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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Open space = nothing. I have a book on my shelf about David's view of 9/11. It is huge. Some 800 pages packed with stuff that is gradually being accepted as being factual. Alice Walker said his book 'Humans get off your knees' was a masterpiece. Can't argue with that. I wrote a sketch about Davis a few years ago. It was at the time when he was a professional goalie. If anyone would like to see it, I'll post the transcript; if I can find it!
  2. Agreed! David Icke, that much ridiculed writer, has suggested that some humans have a bit of lizard in them, and under certain circumstances reveal that bit. Can't say I'm on board with that. But if we take out all the open space from the earth, it's only as big as a basket ball (regular US MBA size).
  3. The whole thing about 'God' is intriguing. Is it not? For me he/she/it (god) is just one of three possibilities, explaining how and why we are here. Firstly; that there is a spirit/human/all-powerful-being that created us; through Adam and Eve perhaps. Secondly; that we evolved gradually from swamp creatures over millions of years. Thirdly; that Earth had visitors some 40k years ago, and we are, either those same people, or we were engineered from apes or Neanderthal man; or the like. I find the last of these possibilities the most fascinating. If this is a correct assumption, the next question is why. The UK sent it's naughty prisoners to Oz. Could it be that the Earth's first humans were extraterrestrial criminals? Could it be that we are the contents of another planet that was decaying and dying, and that necessitated finding a new home? There is also the possibility that we were put here as a food source, and as yet, have not been harvested.
  4. Anger and hope. Anger at the world's injustices. Hope than it can get better.
  5. Possible! There are so many hidden jems in Isaan. I take the back-roads whenever I can. Never know what you might find! Sad to see the koi-carp farm closed.
  6. Thanks Roo. They are certainly a handful at times.
  7. No Owl. But I've realised that I was successful with my project. Let me elaborate. Once I had the main tank cave in, it was the biz. If I'd had a cylinder that didn't cave in, I would have got the motion I desired. A glass one could be ideal. Remember those wine demi-johns of yesteryear? Could be! I'm still looking.
  8. Thanks DJ. I've just seen an awful mistake in the post. Hope no-one notices. ""I've got a theory about these balloons. How much does it cost to make one and get it in the air? Not cheap, I reckon about 4 million Baht (100k squids or 130k USD). Let them go up; catch the 'jet stream', and watch with interest as missiles, at 200 USD a pop, are fired at them. Not to mention the fuel for a dozen jets."" Should read 200,000 USD. Sorry President Biden, didn't mean you were doing things on the cheap. My bad.
  9. Owl Log - 12-02-2023 - Sunday afternoon Finally got away to Udon on Thursday. Stopped off at the Sum Sao Buddha for 30 minutes. They are steaming ahead with the build. And the front section has also been clarified. Before there was lots of plastic bunting everywhere. Left the Buddha, and went down the back roads to Udon. Found a nice pond and a horse farm. Last stop was at a bit of land for sale on the outskirts of the city. Pond Buddha still under construction. In the front area things looked good. Bunting nearly gone. Some bunting still up high, but not at throat height like last time I visited. Next, it was through to the back, where the action was. Underneath there was more work; but the painters were off for a bit of grub. Nice tiling. Then it was upstairs for a butchers. Buddhas in place but not yet ready for the elements. Probably not yet painted. On me way out, I saw some lovely boat hand carvings. This place is the nuts. I'm sure it will have thousands of visitors in the future. I'll be back in 90 days. I was on me way. Next thing that caught my eye was a nice pond. Don't often see horses in Isaan. Some land for sale. Wouldn't normally stop to take a pic of a 'for-sale' sign, but I was taken by the house; which I reckon was included. Into Udon. Sorted out the business in just a couple of minutes. Lady pointed out, that I would need to get my passport renewed this year. Last time is was very easy with IPS; out of Hong Kong if I can recall.. Now it has all changed. I'll consult the passport threads in AN. Went round the corner to see a relative, who lives close to the railway station. Before I had gotten out of the pick-up I had a call from Mildred. "Come pick me up Daddy. I finish early." It was 13-15 and I was a fair way from Ban Dung. "OK dear. But I'll not be with you until about two thirty." I was on my way. Didn't get too far along the Sakon Nakhon road, when just past the Chinese sector, I spotted 'Cheese to meat you'. The shop is located on one of the best sections of road in Udon. Big wide road, plenty of stopping space. Pulled over. Went straight to the fridge and there was a big chunk of 'Gouda'. 