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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I even read the BBC www. Like to read a lot of things, from different sources, and make up my mind on varying issues. Joined AFDs in the early days. The Perth group is well worth a visit. Mark Bailey has just put out a vid to run along side his 40k word paper; 'Farewell to Virology'. (Link available). Can't look at just one side of the argument. As I have stated many times; nature has the answers. It gives us clues, evidence and proof. IMO, should not be messing with mRNA, with the intention of making vaxxes.
  2. Nonsense!! Really!! So blinkered! Because I don't see things your way. Check out Sam and Mark Bailey. Or the Perth Group. Or one of my own groups; American Frontline Doctors.
  3. I do not agree with this paragraph. The people you are suggesting to take the vax, are, in my opinion, the very ones who should not be going anywhere near it. Seems to me, you are simply echoing a trodden line, and not applying common sense.
  4. Ah yes chocolate. When I lived in the Caribbean, very dark chocolate was readily available. Ladies would come round the streets with balls of it, as big as coconuts. Selling it off their carts. They were simply harvesting the tree's fruit and making a living. A big ball of it, weighing about 2kg, was just 20 dollars Jamaican. And the exchange rate then was 80 dollars to the pound; so quite cheap. It is extremely bitter to my taste, and I liked it mixed with pure honey. However!!! Any good it was doing me was somewhat negated by the copious amounts of rum consumed.
  5. Sorry you don't agree. I actually spent a year in medical school, back in the day. I know what I'm talking about. Don't think much has changed between then and now.
  6. I like the G3 for general good health. Ginseng, garlic and ginger. But I have researched 'Magnesium' and think it's well worth considering for those aches and pains. Sometimes there is a lack of synthesis of calcium causing inflammation in the joints. Magnesium helps 'me' with this. Obviously can't give out medical advice. Of course for ultimate good health; visit your doctor.
  7. It is indeed a beautiful number. If I had seen it for sale in the market or Bic C, I would have bought it. Not five though. Just one. The number is 727202. I look at it like this, 72 72 02. Or even 727 202. 202 being our house number, but that would not have been of any significance in the big picture. I like those special numbers. There was a winner in last week's draw. 552255. Palindromic! They are the ones to go for. I don't buy tickets online. Too risky. As these people found out.
  8. I do not agree with anything on this post. There is plenty of information in the covid archives that show it was specifically stated that the jabs were 'safe and effective'. Also that the vaxxed could not then get covid, or pass it on. To say otherwise is just ignorant and untrue. Why was this narrative being hammered into everyone with a tele or radio? In my book they had to drum into us, that the jabs were so safe and effective, that anyone not taking them was a fool. And could even 'kill granny'. As time progressed, the words were tempered to describe the reality. As the jab injuries became more apparent, the narrative had to shift again. And we are where we are. Massive distrust all round. '''''Do your homework and make an informed choice.''''' I have made an informed choice.
  9. '''''On 29 September 2023, following fan protests, owner Dejphon Chansiri said he would put no more money into the club, unhappy with fans' treatment towards him and his family. While the club, sitting bottom of the Championship, was not technically up for sale, he said he would be open to offers.'''' Here's the big chance. Get the fans organised and buy the club. Man Utd was up for sale a while back and if 20k fans had put their hands in their pockets for 600 squids each; the club would have been theirs. This is maybe, a once in a lifetime chance to own yer club. Get in there Owl fans.
  10. Thanks for that tip Owl. I'll take a look. What about 'Big Sam'? He don't have no truck with those 'tippy tappy', systems.
  11. I hear your frustration. I can sense your curiosity as to 'why'.. I simply do not agree with you. To me; this Nobel thing is akin to Barack Hussein Obama getting the 'peace' prize. This Nobel Prize awarding is, in my opinion, a big boys club.
  12. It was not England playing the US. It was::: The 44th Ryder Cup Venue: Marco Simone Golf and Country Club, Rome Dates: 29 Sep - 1 Oct England stopped playing the Americans in the Ryder Cup a long time ago. In the early 1970s. Couldn't even get the country correct. I'm losing it. Where's that Reishi? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryder_Cup
  13. It's big news all right. Big news up this way is the report of a farmer who fell over in his sugar field. Somehow managed to crawl to safety. Though not before a number of insects had bitten him. A passing tuk-tuk took him to the village. After a few swigs of Low Khow he was deemed to be OK by the corner shop owner; and was good to go. Last seen back in the sugar field.
  14. One of the problems that some have on this thread (indeed any Big Pharma thread) is that people have actually had the therapy. In this case the covid preventing jab. Rather than admit their folly, they want to shoot any messenger for suggesting they were misled.
  15. Looks the nuts CK. Give you that. Fortunately my body allows me to put just anything on, and look good. So it's the local market for me. Although I still have a pair of shorts, that I bought in ASDA 30 years ago. So I'm not knocking the designer stuff. They were on a 'half price' offer. Lucky to get them. They have lasted for ages, and still look the bizzo. Turn the lady's heads when I walk about town. My favourite pull-on shirt is an AC Milan one. Bought it for 99 baht a few years ago. It has special holes under the arm-pits for superior ventilation. Simply can't get better.
  16. Looks like a clean cut. A power tool way out there? Perhaps one of those two-people saws. I'm saddened and completely baffled.
  17. Thanks for that Owl. I'm really baffled by this tree cutting thing. A couple of bods are involved. Why??? There is plenty of time left. Unfortunately it seems like the team is just not up to it. Just what is wrong with them?
  18. Thanks for the support Mutt. Read about that this morning. Were these guys drunk when they dreamed this up? If they were, they still went through with it. Not a good footballing incident in my book. And on a humane level; simply appalling. They are still in the nick at the mo'. Will that teach them? What will they say in their defence? It was a joke m'lud! Don't think they should get bird. 500 hours road-cleaning, in a Sunderlnad shirt, would be just fine. I heard unsavoury chanting about the Busby Babes Munich crash in Spurs' ground, in a game during the early 1960s. The intoxicate characters. were soon told to 'shut it' by the Spurs supporters.. The best way to wind up the opposition is to score goals, and chant the score.
  19. My mum said to me; '''Never trust a woman who don't wear a vest.'''
  20. ''''Doctors are men who prescribe medicines, of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings, of whom they know nothing.'''' Francois-Marie Arouet (1694-1778). Also known as Voltaire.
  21. ''''The only way to deal with these women, is to get them to grow their hair long, and get a stout club.''''
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