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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. So with this I think it safe to assume you have no ideas on how to reduce housing costs or to house the homeless.
  2. Not true Partially true In stock online for pick-up or delivery from mine.
  3. It's always convenient to re-post a link to a useless article when one has no answers. No one is scapegoating, but the idea that millions of new subsidized residents do not have significant impact on the housing market is just silly. Anytime the government pumps money into something, the cost goes up.
  4. What is a root canal extraction?
  5. I like Makro, but the bread? Not so much.
  6. And the "Mueller Report" was another nothing-burger. Had there been anything, Trump would have been prosecuted immediately after leaving office.
  7. That he cannot be indicted does not stop them from building a case. In any event, he has not been President for a long while.
  8. The nursing staff at Bumrungrad is was pretty good when I younger.
  9. If he is guilty of directing people to participate in a violent attack on the capital, I hope he is convicted of treason and put to death.
  10. If the government were giving free home to every homeless person, is their anyone that honestly believes the number of homeless will not go up? If welfare benefits were doubled, is there anyone that that honestly believes the number of welfare recipients will not go up? If pay for working at the Post Office were doubled, is there anyone that that honestly believes the number of people trying to hire on at the Post Office will not go up?
  11. Only because you have no answers. You could give every homeless person a free home, and a year later, you'd have twice as many homeless as you have when you started.
  12. As I remember it, he would be indicted the day he left office for any number of things, what happened with that?
  13. Why has Merrick Garland and the Justice Department, or any of the state Attorney Generals involved not moved ahead with an indictment? It's been over a year yes?
  14. Problem solved... Homes for Sale, Real Estate & Property Listings | realtor.com®
  15. Isn't the office at Impact closed now?
  16. No air-conditioning.
  17. It already does. I don't think it is possible for programs that redistribute wealth to ever be adequate in the eyes of those (rich and poor) that benefit from the redistribution. What do you think would make programs adequate? What would you do to make housing more affordable? I think getting the government out of loans and subsidies would be a good start. What do you think would significantly reduce homelessness?
  18. Seems like little downside with significant upside potential. What do you have to lose?
  19. There are plenty of programs to help the "poor", and yes, I think more are coming if the US continues in the direction it's going. I don't have any money, but (unlike some) I'm not trying to take it from others. Like means-testing for Social Security benefits. Many people that saved will not get there their benefits, while people that did not save with get theirs and more. Inflation has not had a significant effect on me personally, ad I doubt it will. The "crashing markets" while painful to watch, have had little impact yet, but absolutely could.
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