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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. So, you support the Palestinian genocide in Israel. That is despicable. Israelis only want to kill Palestinians until Hamas is largely eradicated. Palestinians want to kill all Jews everywhere in the world, starting with those between "the river and the sea", and then moving on.
  2. Yeah, he knows the fix is in. Remember when he fixed it for Hillary?
  3. As I said, I've been to meetings all over the US and I think you are making this up.
  4. And Cohen was paid with personal, not business funds, and the payment was recorded in personal, not business books. Show trial with made-up crimes.
  5. I've been to meetings all over the US and I think you are making this up.
  6. Thanks, but it's not worth that much to me.
  7. Oh, did Smith testify, Costello help Trump of both?
  8. No, the big question is whether the judge lets Brad Smith testify. He won't. Costello can't help Trump, no reason to call him.
  9. Yes, but this only happens on Chinese New Year...
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