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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. PPE contracts. Elevation to the H of L for saying the right things. Who owns England? - Guy Shrubsole (Sunday Times Best Seller)
  2. I look at cycles. For a few draws one group of numbers predominate. Have to split the numbers into three groups.Those with only straight lines. Those that have only curves, and those that have both. So, we have 1, 4, 7 - 0, 6, 8, 9 - 2 and 5. Three (3) is the odd one, as it can be all curvy or a mix. There is more. How often do numbers come up in succession? To get a 'triple' (it works out at about 24-1 overall), one has to think if it's worth it. So, is number 114447 or 800099 (for eg) worth buying? The palindromic numbers must not be sidelined. Especially if they are all in a 'hot' group. For instance; 806608. The cycle is in the 2 and 5 and maybe 3 camp, for this draw. If I had to nominate a number for this draw I would go for 352253. One last thing on numbers. Only two numbers 0 and 8 are congruent, or a mirror image. And is '0' really a number? Hope that analysis points you to a 6 million baht win CL. However, if one is not too greedy and would settle foe a 100k win, then 7 as the last number must not be forgotten.
  3. Give peace a chance; I say.
  4. I hear you CL. The whole idea of buying land, and developing it was - and the wife agreed - to safeguard the children's future. Both that latchibo Nan and Mildred. It hasn't worked out as planned, but there is hope. As for the lottery; all that is needed is a bit of spiritual luck. This week, numbers that have both curves and a straight bit are gonna do the bizzo.
  5. I look at it on a human level. Killing kids is tragic. If anyone thinks that pointing to some clause in some law has the answers; I say nonsense. Killing unarmed civilians is wrong. And to do it deliberately is double wrong.
  6. You are not wrong there S. In fact after doing the top up, I felt a bit sick and lay down for a couple of hours. Must have been the fumes. To make matters worse, I've got a super-fast charger. Goes from 'dead' to 'start-up' in just 10 minutes. And there is no 'trickle' option on the unit..
  7. You are right BS. Everton won the league in 1938/39, and it was not contested again until Liverpool took the title in 1946/47. There was another occasion when this happened. When and where?
  8. Thanks for that S. Of course the farang sitting in the bar every evening is also the real Thailand. But that's not for me, and I reckon the bar guys wouldn't swap their lives for mine. Each to his own. I take more pleasure rescuing a snail crossing the soi than I would winning the Thai Lottery. What would I do with lots of dosh? Get the Mrs to look after it while I decide what to do with it; probably.
  9. Dear me! What a plonker. Should read;;; The three clubs that came up from the Championship, are in the bottom three places in the EPL. Too much excitement. That's my excuse.
  10. Yup! Thanks for those stonking pics.
  11. Owl Log 12-11-2023 - Sunday evening The week started out slow and finish in hectic style. Hadn't ventured anywhere since Saturday; eight days ago. Only to the farm, and the next village, to get some sacks ready for the rice harvest. Bought 100 at 4.5 baht each. No sign of the four ducks. No sign of the terrapins. But the smaller mekongs are showing and challenging the nin for the fish pellet. The dook pinkies are coming to the surface in Mildred's little round pond. But not yet seen them in their pond. The snails are doing very well. They eat at least an A4 sheet of paper a day. Mildred says to let them go at the farm. Then we can start collecting them again, and saving them from certain death. If they dare venture across the sois, some of the m/c riders think it fun to run over them. She reckons to let them go at the bottom of the leaning tree in pond 6. I'm not sure there is enough 'greenery' there for them to survive; let alone thrive. Talking of m/cs. There was a gang outside in the week with a 3 wheeler. Every so often they would charge around the block. Those not on the m/c raced behind on their bikes. Gang member ages range from three years to eleven. VID bike kids.mp4 The leccy along the super-highway is doing just great. I've sussed it out about the two different poles heights. The high one is to link the villages and the lower one runs off to the farms. On me way back from getting the sacks, I vidded them sorting it out. VID leccy man.mp4 Leccy posts around our farm soon. Mildred spotted it from a long way off. "What's that Dad?" I didn't know at first, but as I got closer in the Mazza I knew. TBH, I've only ever seen one down before. That was at least 13 years ago. Thought they were banned, due to crashing into aircraft. So was surprised to see it. Another 4 dogs in our uptown part of the village. Mildred couldn't resist giving them a tickle on her way back from the school bus. Still on the nipple. Resting. Hey! There is only three of you where's ya mate? He's in the drain of course. What about the big snake that lives in there? What!! The wifi went off at 10 on Friday evening. Didn't know about that until the morning as I had me head down. To get any www on Saturday I had to hard-wire it. The Mrs called True on Saturday, and they said they would be round at nine the next day. And at precisely nine the technician arrive (this morning).. It was the box not sending out a signal. It had to be cause I could get the internet with a lead attached (in yellow). Receiver fine. After putting on a reconditioned one he sorted the wires outside. He said something about us being a 'hot spot'. And after 30 minutes he was all done, and was off. He gave Mrs Owl