a large population , without the media hype ?

    Why do they continue to ruin the economy  and the lives of millions for what is in reality, such a small number of deaths , yet accept the many many thousands of deaths from the roads, river fluke cancers, etc .

    • Sad 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



    The Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) has received 1 million doses of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine from China on Saturday.
    GPO Director Dr Withoon Danwiboon said this vaccine is the third lot from a total of 2 million doses that the GPO has purchased from Sinovac Life Sciences Co Ltd from China.
    At the end of April, another lot of 500,000 doses of Sinovac vaccine will arrive. They are a part of the additional vaccines that the GPO has ordered to complement the Ministry of Public Health’s plan to inoculate target groups who are at high risk of contracting Covid-19.

    only another 24 million need then

    At this rate it will be many years before they get round to vaccinating everyone, and what's the life of the vaccine, 6 months ?

    It would appear that this "deadly" virus is not so deadly to the Thai people , with only 97 ? deaths in over 1 year, yet many thousands of infected people  , the true number of which is unknown


  8. 9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Do you live here in Thailand or elsewhere.  Thailand's way of dealing with this virus has always been to isolate a person in a hospital whether asymptomatic or symptomatic.  The other way they have dealt with it has been to place you in a field hospital and when symptoms showed up carted you off to the hospital.  The final way they dealt with it was to ring entire factories with barbed wire and lock all inside, just like they did with the migrant workers in Samut Sakhon.  It is done this way because in the early days of the virus spreading, folks that were asked to quarantine at home, think little ghosts as they are called, failed to follow the orders and then went out partying.  Thai people do not listen to orders or follow rules often, and the "I feel Fine" "What do you mean I can not go out" crowd will never be kept inside, and so mandatory hospitalization was enacted.  Think about all of those with little money who also share a 25 sqm apartment with 5 or 6 others, and rely on buying food from street vendors, and the local 7-11.  How would you isolate them in their home from the others and still get them the needed food.  Nice try Hoax, but the reality here is they are and will be hospitalized until this government decides to try again, but then those that live in crowded conditions must be separated to contain the spread.

    amazing, if as you say, all these people ignored the quarantine when we have the virus, but even more amazing how so few people suffered any real symptoms and how very few have died from this " deadly" virus

    So we have many more cases appearing around the country, of which the true numbers are unknown, yet no extra deaths, very few in ICU , yet people ruin the country, ruin the lives of millions and run scared from it, when in reality, you have a much greater chance of dying going to your local 7-11


    • Sad 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Artisi said:

    And many don't go to school with 60 to 100 baht in their pocket, especially those who father might earn 300 / 350 baht day on a building site. 


    Seems there are many people posting here don't really have a clue of what happens outside of their gilded tower. 

    I've taught kids at university who had less than a 100 day for 3 meals, with others supported with a 20/30 day for their lunch courtesy of a fund supported by the lecturers. 

    looks like im in the wrong villages then, cos many children spend 40 to 60 baht every day in our shop, and still have money for dinner sessions and drinks, with many spending much more

    i know many students in the next village who think 60 baht a day to take to school is not enough , who want minimum of 100 baht

    Am i in a gilded tower, living in a village in isaan , where people live in basic houses, yet still drive decent cars and bikes, even though they pay monthly. Am i one who has no clue, , yet see the same children spending every day, while riding their motorbikes to school, 

  10. 1 hour ago, Artisi said:

    Just as the western view of curing the problems of Thailand is an illusion from the comfort of the bar stool or the gated community  where everything is perfect, along with depriving them of possibly the only transport they have and forcing people further into debt. Granted not everyone fits into this group, but many many do. 

    motorbikes are expensive for most families, but bicycles for children are cheap, so no excuse

    They have no problems showing face with the latest pick up, or new bike, but then complain about the price of a cheap helmet ?

  11. 2 hours ago, Artisi said:

    Unfortunately this is Thailand and a vast number DON'T have the money, meaning it will never be collected by what even means they would like to use. 

