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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. For the average bar girl yes this is the case, but certainly not high end go go bar girls and some of the smart bar girls, whom some are getting 3 x 30k from foreignors straight into their bank account and they are not even here. The top go go dancers can and will do at least 3 or 4 customers per night, if they are Japanese customers then they can easily claw in 20 - 30k per night. Ok they might not be able to do it every night but they dont need to. Work hard for a week or two and then holidays with your monies. Easily done for many.
  2. scummy options which ever way they look, from the north and no education, they have no hope of making it so have the accept the tripe that is on offer!
  3. Always seems to relate to money rather than health! ''In the first quarter of 2022, when the Omicron variant emerged'' Lol what an impact that had!
  4. ok what i meant was, I was a tourist but gave them the impression that i was looking for somewhere to buy and to stay their permanently. There was nothing in my passport that related to how long or why i was staying there. On a different note i also managed to get a tax file number for working purposes whilst i was in Australia for 6 months even though i was on a tourist visa there. Anything possible even if its not supposed to be done.
  5. I opened an account as a tourist, through Kasikorn bank, I didnt tell them i was a tourist though. It was 3 years ago and i cant remember what i said but its important to look important. I'm from the UK and dont have a visa or anything in my passport that relates to how long im there for. My new bank card did not have my name on it, and if you lose it, you just go to the bank and they give you a new one right then, although you do have to pay 200b or something like that and you have also deposit 500b into your new new account when you open it.
  6. The thing i have found with Thailand is you will do better to accept there way of living and culture rather than trying to change it. The pricing structure encourages the parks to be used by nationals of Thailand...is it a national park. There are clubs in the UK that you cannot join if you live outside of a certain post code so its a service offered to locals than others from outside cannot visit or participate in, end of story. Let me guess your Thai friends are at least 90% women if not 100% of course they will agree with you. You are the boss at the end of the day. When you bring this up with Thais you are more than likely coming across as sounding slightly obnoxious, they wont call you out on it, however be aware you are a visitor and respect the country that you now live in.
  7. Entitlement and expectations. You could live there as long as you like and have as many children as you want, you are still a visitor to that country and the vast majority of people will always treat you like that. You are not allowed to work there, own land yet with you think you are entitled to the same conditions and respect as a local within that country? The roles reversed and of course the UK or US (or wherever you are from) anyone coming to this country can not only can work, set up a business can even claim monetary assistance. Of course we have our attitudes and they have there's. The issues seem to arise from people having too high an expectation and then become frustrated when this is not met. This has gone on for longer than you have lived here for and continues to do so, so why try and change something that you were already well aware of before you decided to live or visit there?
  8. This is like teaching women how to get an abortion rather than teach them about safe sex. Its great they are learning CPR but surely swimming is first, then how do deal with any difficulties whilst swimming (First thing is on your back and hand under the chin to swim the one that has gotten into difficulty in the water, then CPR.
  9. Of course I am, I opppse the statement and there's nothing wrong with paying more than a local for certain services. You are a visitor in another country, a 3rd world one at that. You can't keep comparing your country to theirs. Stop whinging you won't change anything only frustrate yourself.
  10. I'm not interested in how the nations parks are funded and i don't care about paying a few quid to get into one. Its Thailand the whole place is 'mismanaged'
  11. Perhaps they view us as complete mugs that need to be taken advantage of!????
  12. ''The NPs are the last remaining major natural resource at Thailand's disposal and the need to be competently and professionally managed for conservation'' Surely you should be happy to contribute a few dollars to something you seem pretty passionate about? They are national parks for national people, if you are a vistitor that wishes to see it then pay a a few quid and be happy you are contributing to the upkeep of these beautiful places.
  13. You seem to have a neutral view on cheaper prices for locals as opposed to outer state visitors in the US. However travel to a 3rd world country and you will criticize any regime that would charge locals less than tourists (Mainly coming from affluent 1st world countries) Its not wrong just a little confusing. why would you NOT want to give them a little bit more, especially considering the prices are much lower than equivalent excursions on your home country/
  14. Apart from a few folk on here that live in Thailand and have thai wives / gf no one else cares or could care a less about 'dual pricing' Its cheap anyway so just pay and get on with it. Ive been Thailand many many times with many different people and no ones ever moaned about 'dual 'pricing' If you go somewhere with a Thai and its cheaper just think of if it as you getting an overall discount on the bill. If you'll started whinging like you do on here, no one would want to go with you anyway so the bill will be even cheaper! Joke.
  15. 'Non resident pricing for Disneyland and some places like it have always been done as locals go more often' Haha what a totally conflicting view, its ok if its 'Non resident pricing', but higher prices for people that dont even live in the Country is totally wrong huh!? Bizarre view on things you have there!
  16. Funny how only Banksy is endorsed as an acceptable graffiti artist even though he uses stencils and a spray can! They both should be locked up for causing damage to property that is not theres!
  17. Anyone who doesn't go on holiday because the exchange is not as great as it was last year just has to spend one day less than that had to enjoy the same ammount of opulence as they had on the previous trip. Go for 13 days instead of 14 and problem solved. The reason my friend and I have not gone, is because of the inconsistent regulations, potential quarrantine, heavy paperwork and hardly any fo the bars have been open, or have to reinvent themselves as 'restaurants' and the police might kick you out at any moment. Yeh thanks i aint signing up to that any time soon!
  18. Not sure Thailand is safer than Singapore but then I'm not American! I've had to pay off some Thai guys in bkk after one of our group was rude to them and on another occasion also been threatened to be shot by a thai women, this turned out to be a total misunderstanding and later resolved however you can see the thais sometimes act in haste and alot of violence is the result of drugs which aren't readily available in Singapore. I've encountered no trouble in Singapore.
  19. Are these type of shrines sponsored by the diabetic society? why on earth would you offer essentially a toxic drink to what you perceive as the highest order. Well at least its better than actually being drunk, as its an offering. Totally bizarre.
  20. There is no end to in the insanity of those in charge, to be fair if you are going to live or try to holiday in a 3rd world corrupt country you kinda have to expect ridiculous rules and dramatic changes that will and always seem to occur. Nothing really surprises me here, however my urge to return to Thailand is rapidly diminishing.
  21. When you end up living in Thailand, the locals will all start to find out whether or not you are a wet blanket or not. Word soon gets around all departments, taxis drivers, shop owners, massage places that once you have been taken advantage of they will all want a bit (mainly in ref to the hire shop juts not giving back your deposit) You might be better off in quiter places, pattaya is a dump and not a great fit for the majority of falangs who either holiday or visit there. Dont get me wrong i have had some great nights in WS but also seen some hideous things. Its an experience thats for sure but appreciatte its a bad fit for most / older / naive falangs
  22. Thoughts are with Africa at only 10% vaccinated it must he awfully out there at the moment. How are on the hospitals coping!? presuming they have temporary field type hospitals being set up. Maybe time for a live aid type gig, whereby we aim to get all of Africa at least 50 % vaccinated. That's approx nearly 1 billion vaccines required in order to get close to 50% double vaccinated, the boosters can wait as will need nearly 500m of those also. It's a hell of a task but think it can be done... it has to be done.
  23. Well it would seem there are no viable options, the point is dont expect to have seemless travel as its really not an option, prepare for the worst and take a deep breath are my only suggestions.
  24. ''To be able to comment accurately, you would need to have travelled at both Christmas and in March - I did, did you?'' No way would i travel, would be hell out there i imagine!? In all seriousness, i hope things improve for your future travels.
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