his number and said he would fix up a 6g signal next year. Certainly can't have enough 'Gs'. I want 69G. All done in two seconds. That'll knock off 8 seconds. Not only the True man. but a party in the village. I went outside to grab some excitement. I think the local school did the bizzo for us. VID dancing aa.mp4 And the band was also pucca. VID dancing a.mp4 Trampolines back. About a dozen or so kids in all. No bouncy castle this time. VID tramp kids.mp4 Mildred has been nagging me a lot. She has finished painting her cat, but it has not been mounted, and has no whiskers. My idea is to coat twine in glue to stiffen it, and stick on each whisker with superglue. Getting there!! Just one more coating will be perfect. Then we'll cut the whiskers to length and start sticking them in place. I am gonna clean the cat's eyes; a bit dirty. Millwall!! What are you doing? You should have been put to the sword at Hillsborough. Not win 0-4. Dear me! Just when you think the Owls have turned the corner; they flop again. Posh win 5-0. The three bottom clubs are the three that came down from The Championship. Orient lose at home. Cove win away. Harry Kane doing well in Germany. Cray Valley Paper Mills v Charlton on Wednesday evening. If I was in London; I'd be there. FA Cup replay. Not a hint of rain this week. Just as well 'cause the rice harvest has just began. Another week for us, then we'll have all the rain that's going. Not so much traffic to the topic last week. Is the notification working OK? Big marches all over for the 'cease fife' in Gaza. Julia Hartley-Brewer loses her cool live on a Talk TV show. Always has a low-cut top on when I see her. Fiery bit of stuff. Quite a handful she would be. What is happening in the Thai government? Anything?! Perhaps I'm not paying close enough attention. Big battles in Burma. Still keeping on with me bathroom yoga programme. Doing really well. Only one thing to say; bye y'all. Nearly forgot. A full post-bag, reminded me to give the result of the quiz. Top league since it started. First southern team to get into the top three; Bristol City - 1907 First London team to get into the top three; Chelsea - 1920 First London team to win the league; Arsenal - 1931 Another teaser. The top flight league title stayed in the same city for seven years. Who and when?
  12. 1/ Red Pharma 2/ stats 3/ nature wins
  13. Don't agree with you there Sir. People have been seriously injured, and some have died. Are they not entitled to compensation? After all they were only doing as requested.
  14. I'm all for that crook Fauci getting his comeuppance. But it's been a bit late in coming. This could have been sorted out when The Don was in charge. But!! I would not put Rand Paul in charge of a village feast.
  15. It's all about germs and viruses.
  16. The point is Brian; these pathogenic entities only exist in a computer.
  17. Indeed. You don't look at the ornament on the mantelpiece when you are stoking the fire.
  18. Good that he didn't hurt the bitch.
  19. Yes! Let's return to testing at airports. I put a big question mark as to the worth of it all. We seem to have a world 'data base' now of illnesses caused by 'pathogens' and 'viruses'.
  20. I don't agree with Professor Holmes. Looking specifically at humans as part of nature. The body will do just about anything to survive. The fever, headache, sore throat, rash etc. is the body surviving. It is trying to get the body back to good heath. It uses the rash, fever etc to get rid of nasties withing it. But there is obviously more to nature than the last paragraph. Wholesome food, clean water and fresh air are what our bodies thrive on. The white-coats think they can improve on nature. In my view they should learn from it; rather than fight against it.
  21. I hear what you say Dan. Obviously the initiative (as laid out in the OP) is deemed appropriate by the CDC. I'm not really questioning that. What I'm saying is that the CDC is coming to the heath prevention table, with the wrong paperwork; and definitely the wrong computer programmes. It's not my job to tell the CDC what they should be focusing on. Although I would if I thought they would listen. But scrapping the whole thing, and starting a programme, of promoting nature to ensure a disease-free world would be infinitely better. To get right down to the problem (as I see it), one has to actually define what the CDC states is a disease. I have read thousands of pages on this, and agree with very little. Let's simplify. A fever is not a disease, illness or even sickness. It is a symptom, the result of something else happening within. What is causing the fever should be the real cause of concern. The modern way of thinking, (Big Pharma thinking), is that the fever needs to be suppressed, to sort out any problem. This is completely the wrong approach. Let nature be the guide to good health, not computer programmes.
  22. It's all CDC nonsense. They are right up there in promoting humbug. The CDC has to keep doubling down on the pathogen/virus narrative. Thousands of very well paid jobs depend on it. If - rather when - it is shown that the Big Pharma approach to health is completely wrong, these CDC white-coat nerds will be on the dole. Or the US equivalent of the dole. All my opinion of course. If you feel ill best to visit a doctor.
  23. This is so against Nature, that I'm inclined to call it 'monumental CDC gobble-gook'. What is taking nasal swabs got to do with health? If, and it's a big if, they run the swab samples through a test, what does it show? Matches - or otherwise - to sequences in a computer data base... For my money; it is nonsense. Nature has the answers.
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