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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. ''''If you can keep your head. When all others around you, are losing theirs. You could finish up the tallest.''''
  2. Owl Log - 01-10-2023 - Sunday afternoon I thought there was something odd about that pylon (we used to call them; 'gangoleers') next to the 2022. Just had to investigate. The creepers are reclaiming their habitat. Mrs Owl was with me, so I couldn't get closer. I'll keep my eye on that particular pylon. Try to get a few close-ups next time. We were on our way back from the garden centre. Went to three, before finding the little trees that she wanted. These centres are great for a mooch about. Nice Yammy. Business is on the up! Went straight to the farm and Mrs Owl planted them around the ponds. The avoes, that me and Mildred planted, looked a bit down with 'transplant shock'. But we gave them some water, and the following day they were looking much better. Special day in our area yesterday. Only happens twice a year. I told Mildred about it. Great excitement. The Mrs was not so enthused. On Friday there was a special Buddha. First have to give morning offerings at the temple. Then - and it must be before noon - give any land that you wish to prosper, a little something. A sort of bribe or sweetener. Mrs Owl gave some cookies, fruit and a couple of fags. Michael and Mem came to see us last Sunday. The dogs were overjoyed to see them. And when they left, both Robert and Oscar, cried for an hour. Some buffs were having a splash about. Didn't realise that puddle was so deep. Had a closer look at the guy making those animal things. Mostly animals, but he will make anything if he is paid. There were two cows. One is going to a good home I reckon, 'cause it's not out front any more. The other one is nearly ready. Mildred (sitting in the pick-up) said to ask him, if he would do a cat. The big chickens are 3,500 baht. The cow 11,000! If my Thai hearing is still good. Cat will probably be about a thousand. Didn't ask about Miss Goldie. Thinking of gold. Outside the Farmers Bank in Ban Dung. What a beaut!! Treated myself to new footwear. Tried them on and they fitted OK. Was a bit shocked at the price; 85 baht. But she was a fine looking lady and, I didn't want to disappoint her. So I splashed out. When we went to the farm to do the offerings on Friday. It was teeming down. The overflow into pond 4 was doing a great job. Must get a new top ring. Snapped Som - the big Mango Lady's hubby - getting ready for the rice harvest. And in his front garden a great growth of reishi mushrooms. The Thais call it Hed Lingzhi. I've said not to cut them down until they mature. Will save me a fortune. But then again, one of the reasons for visiting Ting, the 'hat lady' will have gone. Nature is strange! There is one tree, in number two farm, that is bristling with nuts. It's the only one that I can see like this. There is a couple of kilo on the floor. Finally a most incredible pic. I was researching pre-war football on the comp', when I felt a strange sensation on me toe. I looked up and,,. A shaft of light. A message! A warning! A sign! Gonna win a few competitions with that pic. I was just thinking that The Owls were turning the corner. When,,, slap, whack, bang,, a 0-3 loss at home to Sunderland. In big trouble now. Leeds travelled to out-of-sorts Saints, and were hopeful of 3 points. 3-1 to the South Coast team. City lost at Wolves. The Hatters got a dream win at Toffees. Toon smash Blades for 8. At Bramall lane too. Very contentious VAR decisions at two matches yesterday. Both Seagulls and Pool can say; ''we was robbed''. And they were. Just like The Cottagers a week or so ago against City. Back in Dagenham,. Two of my local teams were matched up in the early FA Cup round. Aveley and Hornchurch. Replay in the week as it ended 2-2. Mildred got her first commissioned bit of artwork last week/end. She did www 'painting' for someone and got paid 50 baht. In 'True money'. I've seen it. It's very good. Don't think I can show it without the owner's permission. I'll ask. Mildred has gone all treeified. Her last three paintings have all centred around trees. And I keep finding these little sketches scattered about. I think she does them when she's chatting to her mates on LINE. I'll put them at the bottom of the OL. The end of the wet season is finally here. I have thought that before, and it has rained. But this time I'm sure. We can now look forward to 5 dry months. Starting today. Big golf w/e. England are smashing the Yanks evidently. Somewhere is Spain. Bloody skint til later this week. Had 14k spare and it all went on debt repayments. Can't even afford any cheese at the mo. I've been informed by Mrs Owl that Thaksin Shin', will be out of hospital, and free, by the end of the year. i want to see Yingluck back. Always thought she was a nice bird. Thought that about other women too though. I'm not the best judge of the washer-uppers perhaps. Have to charge the pick-up battery, whenever I want to go out. Might buy a new one soon. The light has gone out at the front. That's the one that I sorted out a couple of months ago. Could get to it this week. Mildred is off school until the 24th of this month. That is great for me. Some company. And she can help me fix the light. Waiting for the £ - Baht exchange rate to shoot up. Hovering between 44 and 45 at the mo. Perhaps that's it. No more 70+ baht to the pound. I need it. And I'm not the only one. Could go the other way even; down to high 30s. Mrs Owl say she wants to go to England to earn her fortune. I say that is extremely difficult, and fraught with obstacles. But she has been talking to the 'right' people and says it's easy. Sad story of a fatal incident in Croydon, London. 15 year old girl was the victim. Move Forward Party's, and, Deputy House Speaker, Padipat Santipada has been ousted from the position. A strategic move evidently! Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. That clock looks familiar. What is it? Of course it's Big Bill. Or is it Ben? www.mildredart.com
  3. What a desperate shame you had to have a serious jab reaction. before the penny dropped Sally. There is nothing the medical establishment can do after a person has has the jab. There are things that can be done to eliminate the toxin, and lesson the effects, but they are outside the 'take-more-drugs' system. Good that you have recovered.
