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Everything posted by persimmon

  1. Hi , I have an AIS PAYG SIM and wifi where I stay . What`s the best way to call abroad ( to a landline ) ? I have the Line app , but AFAIK this only works to call other Line users .
  2. Here`s an interesting thought re. travel insurance - if the insurance co . find out you have a medical condition ( nothing serious ) that you did not disclose when taking out the policy , could they refuse to pay a claim , even if the medical condition had nothing to do with the claim ?
  3. Taxi drivers at Udon airport seem to ask 200 bt to Central . It should be possible to do Udon ---> border , cross into Laos , cross back , then NK ---> Udon in one day . Total cost ...200 + 55 + c. 1400 ( or $ 40 for visa ) + 60 ( bus across bridge x 2 ) + 55 = a grand total of 1800 bt . ( plus maybe 30 bt for snacks / drinks ) .
  4. Many of the presenters on TV wear masks . Makes me laugh - do they think the virus can spread to the viewers out of the TV screen ?
  5. It`s amazing how Thais love their dogs ( and other animals ) - it`s one of the features I find very endearing . When taken to extremes , though , it makes no sense at all . I`m not a dog lover , the reason being that they ( mostly ) are large , powerful carnivores that could easily kill or inflict serious injury , if they wanted too . Why keep an animal like that as a pet ?
  6. Yes , I had to fill in the TM 6 form . The IO asked if I had a visa ( I didn`t ) then gave me a 45 day stamp .
  7. I just did this trip 2 days ago . The minibus from the carpark in front of Central Udon is only 55 Bt and takes about 1 hr . It stops at the bridge checkpoint , the rail station and then NK bus station . I think they run every 30 mins I exited Thailand at around 8 am , caught the bus for the 5 min ride to the Laos immigration control , fill in the 2 forms , pay the $ 40 and then walk into Laos . There`s not much to see once you get through , just a big car park and a small shop , so I left and crossed back into Th . No queues , no hassle , everyone seemed polite + friendly . Overall the whole process took around 1 hr .
  8. Would installing anti-virus like Norton make the average Android phone more secure ?
  9. Saw this on Thai Rat news show last night ( the only thing worth watching - ch 32 , has some weird news stories , mostly including cctv ) looks to be 2 ladies in a massage place having a slight disagreement .
  10. There don`t seem to be hardly any pavements / sidewalks for pedestrians except maybe in the main tourist zones . Maybe it`s because Thais never walk anywhere unless they absolutely have to . Any space at the side of the road is either taken up by shop fronts or used to park bikes and cars .
  11. The UK has quite a generous benefit system - there`s no excuse for anyone going hungry . Poor money management is probably the cause .
  12. This change will be inconvenient for those of us that send money to our KTB account via Wise , and then like to check the account using net banking from outside Thailand . I don`t mind downloading the App. , but how will it work from outside the country ? TBH though , I`m not totally surprised they have shut down the Netbank - it was a very basic web site , hardly what you would expect from a major bank .
  13. Hi , we are thinking about creating a small ( 6 x 3 x 1 m ) pond for Koi carp . Does anybody have any tips on where to buy a pond liner . When I did this in the UK the stuff was called EDPM , a type of thick rubber - very strong and resistant to damage . Also , any tips you may have about creating a Koi pond . TIA .
  14. You don`t need to be an expert - just look at the pictures coming out of Ukraine . That should tell you something about what`s going on .
  15. The West needs to send all their best weapons now , before it`s too late . Once Putin seizes more Ukrainian territory , and deports the population , it will be hard to make Ukraine a functioning country again .
  16. I suspect that`s one of the main reasons people stay long-term - once you develop relationships and have people that rely on you , it`s hard to break away . Regarding the cost of living though , I did some rough calculations and came to the conclusion that it`s costing me 50 - 100 % more ( so almost double ) to live here than it would back in the UK ( that`s without any payments to support wife / gf ) , most of the extra cost being visas , flights , rent and health / travel insurance .....so much for Thailand being a cheap alternative . One thing you can`t really put a price on is waking up to clear blue skies every day - the weather up here in Udon is great ATM , cool early mornings and warm and sunny days . So different to the UK where it`s mainly cold , wet and windy , and that`s just in Summer ????
  17. This is a bit like the theft from hotels room safes . It`s an invitation to crims , so why do people trust them ?
  18. From Jomtien you can book up to 3 days in advance .
  19. Anywhere gets boring if you stay there long enough . Thailand was cheap a few years ago when £ 1 bought 70 + Bt. Not now though . 5-6 months here and the rest back in the UK suits me . I`d hate to burn all my bridges and be stuck here for the rest of my life . I was lucky ( or unlucky ???? ) enough to chance upon a meeting of expats up here near Udon . It was not a happy occasion . They looked old , tired and generally p*ssed off with life . The Gfs looked even less happy .
  20. Some people think the major index trackers have too much US large cap tech exposure , so mix them up with regional trackers and small cap ETFs to give a more balanced portfolio . Maybe even add some UK - doing well ATM .
  21. The original sign was wrong anyway - it should have read " bang Sir " , not SUE , a girl`s name and not the way the Thai word should be pronounced .
  22. I need to cross the border at Nonghai next month for a 45 day VEE . I then need to extend this by 30 days to match my flight date . Is this likely to be a problem when coming back into Th . - will they require a flight out within the 45 days ? Great report BTW , did you take notes as you were going through the process , or just remember it all afterwards ?
  23. The last hotel I stayed at in Patts had one of these lockable boxes with a key pad . I had a quick look at it and it looked cheap and flimsy . It was only attached by a couple of screws - anyone with a toolkit could remove it . So I decided against using it . It does make life difficult though , having to take all your valuables with you wherever you go , and pretty much rules out going for a swim. I felt much more relaxed when I rented my own room on a longer term basis , when the door could be locked and I knew the owner . Hotels often employ poorly paid migrant workers to whom a few thousand Bt may be a temptation they can`t resist .
  24. Is it any wonder that many Thais dispise farangs ?
  25. Why would anyone put all their valuables in a small box in the room , when an unknown number of people have keys to open it ?
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