500 baht a kilo. 735 baht all told. In and out of the shop in just two minutes. Young lady behind the counter spoke really good English. Ban Dung next stop. Waited for her in the arranged place. Watched an exciting games of 'boules'. Mildred located; we were off home. But there was still snapping to be done. A new shop on the main drag. Very nice. "Watch the hole love." A couple of big elephants caught my eye. And another hiding in the back. Road repairs. Or to be more accurate road enhancements. All those beautiful trees gone. Main machine. Some plank cutting at the village. It's interesting to watch. The cutter studies the log and decides what way is gonna get the best yield. The edges are trimmed. Lady keeping a close eye on things. Making sure he is doing it good. vid 11 cut log.mp4 Get rid of the edge bit; the bark. vid 111 cut log.mp4 Then the main cutting begins. vid 1111cut log.mp4 Soon have enough to build a nice village house. Took the doggies - Robert and Oscar - to the farm yesterday. Oscar is the swimmer. Robert the swim coach. vid farm doge swim.mp4 Youngsters off to the local school. Monks make their rounds. What a beauty?! Big procession in Ban Dung last week. Some enthusiastic marching and exquisite dancing. Do a Owl Log special in the week. Got some cracking vids. Just to finish off; a pic from the past. What is that shirt? Mildred went on her big walk with the class - and her red sick - on Thursday. She said it was all around the salt marshes to the north of Ban Dung. She passed the test. Think it was a fitness thing. The walk was in the morning, and she was free to leave at about one. Was in Udon when she phoned me. Picked her up at two-forty. A lot a of driving Thursday; about 160km. And she had the next day off. Recovery day for the teachers!! footy round-up. Lots of draws in the EPL. Burnley, and Blades, steam on in the Championship. 29k to see Tractor boys draw with the Owls. Orient open up a decent gap in their division. Champs League in a couple of years for sure. Leeds doing well since sacking their manager; not been beat yet. Toffees too. Fulham win again. Foxes hit 4 for the second time in a week. Spurs this time. World focus. Big news is Seymour Herch's report on his 'substack' about the destroyed gas pipelines. Another balloon!. Shot down early this one; over Canada. Liz Truss in England making noises. A comeback? Some US General reckons there will be trouble between US and China before 2025. Death toll mounts in Syria and Turkey. Very sad. Over 30,000 dead and still many, many missing. I've got a theory about these balloons. How much does it cost to make one and get it in the air? Not cheap, I reckon about 4 million Baht (100k squids or 130k USD). Let them go up; catch the 'jet stream', and watch with interest as missiles, at 200 USD a pop, are fired at them. Not to mention the fuel for a dozen jets. Notice that the US is transferring the factories making the chips from Taiwan to the US. Is something a-foot? Local news. Floating pirate restaurant sinks off Thailand coast. Officials blame a faulty water pump. Weather change in north-east. Temperatures expected to go well into the 30s this week. Little fires along the sois at an end now. These doggies are greedy pigs. When is a puppy officially a young dog? Robert is 15 weeks old and Oscar 13 weeks. Bought 34 tins of food and 26 kg of biscuit in Big C last visit. Nearly gone. Postponed the urine challenge indefinitely. Yielding good results; but I keep forgetting. Done a bit of running at the farm yesterday. Didn't find it easy. Planned to do 10 hard sprints, but gave up after 3. The Mekongs are showing again, after that dodgy spell. They are coming for food good now. I've given up on Ting the Hat Lady. I'll just go into her shop for reishi strips. No other reason. Maybe get a new hat. Only one thing left to sat; bye y'all. A mid-day snack has just arrived. Cheese to eat you. Yum yum.
  10. Brum 2 - Baggies 0 A comfortable victory by all accounts. What has happened to WBA? They went storming up the table, and now they have hit a brick wall. Hannibal Mejbri scored a very good goal. Don't ya just love his hair! On loan from United. Cute name too.
  11. Sorted out the KTB for a couple of months. Now all I need to do is download the APP onto my laptop. Not having a lot of success at the mo.
  12. Owl Log - 08-03-2023 - Wednesday morning Market Festival over Fri, Sat and Sunday last. This is the biggest festival on the calendar for the area. Only 7km from the village. Two different stages with performers, and dozens of stalls, and stands, and carts, selling food, clothes, plants etc. The centre of the show for most is the temple. There are queues to get in . Plenty pf clothing on offer. pics by Mrs Owl.
  13. Ah yes chickens!! Have my happy times with them. But they are constantly changing. Make friends with one in particular, and he goes missing, Then others appear, Feed time. vid alan feed chickens.mp4 Follow the leader. vid chickens following.mp4 Eating the fish bait. vid - cickens eat the bait.mp4
  14. Altering bar-codes is serious stuff. You think you are talking to a bank-employee with a quaint Indian accent, and the next thing ya know your dosh is gone.
  15. They are just fantastic. Thanks for the pics. There is a chicken farm next to ours. So I've seen hundreds. And I give them grub - if I have some to give - virtually every day. This particular village chicken is striking. I'll try to get a close up pic, if I'm out when it is strutting about.