  4. Just man up. Look threatening, puff up like the Incredible Hulk and throw a few f---s about. Point a few fingers. If you're lucky, the IO lady might respect that, and suggest an early morning coffee.
  5. It's the word 'immunisation' that I reckon is misleading here. Not that the whole idea is correct. I have yet to find 'anything' that gives a human an 'immune' response. This word gives the impression that the body 'learns' from substances put into it. I don't agree. I would say that the body has a defence system, that acts swiftly, when toxins are introduced. Especially unnaturally. It neutralises, isolates, eliminates and eradicates toxins. It does this to all unnatural. medicines including vaxx injections; if it can. Sometimes the effects, of the toxins, so overwhelm the body that it succumbs. What happens also, is that the body isolates the toxin, only for it to break free some time later. The age group 21 to 33 have an advantage here, as it is thought that the body's defence mechanisms are are their strongest. The very young, and the old, are most at risk. And any body that already has a problem (underlying condition) is also high risk from these toxins.
  6. '''Today's parents are putting children at risk.''' How is that Sandy?
  7. Just because you have the jab, it don't mean you will die. Might just get a sore arm.
  8. Make you right there RP. I'll pay to have it fired into the bin.
  9. Mildred was just a baby. I was carrying her through the market in Ban Dung. She was a little sick on my shirt. Didn't take any notice at first. We were on our way to Non Han to get the pick-up done. Took the shirt off in the pick-up, and intended to get a new one at the clothes market - on the left as you come in from the north on the 2096 - but got stopped at a check point, and was fined. After paying him, the peeler let me drive on, and I bought a T-shirt at the stall. A bit expensive at 50 baht. Still have it. Although the colours have faded a little.
  10. Not too sure about that Barry. There is no real doubt that North and South America broke free from the big land mass and formed the Atlantic. But whether they were ever discovered or not by the Europeans, well!! Can something like that be discovered? Maybe they just found it on their travels. As for the moon-walking?! No-one believes that now. Definitely a rumour.
  11. My bad! I'm such a silly-billy for not explaining that the 2096 is the number of the road leading south, from Ban Dung to Non Mek. Then, another 7 km further on, it joins with the Sakon Nakhon highway. Not the year when the peeler nabbed me. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. This is really good news. Been pushing up me word count. Ready for the exam. The other day, the daughter asked if I knew 30 Thai words? I said I knew a thousand. Noon, song, sam see, haa,,,. No numbers!! Stuck on 29 at the mo'.
  13. Indeed! I was fined on the spot for driving the pick-up shirtless, on the 2096, 13 years ago.
  14. Too complicated for me to do that. Bar codes and those square dotted things give me the jips.
  15. Wanted to pay two leccy bills in Big C late last month. Could not unless I showed passport or pink ID.
  16. Thanks for that bud. And the 19 comes from 2019. You and Brian bang on the money.
  17. Killed on his bike. Real sorry to hear that. Hope you are riding that bike in the wide open spaces of the sky bud.
  18. Very slightly off topic. I would suggest a natural remedy. It means a lot of rest. and a fast. Could try it for 14 days. Having the right state of mind is important. A bit more to it. But not hard.
  19. Nonsense. ''',,,,dubious and biased anti-vax source:''' Is it true? Truth is taking a back seat it seems.
  20. But are the claims true? And if they are, does it make the jabs more toxic? And does that even matter? If they are not true; does it matter, apart from being incorrect. Don't bother me if there is even more undesirables in the jabs. Others might. But one things for sure; plenty will emerge to rubbish any claims. Why might that be! Have to think things through.
  21. Indeed! I have to give credit ti Blue fans. They are nor fooling themselves. It's a rebuild.
  22. Seems to me that anyone posting anything that is not 100% in line with CDC, WHO or government policy, get jumped on and called names. Why call someone an anti-vaxxer just for bringing information to the table? This would suggest that certain entities are afraid of people doubting what they have been told to believe.
  23. The OP is simply trying to enlighten us. Why shoot the messenger?
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