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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Could I get myself on the scheme? Barring accidents; I'm next in line for the;;;... Wouldn't want the wife to be out of pocket - too much - when it's time to go. Might have to sell some of her accumulated gold (she don't know where mine is hidden)..
  2. Ronaldo would get into a world X1 at his best. United brought him back, gave him shed-loads of dosh and the fans loved him. But it has all gone pear-shaped, and I feel that it is time to call it a draw; at the top level.
  3. But what is his crib? Sounds like he is just 'past it' and can't accept the truth. A bit like those actresses; 'my fans don't understand me'. United are paying him a lot of dosh. Over rated. over paid, over the hill. Very sad about his baby.
  4. Technology will solve all the world's energy problems. A previously unheard of way of energy creation. Perhaps using sound or sea water. And all those plastic bottles floating in the ocean? We had carpets made from them yonks ago. Why not chomp them up and make concrete?
  5. That's a good point Tootoo. In my book an agreement is an agreement. Obviously there was/is 'small print' that I didn't know about.
  6. Thanks for that Kopitiam. With the member's help. I'm getting closer and closer to understanding what it's all about. We have two life insurances with the bank. Because of 'unexpected' deaths - above the norm - there is a sir-charge. I have to find 2400 baht for the two agreements with the bank. Not moaning (much) about it. As long as it's legit, I'll pay up willingly. Still not sure what the last paragraph is about. I think that if a person had claimed the death money, they have to give extra.
  7. 99 baht!!!! I bit too expensive for me. Think I'd give it a miss. Why pay for something that will not do the job anyway? ie fill you up. Chicken-foot soup 20 baht a litre.
  8. The wife has just spoken to someone about this. Evidently it is an extra payment for anyone who has a life insurance at the Farmers Bank. We have two, one on the wife and one on her mother. No idea about the incorrect dates; if indeed they are incorrect. Could the 2012 one be when we took out the life insurance? Think it best for wife to call on the appropriate number (at the bottom of the letter).
  9. You are right. Both dates are a bit iffy. The 1825 one and 2012 also. If it was from a bank, I don't think the dates would be like this.
  10. I've been in the village for over 14 years, and this is new to me. Where does the money go? Is it payable to the farmers bank, or is it kept safe by the village boss? I've just spoken to the Mrs, and she says that so many have died the 'government' fund is very low. Nothing to do with our insurances at the Framers Bank. Although the sign on the top left looks like a bank emblem.
  11. I just don't know. Waste of time asking the Mrs. Who gets the dosh? But many thanks for helping.
  12. Had this slip of paper delivered the other day. The Mrs says we have to pay 1200 baht due to many people dying. Can't get my head around it. Could anyone help to decipher the paper? And has anyone had similar?
  13. Trip to Udon Thani. Mrs Owl accompanied me to Udon. I warned has as soon as we left that I was gonna stop off at the Sum Sao Buddha to take pics. She moaned; but only for five minutes or so. The front of the Buddha was pretty much the same. The construction at the pond was progressing. Gonna be nice, especially if they put flood-lights up. The little croc-pond was just the same. Can just about make them out. The in-line golden lads and lasses were looking glorious in the morning sunshine. Lady keeping watch. Then into the rear section. This is gonna be a huge piece of work. I think they could be planning to build a giant Buddha. Mrs Owl says 200 metres high. Don't know about 200 metres, but there is something substantial planned. Took a look upstairs. Have to go to Udon again later this month, to get passport. I'll take another butchers. But it will be too soon to see any progress. Probably 12 months time to see a big difference.
  14. Sorry to hear that CL. I've had very mixed results when growing from seed or even little saplings. My grape-vine died. Mrs Owl's durian trees died, and a couple of other trees too. But on the upside, the avocados are OK. Except for that poor one in the pic. I've also managed to grow a really nice mango tree from the seed. I'll get a pic when I go to the farm this afternoon.