    Then if they cannot, or will not pay, then they lose the bike

    im sure they will soon learn to pay up, or obey the laws, just like in any country

    As for no money, i have a shop opposite a school, and the children and parents have no problem with spending good money each day, so many are  not short of money

  12. 6 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    A lot of the time there is no alternative. I used to walk about 4 miles to school, and the same home every day. I admit it was not as hot as here, but the Government could do a lot more by providing SAFE, RELIABLE, and PLENTIFUL school transport to service villages and outlying areas. We all know it will not happen as it would eat into the local officials Mia Noi budgets to much.

    There is of course the education on wearing helmets too. If they Have to ride on the bikes then drum into their heads the need to wear a helmet. Fine the parents a few baht each time, maybe the message will get through...........maybe...........one day.........

    bicycles , not an option ?

    why do they need expensive and deadly motorbikes to go to school ?

    as kids, we used bikes if no busses, 

    start showing not just the pulped bodies, but also the permanent disfigurements after accidents, especially on the girls, who pride themselves on their looks  

    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    There is a financial element to all of this.

    Helmet- expensive!

    Fine - expensive. The policeman probably did this because none of them had the money for the fine (500 baht - 50 baht for Thais).

    Easy to laugh. Walk in their shoes for one day.

    maybe they should be made to walk in their shoes if no money

    confiscate the bikes till fines paid, hit them where it hurts, then maybe they will learn

    Many school children go to school each day with 60 to 100 baht  day spending money , so no excuse 


  14. On 3/3/2021 at 5:28 PM, PJPom said:

    Just look at any School at home time, maybe 5% wear helmets and as for the Teachers I have yet to see one, fancy uniforms with medal ribbons, but helmet , no.
    Strict enforcement by Police will not happen,  too dangerous , try living in a village where you have fined everybody 500 baht, do you really think they would survive ?.

    Education is the only way but I am certain we will all be gone before anyone with the ability to influence the powers that be appears.

    usual simple answer, this is Thailand .

    it worked in Vietnam  !

  15. On 2/28/2021 at 3:33 PM, pacovl46 said:

    I guess it all depends on how much beer you really need. If you sell huge quantities every day then kegs would make sense. If it’s not that much then bottles will be better because beer in bottles can be kept considerably longer than beer kept in kegs that have been opened. 

     Also, a case of beer ways a lot less than a 50 liter aluminium keg and is therefore easier to handle. Then there’s the matter of preference. Just because tap beer is common/popular in the west doesn’t mean it has to be popular anywhere else in the world, too. Take carbonated water for example, it’s huge in the west, but extremely unpopular in Thailand. 

    In regards to the serving issue, there’s no difference whether you have bottles or kegs because beer is sold in specific quantities that apply to both, 0.33 liters, 0.5 liters, 0.625 liters or 1 liters. The effort of serving is the same, but you actually save time with bottles because it’s a lot faster taking the bottle cap off than to fill a glass from keg and in the case of Pilsener you actually save 7 minutes because that’s how long it takes to fill that 0.33 liter glass the right way! 

    In regards to the cellar, it’s not about getting the beer back up, it’s about getting it down. I’d rather walk 5 times down with a case of beer than down once with a 50 liter keg. 

    In the end, it’s all a matter of personal preference of the bar owner and your opinion is not the golden standard by which they have to abide. They’ll have their reasons why they choose bottles over kegs. 



    guess you've never seen barrel ramps, or barrel lifts to get beer into cellars

    never seen anybody carry any barrels or kegs down into a cellar

    but got to agree, im very wary about draft beer now, way too many bad pints got wasted

    But drink draft in places like Kiwi bar, who have western managers who know how serve it properly 

    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, pseudorabies said:

    My wife picked up the Rev'it Tornado 2 pants and jacket recently from Panda Rider.  The jacket has a lot of mesh with solid textile where it counts.  Same for the pants. Both flow a lot of air.




    Finding breathable boots for her was the biggest challenge.  Those we should have bought in the states.

    looks good

    but how are these for sizing

    i wear XXXL shirts here Thai sizes, so any idea what size i would need to order ?

    would prefer a loose fit, so cooler ?


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