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Everything posted by digger70

  1. I guess many if not all us keep a written diary , Are you serious ,No way Mate.
  2. Why people insult others so easily and so often? Small mind ,weak personality, thinking they are better than anyone.
  3. Personal opinion on guns in the private sector. Nothing wrong with owning a Legal gun to protect oneself and ones family and for hunting if there's a place to hunt. But being the stupid Governments laws that's not possible in every country ,that's one reason that there are so many Illegal guns in the community Not just the Crims I one can't protect his home and Family there's a need for a Better Government and changing the law. There always be some people that Misuse a gun and other weapons for the wrong reason . One can use an axe to open up a intruder from A hole to Breakfast but a gun would be more safe to use (not for the intruder).
  4. Fake cop shirks 1,500 baht bill from Michelin-starred Jay Fai God luck to get away with that. Sounds like Karma . People get Famous , get a Star .now they think they can charge what they want for something that isn't anything special for an exuberant price.
  5. He didn't say that the coffee cost THB100 He offered THB100 to the man so he could buy the coffee but the man declined.. IS that Clear Now?
  6. What ,He should've been Arrested on the spot and be put in jail . Why give him time to leave the country. What a weak sort of Justice department is that. No wonder this country is in a mess. and crims running the country.
  7. It looks like that the truck has it's own. Hiab Crane mounted behind the cab for Self Loading and unloading
  8. People have been eating meat for a long time It's been Accepted for about 2 Million years , This won't stop in a hurry . Eating Meat and Marrow By at least 2.6 million years ago, a remarkable expansion in this diet started to occur; some hominins began incorporating meat and marrow from small to very large animals into their diet.
  9. lost control on a curve and capsized. Rip. I guess this is self explanatory.
  10. Thailand’s hotels produce the most greenhouse gas in Asia Yep,Next comes the Law No more spicy food in Hotels .That should stop the Gasses
  11. Two Thais stand among the few worldwide capable of Quran repair : PM Are they Kidding or not. What a load off nonsense for a book . There's nothing Holy about that unless it got a hole in it . Religion ,The believe for Something that doesn't Exist.
  12. Tuk tuks and taxis: Bangkok’s solution to overcharging crisis Can be Easily fixed When the driver gets Reported and IF If the Police are Made to Arrest the Drivers and Confiscate the vehicle for a Month and Fine the Driver THB 10,000 Put meters in Tuk Tuks as well. But this is Thailand and the Taxi Mafia has Control Not the Police. Doesn't say much for the Law doesn't it Weak as P!ss There is a law in Thailand that requires taxis to always run on meters and not to decline any customer that hails them when they are available. The government opened a hotline (1584) to call in relation to customer complaints against uncooperative taxi drivers.
  13. Here we go Again, Scientists are at it againScaring people for nothing see for yourself what they think, One factor contributing to the warming in the North Atlantic may be a reduction in pollution, particularly sulfur dioxide emissions from container ships. With fewer aerosols in the atmosphere to create cloud cover, more solar radiation reaches the ocean's surface, further heating the water. However, this alone cannot account for the extreme heat observed. This just shows that they are just Dreamers and on drugs,
  14. I would've thought that the Thais do that themself with their Taxi Mafia and their shocking behavior
  15. Yes this seems to be right I just found a little more info for Our Aussies. Are Australian pensions taxed? Tax on the Age Pension There is no tax payable on withdrawals you make from super, whether it is regular retirement income payments or lump sums, provided you are aged 60 or over. However, what about Age Pension payments? Age Pension payments are generally tax free, provided they are your only source of income.
  16. Can I charge my mobile phone in an aeroplane? Are there electric sockets? Yes, you can typically charge your mobile phone on an airplane. Many modern airplanes are equipped with electric sockets or USB charging ports at each seat, allowing passengers to charge their devices during the flight. However, it's always a good idea to check with the airline you're flying with to confirm the availability of charging options on your specific flight.
  17. Sure is ,but can be cold an Drizzly for weeks. I like it Warm. I have seen Frost in Atherton Mount Garnet and Mareeba. I was on the coast just south of Cairns most of the time .
  18. The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge. Probably they are scared that DT find some more Wrongdoings in their community. I hope DT comes Back and Sort it out .He's got the guts to do that, Not Zombie JB.
  19. Australian heat is depending where you are Not Dry heat, I Lived in NQLD for over 40 years and it't definitely Not Dry heat up there, It's about the same Moisture as where I live now in the South of Thailand.
  20. Yes they know that's why they set the rule The capacity of the power bank is also typically limited to 100 watt-hours or 27,000mAh.
  21. Is it safe to take a power bank on a plane? Most airlines allow passengers to bring power banks in their carry-on luggage, but not in checked baggage, due to the risk of fire caused by lithium-ion batteries. The capacity of the power bank is also typically limited to 100 watt-hours or 27,000mAh.
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