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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. Yes, they are cleaning up their local environment for PR, all the while increasing their impact on global warming.
  2. Do you have any evidence of this? Not being convinced man descended from apes is not the same as denying evolution.
  3. ??????? Okay, so when I asked who in the Capital had guns, you assume I meant who inside the Capital owned guns but did not bring them. That is not what I meant, what I meant was, who bought a gun inside the Capital. The answer is no one. Is that more clear? In any event, I've already conceded it was an armed insurrection when it was shown a few people had pepper-spray, baseball-bats and sticks. The fact that no one thought to bring their guns with them just speaks to the incompetency of Trump and how poorly he planned the government takeover.
  4. I do not understand what the big risk would be in bringing charges against Trump. Can you explain it? Win or lose he would be a hero to the left, and no one cars what people on the right think.
  5. So one guy a few hundred posts back? Yeah, I missed that, thanks. In any event, I've already conceded it was an armed insurrection when it was shown a few people had pepper-spray, baseball-bats and sticks.
  6. I don't think anyone here has argued it was not a violent attack have they? Some have arguedthat it was not an armed insurrection, but that was disproven when it was shown a few people had pepper-spray, baseball-bats and sticks.
  7. It works just as well with English. Just pretend you do not understand what they are talking about long enough and they will let you go.
  8. Yet you claimed two of them crashed in your area, why is that? I will agree that on average, older people are generally more responsible than younger people, and that the average age of people that own bikes 600cc and about is higher than the average age of people that ride Waves, but that does not have anything to do with what we have been talking about. Big bikes typically go much faster than small bikes, and I would bet speed is the single greatest determinant in motorcycle fatalities. I think a 50 year old Bangkok motorcycle taxi operator on a 125 is about as skilled a rider as one could find. No, your claim was that Thais do not want these laws enforced. I asked you what you based you claim on, and you ignored it completely. I would like to see this as well, as would I bet 95% of Thai parents, which is why I think your claim is baseless. That the law is not enforced, does not mean the people do not want the laws enforced.
  9. Is this because the riders were so highly skilled? What do you base your claim that Thais do not want these laws enforced on?
  10. Quite a lot of speed bumps in and around Bangkok. Sister in law loves the Supra.
  11. I would agree that Thai drivers on average, are not as competent as western drivers, but we (at least in the US) grow up driving, and almost everyone drives. This is like saying that someone driving an S500 is likely more skilled than someone driving an Altis, but even if it's true, it has to assume that the motorcyclists died because of their lack of skill. Also, I think it much more likely that someone riding a 600 is more likely to (often) be going much faster than someone on a wave. Going down at 50 is a bummer, going down at 140 is a nightmare. I will stand by my bet that a disproportionate number of bike motorcycle death are bikes 250cc or over.
  12. I know, it's ridiculous. Rich westerners can afford and will promote a lot of things poor Thais cannot.
  13. Apparently a disproportionate number (>11%) of deaths were foreigners, so why do we always blame Thai driving. Why would you break out big-bikes, and how would you define them? I imagine the number of big-bike deaths would be disproportionally high as well.
  14. 85% of deaths are motorcycles, which leaves only 15% from all other vehicles. I think it safe to assume many of those were riding in the back of pickups. Why not just ban motorcycles and riding in the back of pickups?
  15. I saw one in red a while back and though it was good looking. Same platform as the Avanza (which I kind of liked), but I think maybe they quit marketing the Avanza here.
  16. While I do not think she will have a problem with the Australian license, she could easily change her name on her Thai ID and get a Thai DL, which would probably be better all around.
  17. Anyone that bought Amazon in December of 2020 would be in the red as well. To be clear, I am not advocating anyone buy or hold crypto, and I think anyone left holding should get out.
  18. It means they will all get a deluxe plastic Toyota anniversary emblem.
  19. "But itching to by a car in Pattaya." The best reason to buy a car, is because you want a car. And the best reason to buy a particular car is because you like it.
  20. I think 4-runner used to be on the Tacoma platform, but is now on the Hilux platform, or the same platform as the Fortuner. I believe the next generation Fortuner ('23 or '24) will be on the TNGA-F platform, which will be the same as the LandCruiser 300, Lexus LX, Toyota Sequoia and Toyota Tundra.
  21. If you live out in the county, you might think about a four-door pickup with automatic transmission. Cheaper, more room, diesel, plenty of ground clearance, more rugged
  22. So any discussion of what may be contributing to the problem, or what might be done to reduce the problem, is strictly off-topic, unless it involves yet another well-intended redistribution scheme that will only contribute to the problem. Got it.
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