  15. Owl Log - 13-11-2022 - Sunday morning. The rice season is in full swing. Two machines at work in the village and one in the farm next to us. And that's just one afternoon. Som - the hubby of the big mango lady - had brought over a load from the small farm next to us. When the rice machine arrived the rice cart was towed just down the soi. Then it was a matter of lining things up. Wait for it!! And they were good to go. vid rice sorter.mp4 And just round the corner at the same time; more action. Got to the last one at the farm just at the end of proceedings. vid rice machine.mp4 It's certainly been a busy week. What with the incident, when a guy was killed. My trip to Udon, and farm activity everywhere. This is Tong Ann's farm. It's next to us. Have a 250 metre border with them. Would like to buy it. 22 rai. Put it in Mildred's name. vid lay sugar.mp4 Must get a couple of jobs done next week. One is sorting out the rice store before it starts filling up. The mice get into the store through the floor. I'm thinking either a fine wire mesh covering or cover the floor with ply-wood. The other job is to get the water pump fixed up. No rain for 33 days now. Last year we went 119 days without rain. Could easily be the same this season. Need the water for the garden part of the farm. I do give my avocados a bucket when they look as though they need it though. The other one is not nearly so bad. Have a very sturdy replacement at home if this one goes belly up. Planting small trees is so uncertain. Plenty of youngsters at the village. And the twins. And the young lady's mum is selling her goodies. If you was a chicken, this particular soi must be the best in the village. They are everywhere. Life as a buffalo is very repetitive. Go to sleep under the house. Wake up, walk to the grazing area, before eating and wallowing in the nearest pond. Then back home to rest after a hard day in the mud. Had a job to do at home. Mrs Owl bought a hanger at the 20 baht shop. She wanted it fixed to the wall with screws. Like I did in the kitchen. I wasn't keen on drilling into tiles. So I sorted it another way. Now does this bit of construction/engineering meet with approval? Will I get those little things that I crave for? Sort of! Got a nice cup of rosy without a 'big' moan. But she still has the TV sound miles too high. "Terak! Can you turn the sound down a little?" "Your ears bad. Getting old. I not do." One of the farms next to us has dozens of birds. Ducks and chickens living in harmony. On the way back from Udon I spotted a cute sign. Our number eight pond water level is subject to the water table. Although it has been a decent wet season the water table is still low. At this time of the year, in years past, it would have been at least a metre higher. Visited 7-11 on my trip to Ban Dung. Wanted to see the carp. Gone! None to be seen at the other one either; at the opposite side of town. A bit of compensation with a pretty tree outside Amazon Coffee. How lovely. Certainly gives the tree a bit of character. Had a couple of deliveries. Mildred finally got her birthday pressie; the set of books by Lilin. I think the stories are about Lilin herself living in her dreams. And the Mrs got her new shoes. I am informed that they are too big."You make mistake; order. Want smaller." So I ordered again a size smaller; a 4 instead of a 5. Fortunately the ones that were delivered fitted Mildred. The Buddha st Sum Sao is looking good. They have started to build a massive structure at the rear. Had a good look around (pics later today). Footy round-up. Well done The Bees. Orient march on towards the Champions League. Owls win. Irons lose. Those Geordies mean business. Toffeemen doomed. Lampard next to go. Leeds score three and lose. World cup starting soon. I think Germany will lift the trophy. England third place. World focus. David Icke banned from travelling to Europe. The US Mid-terms are on a knife edge. What happened in Arizona? Getting cold in Ukraine as winter sets in. Sorted out my visa on Monday. No problems. Mildred has to learn this Buddha stuff in English. Then - if selected to represent the school - it's off to Bangkok for some sort of competition. I don't want her to go. Maybe she will fluff her lines!? My urine challenge is just fantastic. Cleaned up my head. Not moving on to phase two. Might go straight to phase three if I cam get the necessary kit. Been chipping away at my Rubik Cube record. Last evening set a new personal best of 4 minutes nine seconds. I showed Mildred how to do it on Thursday, and she has achieved 2 minutes 58 seconds already. Have ordered another cube, and also a nice chess set on Lazada. Really must sort out that wall. Went into Big C on Friday after picking daughter up from school. Mildred spotted a hat and wanted one. This hat is special. It has dangolly things, and when you squeeze them, the ears of the hat shoot up. Only 299 baht??!! Dear me! I notice in Big C, that all the water coolers have gone. All of them! Want to get a glass container; that is suitable for holding hot soup. I like the chicken-foot soup that some food stalls have, but don't like it being put into plastic bags. If I get a glass holder they can put the soup straight in there and it will be OK in the fridge at home. That chicken-foot soup is the nuts. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  16. The Argies to beat The Lions in the final? It's the end as we know it.
  17. 01 = Germany 02 = France 03 = England 04 = Argentina Kane the man
  18. Anyone tried 'Payoneer'? Could it be an alternative to PayPal?
  19. One of my favourites. He's been gone well over 20 years. Music misses him.
  20. Yes, yes yes! Rubik Cube arrived a couple of days ago. Super fast bit of kit. Solved it for the first time ever on Wednesday. Gradually got better since. Got to the point where i can do all the eight sequences without making a mistake. Timed myself this morning. 5 minutes 41 seconds.. I'll show Mildred how to do the cube at the week end.
  21. It's getting worse! Went to the farm as usual yesterday. On the way back I could see from distance there was a problem. I managed to squeeze past. What a shock! It looked like a motor cycle had whacked a post. It was serious. Found out that there were two young guys from a village some 10 km from ours. No other vehicles were involved. One guy had been taken to hospital before I arrived on the scene. The other unfortunately did not make it. RIP fella.
  22. You are right as usual Owl. That's how 'french kissing' started. Vous is useless at the sport.
  23. One of the more recent Fannys was a tv cook. Fanny Cradock and her doting hubby, were always showing the mums what to do in the kitchen. Keeping their men happy, attentive and loyal don't ya know. Worked too! Beer! My first pint cost me 2-8 1/2 pence. That's the 'd' not the 'p'. In old talk that is two shillings, eight and a half pence (d).
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