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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. webfact: “Large crowds gather at Suvarnabhumi Airport to farewell two Swiss guys and Bob”
  2. I’m also very patriotic about the homeland. Continue to subscribe to their online newspapers, radio shows and cable TV. Still thoroughly enjoy watching all my preferred homeland domestic sports and cheering at our international sports events etc. But keeping an option open to ever live there again?! OMG absolutely never again and absolutely no reason to. An annual 2 week holiday back there every year to see my family, friends and medical check up with my Dr is 13 days too long!
  3. - some of the most dangerous roads in the world That’s why I drive a BIG truck. - endless bueracracy Doesn’t affect me. Never experienced it any worse than in the homeland - for me anyway. - visa issues Never had an issue. Very easy to obtain - for me anyway. - daily discrimination ( depending on where you live ) Not where I live - shocking air quality That’s why I use purifiers and stay inside on days with poor air quality. - language that's difficult ( but no impossible ) to learn English is spoken everywhere where I live, no need to learn Thai. - banking regulations Have 2 Thai bank accounts. Never had a problem with any “regulations”. - abissmal education system Maybe to some, but irrelevant to me. Should i continue? Yes please
  4. Lots of bored, lonely, bitter guys living in villages. It gives them something to do.
  5. We agree about being able to relocate elsewhere if SH, but I say not necessarily back to your home country. Hence why I was questioning this post: I also think it is a poor decision to move away from a home country without an option to return
  6. And many have not made bad choices. And many have not lost everything. Many have a marvellous life here in Thailand, with warm year-round weather, good health cover, a beautiful house, a gorgeous wife, lots of quick travel to an abundant amount of other countries, cleaning maids, gardeners, investment income streams and more money than they can ever spend after liquidating their assets back home. They have no reason whatsoever to “keep an option to return home”.
  7. You don’t know 💩. I checked your profile, you live in Nakon nowhere…where you belong 🤣
  8. Crossings with stop lights are just as dangerous - as proven on attached video: Look for the 23 seconds left on the clock to cross “safely” E5426DFB-36FA-4DF1-A1AC-C430B769C4FC.mov
  9. Anyone know his address? I want to go and sit on the beach, one metre from his boundary.
  10. Ah Ok, what a joke they are. Thank you! Much appreciated. Also and more importantly, my current statement balance (and online balance) doesn't match the previous 12 month's total deposits less total withdrawals leaving me about 20K short. I'll sort that with them in person when I return. Hope yours balances!?
  11. If so, could you please request an online statement be emailed to you and advise if the Balance column figures are incorrect like mine are? (Takes less than a minute). Attached is what’s showing on my statement that I requested and obtained today. I’m presently overseas and just wanted to check with others before contacting the bank. Thanks in advance 🙏
  12. The guy is only in his ‘60s, hardly too old to be exercising. So exercise definitely would benefit his sleep.
  13. Healthy food and plenty of exercise ensures a good night’s sleep. No need for drugs, alcohol or substance abuse.
  14. Pretty sure your Coober Pedy joint is worth about the same value of Taylor Swift’s 2-level, 6-bedroom Sydney penthouse she’s currently staying at!
  15. Some members don't pay any rent when they go back to do their 2 years - everyone's circumstances are different. For the information of other members, the going rate for a 2 bedroom unit in Perth is over $600 per week!
  16. And did you / can you help the OP on where he too can get a Perth apartment for $240 pw? Didn’t think so 🤣
  17. For $240 pw you must live in a housing commission apartment. Here’s the going rate ($630 pw) for everyone else in Perth:
  18. Therefore his non-applicable, misleading and baiting post should be removed because this thread is about going back to Australia for 2 years and it would be impossible to waltz-in off the plane from Thailand and immediately obtain government housing in Perth, as there were over 18,000 on the waiting list as at Oct 21...obviously a lot more now. https://thewest.com.au/news/social/perth-housing-crisis-waitlist-climbs-for-public-housing-in-wa-c-4723578
  19. LOL. Too funny, On one of Australia's largest and most popular rental platforms (realestate . com) there are currently 116 x 2 bedroom 1 bathroom units available for rent in Perth. The cheapest is 630 AUD per week, that's a lot more that your so-called "240 AUD" 🤣
  20. Reading their 💩 on AN is more than enough.
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