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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Almost all the 80s films and miniseries were in some way critical of the empire. Even in the Far Pavilions, Ben Cross stopped and gave a sermon against colonialism in the middle of the series. William Holden did likewise in The Seventh Dawn (and indirectly in Bridge on the River Kwai). About the only films overtly cheering for the empire is the above mentioned The Planter's Wife (made in the 50s) and films like North West Frontier (also made in the 50s). The criticism today has become much hotter. Maybe because Hindu nationalism is now stretching its wings.
  2. I think both Democrats and Republicans are terrified of RFKjr. Biden is conducting lawfare to try and keep him off the ballot. Trumpers are raging about Ted Kennedy. And the neocons at National Review have run four (4!) articles in less than 24 hours about how bad the RFKjr Superbowl ad was. Panic. Fear. Terror. People want a candidate they can vote for, instead of a couple of mentally diminished 80 years olds where you have to choose one to vote against.
  3. I'm guessing the 31.2 percent who would be upset are PTP voters.
  4. Because there will be a new set of people selling it while they're in Thailand on 90 day visa free entries???
  5. So foreigner married to Thai women are going to be treated just like foreigners married to Thai men?
  6. Laughing more at people who vote for Trump or Biden. Both unfit.
  7. Today has another horrific cloud of pollutants. But nothing will ever be done until Chinese tourists start falling over dead in the streets.
  8. Vote for RFKjr and none of this is a problem.
  9. I've heard about it but never seen it. Don't know the 1980s were such a hotbed for empire films and tv. But it was and it was, if not worldwide, at least common in both the UK and US at the same time. Part could be that nostalgia was of the times and in the 1990s immigration transformed both countries, continuing on until today.
  10. Democrats and Republicans have an even bigger problem. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/12/rfk-jr-super-bowl-ad-2024 https://av24.org/SuperBowl/
  11. Only one way to solve and the government isn't going to like it: cancel all debts.
  12. Just screened a few favorites and wondered which of them is the best. Lots of India related ones, such as Jewel in the Crown, The Far Pavilions, Heat and Dust, Passage to India and such. But a few less known were set in our area during the Malayan Emergency, such as The Planter's Wife and The 7th Dawn. Not forgetting The Lives of a Bengal Lancer, either, which, although an American film, probably is more remembered than all of the above.
  13. I was invited by the Thai government to come here and work. Upon retirement I decided to stay. A "wify" (I guess you mean "wifey" and not "wifi") had nothing to do with it.
  14. Putin essentially gave the same "campaign speech" he's been giving for the past 25 years. He only impressed people because he is being compared to two of the most inept and mentally incompetent US presidential candidates in history. Most every American president I can think of, beginning with TR and going through Wilson, Hoover, FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton could have held forth just as articulately as Putin and with even better command of the facts and truth. The problem is that US presidential expectations have completely bottomed out since GWBush.
  15. The election America needs is between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis. Two governors of two large states who can articulate their ideologies, stand on working precedent, and debate each other without falling off the podium. With 2020 and 2024 the USA will have had the worst two major party candidates in history running against each other. I will vote for RFKjr.
  16. And yet in another Wikipedia entry it shows that only 8600 Thais have gone to China to live with their "brothers," while 320,000 have gone to the USA alone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_people
  17. This is one of the cultural festivities that makes Thailand interesting to me. I enjoy CNY and other Chinese influenced celebrations that have been filtered through into Thailand.
  18. "I am an elderly man ... I know what the hell I'm doing." "Get off my lawn!"
  19. I can remember (just barely) when things were the other way around and JFK's callow youth was a concern.
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