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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. You think it's a scam? A fake? How do you account for the photo of the woman in the hospital?
  2. Give them some money. Or don't give them anything. That's all that is required. No need to put them in this digital version of a pillory so everyone can throw the equivalent of electronic rotten vegetables at them.
  3. If everybody else is getting it, I certainly intend to get mine. Absolutely. But I can recognize that this will go down just like the Covid stimulus and fuel inflation three times as much as then. If we have an emergency to reduce the debt, this money should be applied to that.
  4. So far, one of my banks says the same as yours and insisted I sign a form disavowing any recourse to fraud. My other bank had my photo requirement on the phone app working, but it stopped. I then had to in a few weeks ago and reregister the photograph and passport information. The latter bank still allows for online banking, however, which I prefer. The first bank mention cancelled that service, along with bank branches and ATMs in my area, all but making use of the phone app mandatory for anything outside of a visit to the bank.
  5. Funny to see Trump Republicans now taking the stance that Democrats did in the 1970s. They want a "pure" leader for Ukraine or they'll cut him off. This is exactly the attitude towards the Shah of Iran that created Khoumeini and the Iranian theocracy.
  6. It's probably all been put in Peter Schiff's basement.
  7. Alas, if it comes in a little early and a bit further south, it could hit Bangkok. When would the mob scene start at the airport?
  8. The trouble is that mercantilism fuels colonialism. Or at least that is what happened with European powers in the 19th century, where they fought to control raw materials in particular to manufacture finished products for export back to the colonies and elsewhere. That is precisely what Trump's old trade deal and this supposed new one seek to do, export things like American grain and meat, while receiving finished goods in return. And of course China never even lived up to this agreement originally. This will make the US a colony of China.
  9. For some reason, DJT is also on the warpath about VAT. Thailand loads up on that through domestic and foreign tourists.
  10. Trump and Elon are selling out the US. The country's international standing and domestic stability has been eviscerated in a mere four weeks. The US now has a foreign policy made in Beijing.
  11. Trump, with Elon's backing, completes the circle. First North Korea, then Russia, and now China. I said a year ago on this forum he would betray his supporters on China, and now he's trying to do so. He's running up a surrender flag everywhere. https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/trump-eyes-new-trade-deal-with-china-includes-substantial-purchases-of-us-goods--nyt-93CH-3877869
  12. The imagery is already burning into people's minds, establishing a lasting public perception: Trump sitting at the table with Elon looming over him, while both of them for some reason chuckling about giving the world over to Russia and China.
  13. Which brings up the most interesting question of all: where do they all evacuate to? That impact line runs across some the most crowded impoverished portions of the Global South. Imagine 100 million people moving in one solid mass towards the new homeland in Europe or North America. Somehow, I don't think the Chinese are going to let them in, although that tip in Bangladesh could mean they'll try for China but will probably settle for Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos.
  14. It was inevitable that Trump would botch up things sooner or later. All of his other issues are disappearing from view as he descends into this Ukraine fiasco. There is a shift in perception of him as a leader. You can feel it. He's going to blow his entire presidency because of some personal animosity towards Ukraine. After Greenland, Panama, Canada, Mexico, and Nato, Ukraine might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
  15. What does this mean? There aren't very many options if you're in the impact zone.
  16. Sihanoukville 2.0 Keep the local riff raff out, unless they're coming in to work cleaning out the toilets and sweeping the floors.
  17. Idiot comment. The title is: Thai Tourism Sector Shaken by US Tariffs and Market Uncertainty Tariffs! Tariffs! It is your comment that is a waste and off topic.
  18. No mention of the one word in Trump's message about tariffs and how they will be applied. That word is "reciprocity." And it should scare Thailand to death. Because there is no reciprocity. Thailand has been given almost free access to the American market because it was considered a friendly nation. That's in the past. It has now aligned with China, BRICS, and regional dedollarization agreements. So, get ready to say bye-bye to that $10 billion trade surplus with the US. Might have helped had Thailand bought the F-16s, but they botched that, too.
  19. Xi isn't that smart. It's just that everyone else is that dumb.
  20. He was certainly better than many people gave him credit for. He walked the line between China and the US far better than his successors. He handled Covid well. He didn't impose a remittance tax on my money from abroad. He largely kept Immigration unchanged (very important to me). And if I had him among the choices for leaders on this list, he beats 80 percent of them.
  21. Again, you want to reduce/cancel Social Security benefits and colas to people who spend their money outside the US. That would include any Social Security recipient who traveled outside for so much as a day and spent their money there. More, it would prohibit social security recipients in the US and who have never left it from purchasing merchandise directly from overseas--like ordering a book from an overseas book dealer. Social security is fungible. You cannot separate it from other income or other pensions. It's all in one big pot for each recipient. And what this loopy idea creates effectively is an Iron Curtain locking older Americans within US borders. Unless you're a millionaire. What's next? Special forms, declarations, and filings with SSA that list your daily spending habits and where the money goes? Crackpot idea.
  22. This is Barry. Anymore questions? https://www.pattayamail.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Barry-Kenyon-PCEC.jpg
  23. Too bad he didn't have time to apply to his car business which is going into the toilet after having transferred the core technology to Chna.
  24. Crackpot argument, especially this: "However, if someone is receiving more than they contributed, then it is reasonable that the funders be able to set a condition that funds be spent in the nation providing the additional benefit." Your formula would mean that anyone on social security can never leave the United States, not even for a day trip. Because that would mean their benefits would be spent outside the US. Take a trip to Cancun? Sorry, no more Social Security of Cola for you. This would mean locking up older Americans behind their border. Crackpot belief.
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