  16. Owl Log - 06-02-2023 - Monday evening Bit late getting started this week. Couldn't get the AN up-loader to work Sunday and today I've been sorting out business in Ban Dung. The pick-up has also been out of action all week. It's not the youngest of vehicles, and mostly it goes from the village to the farm and back. Bit of a drain on the battery. So last Tuesday it refused to start. Got the charger out and stuck it on; as you do. And, as I'd done dozens of times before. Not this time! Took it to the tool-repair man in the village and he pronounced it 'cannot'. So, straight on Lazada for a new one. This particular one caught my eye. Had good write ups and seemed cheap enough at 390 Baht. Arrived in two days. A lot more compact that the old whacker. All looked good. Charged the battery for a couple of hours and tried to start the Voathon. Nothing! Wen I came back from town this afternoon, put it back on. Just tried it at 19-15,,and it roared into life. Yes! Yes! Yes!, There is a very handsome chicken in our soi. As long as there are no dogs about - including Oscar and Robert - he/she strolls about without a care. Handsome/pretty!! Don't want to misgender it. Beautiful colours. Mildred cut my hair on Saturday. She said it was finished and I didn't look for half-an-hour when I washed it. Getting a sense of humour is our Mildred. Good to see. Poo and Robert are friends. But, not Oscar and Poo. Ginger don't get on with any dog. And Jack simply stays away. vid cat n dog.mp4 Some older pics of family activities. Colour show in Bandung 2019. Mildred's last school. Watching the water in Prajek Park. Just wandering about. Daughter likes my bike. A relaxed Mildred ready to feed the fish and birds. Birds got in first. Snake show at Number 4 Market. vid snake show.mp4 And one from 3/4 years ago. In the green team. vid marching Mildred.mp4 Footy round-up. Toffeemen - under new management - do City a favour, and Spurs return the favour to the Gooners, the next day. Both games 1-0. There may be talk of hardship in England, but the gates are just fantastic. 72k in the week at Old Trafford. At the week-end Derby got 26k and The Owls a whopping 34k for their top of the table clash with Plymouth. 'Liverpool misery continues'; said the BBC.. Don't ya just hate it. Wolves getting their own back in that one. Orient stay top with a home win. Quite impressed with Wrexham. I'll be watching them. The Premier League has charged Manchester City with more than 100 breaches of its financial rules following a four-year investigation. Can see a 99 point deduction there. Relegation beckons!! World focus. The whole world has now seen the weather balloon floating serenely round the world, about 50k feet up. When it entered the sky above the US!! Panic!! Shoot it down! Catch it! Leave it, 'cause it could be holding dangerous stuff! And there is another! Over Chile at the mo. I want to see one over Isaan! Bad earthquakes in the Middle East. Many lives lost. Local news The Hua Hin tennis tournament was won in two sets by Chinese lady Zhu. Beat Ukraine's Tsurenko in two sets. Ms Tararudee represented Thailand, but went out in the first round. In the doubles; Chan and Wu beat Wang and Zhu; 2 sets to nil. The Thai girls, Kumkhum and Pipuech lost in the semis. Was it well attended? Didn't see it on TV. But only had a quick look, so it might have been. Felt really sorry for Mildred today. She spent a couple of hours, over the weekend, making a fold-up box for a school project. Put it in a bag. Kept it away from her school satchel so as not to spoil it. Then went and left it on the bus this morning. Couldn't get it to her, even though we went to Ban Dung. Have to hand it in tomorrow. Will lose marks though for late presentation. Eyesight. I did say in another post that I would present my secret, about maintaining good vision as ya get older. Here it is. Eyes wide open. Do a figure of eight a couple of times horizontally. Rest for a while and then do the same figure of eight; but vertically. A couple of times a day is OK. Don't do it with the eyes closed. Fasting finished for another three weeks. No food at all for the last three days of the month. Half-heatedly doing my urine therapy. Keep forgetting. Amandha would not be proud of me. Dogs growing up. Started fighting. Although why they are at it, the tails are wagging. Robert is the aggressor. A tiny bit of rain last week. The weather forecast for Udon said over 60% chance a few times. But not yet. Last year - if my memory serves me - we started to get rain in the second week in Feb. Don't seem to be getting anything sorted. Not gone to Udon; but might as well wait for the 90 day trip now. Have not put down any stone for the road. No games of chess. Pointless worrying about starting up the water pump now. Gonna pour down next week. The year's biggest market was on at the week-end; the 'River Market'. The Mrs went and took a load of pics. I'll do an Owl Log Special in the week. Mildred has been neglecting her artwork. I think it's the dogs. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  17. I don't think the '86' runs to Romford Station. Wrong side of London that one. All Iron;s supporters in Ronford.
  18. Agree with you about the malls and the bars. Not my cup of rosy. But if the farangs want to live their life that way; well that's just fine with me. I've had 4 bore-holes drilled at the farm Also there is another in the middle of number 5 farm that was done by the previous owner. None in use at the mo. But the future's a'coming and who knows how the cookie will crumble.
  19. Think it's the number 14 bus. Goes to Kings Cross.
  20. I have researched and written about English football for 50 years. Never heard 'The Blues' called 'Rentboys'. Either the club or the supporters.
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