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Everything posted by persimmon

  1. A sad spectacle indeed , these old blokes look like their only interest is drinking themselves to death . Well , each to their own , but doing it in public creates a bad impression for all us foreigners .
  2. All the customers in Lotus were wearing masks yesterday , so I did the same . Can`t see why anyone would object to wearing one , besides , with most of my face covered , I still get treated like I might be a handsome Farang ????
  3. " Ngosi Fulani , a charity founder " . I wonder how much ( £$ ) she makes every year out of this ? ....
  4. check out the total return chart for that Henderson fund - I think you may be surprised , but not in a good way ! My guess FWIW would be one of the quality dividend growth ETFs such as GGRP or FUSI . i`m sure there are many more similar in the US .
  5. Now with face recognition technology , they don`t even need to see the p/p - one pic should tell them everything they need to know .
  6. If there might be a problem re. visas or onward flights , I would rather deal with these with 3-4 hrs to spare at the check-in counter , than at the boarding gate with 20 mins to spare . I have a visa and onward flight , so hopefully it`s a low risk .
  7. Here`s a thought - what if you print your boarding pass online , or use the machine at the airport to print you BP , how will they check if you have a visa or onward flight then ?
  8. From a risk / return basis , I can`t see condo purchase as a good idea . Renting and keeping the cash in the relative safety of stocks / bonds / RE in your own country would seem more sensible . Maybe land purchase in favourable areas ( ie. roadsides where there is development potential , or agricultural ) might make more sense .
  9. I got it in March `20 and I`m just getting back to normal now . Felt really tired with bad headaches for the first week , then almost back to normal , but then for the last few months I still get headaches and sweating . One of the most disconcerting symptoms was the inability to think clearly - I remember driving round a roundabout about 4 times because I couldn't remember which exit to take . I`ve talked to other people who confirmed that loss of mental capacity is a symptom - let`s hope it doesn`t come back .
  10. Why not print it out , just to be on the safe side , only takes a couple of mins .
  11. Similarly , the guy who lives down the road works on his land and often crosses the road on his small tractor . Doesn`t seem to be a problem . I was surprised though when I checked into a small hotel in Patts , the lady behind the counter I would guess was Russian - can`t see haw that can be legal ?
  12. Yes , Thais are just as materialistic as us Westerners , probably more .
  13. Maybe the Buddhist way is best - give it all away ( or at least the surplus ) before you go . No assets = no responsibilities = feeling free .
  14. I blocked out the nos on my submitted docos and got my TR visa in 3 days , no problems . After all , why would they want to know your acc. no . and other details ?
  15. I agree , take a random sample of office girls from the BTS and dress them up , add make-up , and I guarantee they will look better .
  16. Yes , Council tax bill should be fine . Good idea to block out any sensitive nos on bank statements or anything else that could be used for identity theft .
  17. In the UK this has been a well used way of getting a return on investment , along with shares and bonds . The investment market in Thailand seems less well developed than in the UK / US / Europe , maybe less easy to buy and sell shares and ETfs , so maybe property rental could be an alternative . Anyone have any experience in this area . MTIA .
  18. Watch out for fees if you do this . My local solicitor charges £ 250 / hr + VAT . If you give them carte blanche to handle things on a " time incurred " basis , most of the estate might be eaten up in fees - receive a letter - ching , that`s another £ 150 gone , maybe more to send a letter . Better to get a fixed quote for sorting out an estate , some will do it on a % basis . Either way , if you have assets in the UK , it will be a problem for the average Thai person to sort out .
  19. I sent a pic of the last stamps in my p/p . That was from my last visit 3 years ago . That seemed like a better idea than uploading blank pages .
  20. I think the days of staying long-term on a TV are gone now . Using the border crossing to enter and get a 30 or 45 day stamp can only be done twice per calendar year .
  21. Agreed - accommodation must be one of the best bargains . Thinking of a short holiday in the UK ?- that will be £ 70 -150 per night B+B . Compare that with travelling around Thailand staying in the roadside " resorts " , 350 - 700 bt per night .
  22. Thanks . I must have missed that . For anyone thinking of applying , these are the docs needed - flight booking hotel booking bank statement p/p last 2 pages p/p main page face photo photo holding open at main page p/p signed declaration confirmation letter proof of residency proof of identity inside leg measurement OK , I made that last one up ???? seems to get more difficult every year .
  23. I haven't noticed the problem in Patts , but where I live ( Udon ) I would avoid walking down my soi at night due to the aggressive dogs on guard outside every house . During the day they sleep , but come 6 pm they are out on duty hassling passers by .
  24. Just done this ( UK ) and received my letter of acceptance via e-mail which I have printed out onto a sheet of A4 paper . Do I need to present this along with my passport to the immigration officer at BKK , or will they know from the computer that I have a SETV and stamp me in for 60 days ? Many thanks
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