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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Could we then take the first of those points. The IDF's terribly slow response to the 'break out'? How could it happen? Supposedly the intelligence service security was so tight that even a cat getting close to a wall would set off a alarm. And that para-gliding?! Did they not practice beforehand? Unnoticed! Did the Egyptians not whisper that something was afoot? Why the 5/6 hour delay. Did someone have a word? Lets get to it Sir.
  2. Backwards and forwards. To and fro. Why not just answer the guy?
  3. I have 'style'. Always thought I did. Thanks Morch mate.
  4. There are a few things that I'm baffled by. One is why the IDF were seemingly asleep at the wheel, and then it took hours to respond to the break-out. Some say it was Israel's over-reliance on AI. Some say it is because the PM needed deflection. Some say it is part of the big plan to get all Muslims out of Israel. Some say it is because of the huge gas reserves in the area. Some say it's because the US gave them the wink and nod. So Morch; you are right. I don't know what's behind it all. But I'm reading the posts and trying to get a grasp on things.
  5. Mistakes!! Thought everything was going to the big plan. How wrong can one be!
  6. This religious group don't like their sacred religion being hi-jacked by Zionists. Big march by the orthodoxies in London last Saturday.
  7. Nothing to do with this thread Nick lad. Talking generally across the western world. Is not criticism of Israel termed antisemitic, in some charter or other? Think the UK Labour party adopted it.
  8. I agree. I've seen footage of Jewish orthodox guys being severely manhandled by security (don't really know who they represent) in Israel. Not so much reported in the west (wonder why), but Jews and Jewish groups all over are saying 'stop the conflict'. Back to that nonsense term; antisemitism'. It is so all-encompassing as to be ridiculous. But the word has, and is, used to shut people up. To terminate any debate.
  9. I don't like this term antisemitic. I don't understand it, and would never use it myself.
  10. Great win at the Foxes last night Andy. The three demoted teams; Saints, Peacocks and Foxes take up 3 of the top 4 spots in the Championship. Tractors doing very good.
  11. Well you did say that he was poorly after the jab, with the complaint taking a year to get under control. Then he went and had another. There are things that can be done to help. But of course, take doc's advice; always.
  12. This complaint (Pemphigoid) is, IMO, the body desperately trying to rid itself of toxins. Nothing to do with the skin really. Problems with the blood and liver. Of course he did the right thing in consulting his medical expert.
  13. Kary Mullis stated many times that the PCR test was not a diagnostic one. Which is isn't. He died mysteriously in 2019. Convenient that; for the jab pushers. The whole covid narrative seemed to be driven by PCR test results.
  14. Side effects??!! More like direct effects. The lucky ones, who took the shots, and came out unscathed, probably had the inert variety. Everyone - worldwide - who had a proper mRNA jab will have problems says Dr Cahill. During the 5 years after the jab.
  15. A lot of people trusted the white-coats and the politicians when they uttered those magic words; 'safe and effective'. Now the chickens are coming home. Let's hope the 'still-alives' will be more scrutinous next time. The biggest word in the dictionary is ''no''.
  16. Can't post it. Too delicate. Please PM me for the link.
  17. Watched a show last night. They suggested that tomorrow at dawn something will happen. We will see.
  18. Medical professionals' who, on the whole, stick to a big pharma programme that originates from a theory. A theory, that was thrust on the world by rich, powerful people at the turn of the 1900s. Wanting to be even more rich. I do not agree with it. Nature shows that the theory is not possible. Of course, I don't want all science to stop. But medical science should be based on sound foundations; not nonsense. Nature would be a good place to start. You are what many would called a non-thinker or sheep. Instead of inquiring why I have the opinions I have, you simply want to ridicule. A little Voltaire quote:: "Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, to humans of whom they know nothing."
  19. A lot of understandable emotion there. I don't agree with your comments. The actual details of why, and how, Hamas managed to do - as successfully as they did - are hidden for now. The PM of Israel has another battle to deal with. He was under fire, as we know, for trying the put parliament above so-called impartial judges. His one positive, was that he was keeping Israel safe. That disappeared on the 7th. Is Israel a 'roaring lion'? Without the US's actual support, and the west's general support, that is a doubt; at least for me. 300,000 new recruits at the ready. Once they start dying; who knows! Is there appetite for an expanded middle east war? What could be achieved? It's in America's interest to keep things stable; but with them in control. A war with Iran would send the price of a barrel of oil rocketing. Perhaps the west might not even get any oil. This uncertainty, is maybe the thing that will keep a lid on any escalation. The Israelis have a lot of sad human history. Many of them are descendants of those who died in WW11. But the people of Palestine are also proud. When they see their land being occupied by others they too have emotions. Better to take the land and split it into two. A two state solution is, IMO, a non-starter. Too late for that. Although I doubt if either party really wanted it.
  20. You highlighted the section below. If it is not representative of the 'fullfact' article then why post it? Pasted again below. "Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles,” the World Health Organization wrote in a recent roundup celebrating its 75th anniversary. “As diseases like polio and diphtheria fall out of living memory, people are increasingly vaccinated against diseases they have never seen, making it harder to understand how devastating they can be.” I read it and I don't agree with any of it. Apart from the bit not in quotes.
  21. Who is a cultist? Not me Brian if it is me you are nodding towards. I didn't read the article, but I did read the part you quoted: "Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles,” the World Health Organization wrote in a recent roundup celebrating its 75th anniversary. “As diseases like polio and diphtheria fall out of living memory, people are increasingly vaccinated against diseases they have never seen, making it harder to understand how devastating they can be.” I called it monumental cowpoo. It is simply untrue.
  22. It's not you Brian mate. But the passage you quote in monumantal cowpoo. The WHO does not know what it's on about. Or! Perhaps it does. Wonder who funds the 'World Hurt Organisation'? Let me think now. As for www.factcheck.org. Give me a break.
  23. This is the language of the 'white coats'; should, expected, may. Can't they say for certain? No! Of course not. Most of this data comes straight out of computers. In the real world - the world of nature - these 'shoulds', 'maybies' etc; don't exist. Look at a fallen tree. Soon nature gets to work dismantling it. Then bacteria reduce it to nothing. We seem to be looking at things completely the wrong way. Nature has all the answers. We must learn from nature, not try to alter or improve on it in some secret lab. As for Flu-vaccines being based on Guesswork. Well!! If we were privvy to the white-coats' software, we too could be guessing.
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