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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. So it is your position that that (as was the case with all the other nonsense) that Trump will be convicted of something? I say it goes the way of the Russian collusion, Alpha Bank and pushing Ukraine to investigate ... the Bidens.
  2. Yeah, the NY State Attorney's office tried this for a few years and gave up.
  3. How so? All I was saying was that claims made by the elitists leadership of the FBI does not necessarily redefect the opinion of the rank-and-file FBI employees. In a previous post, you at least implied my logic was correct, yes?
  4. Can the same not be said of virtually every organization? Are you arguing that virtually all FBI employees believe white supremacy is the greatest threat to the United States? If not, is your only point that my referring to leadership the was inappropriate?
  5. Why not go to an SCG store and see what they have?
  6. Do you have the RC9066A3F? If so, I thinks it's a condenser, not heat heat-pump, but thanks!
  7. Thanks. How long have you had it? Did you not have a dryer before of just do not have an idea of the power consumption? Do you use it quite a bit? I have a vented dryer that works great now, but it's 10-15 years old and getting noisy. I do not care much about the energy savings, but I would like to be able to move the laundry room away from the exterior wall.
  8. I think the quality of the seal materials that come with sinks drains now are such that they seem to last forever and don't leak if installed correctly.
  9. You can doubt it, but your doubt means little. You might try looking the statistics at the end of the Bush Administration and again at the end of the Obama Administration. So you have nothing about the KKK, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, so you deflect. Every FBI agent does not make claims that the white supremacy is a big problem, that would be the elitists running the department. Of course people like you can make up whatever they like about what they believe people like me think, but I don't consider Democrats leftists, many are liberals and some are conservatives, but the party has been taken over by the left.
  10. I am going to replace my existing vented clothes dryer with a new one, and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the heat-pump dryers? I know they use less energy, but the big attraction for me is that it would not have to vent to the outside, and the laundry room would be cooler.
  11. I plan to mail my US passport for renewal after I do my 90-day report this week. After I get my new passport, will I need any documentation to transfer my extension of stay at Immigration? If so, will the consulate automatically provide whatever form I need to transfer my extension of stay at immigration? Anyone know how long mail-in renewals are currently taking? Thanks
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