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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Now that Hamas has murdered 18 or more Thais it might be appropriate for Thailand to stop having it both ways. Tell the PM that Hamas is slaughtering his people, and he has a responsibility to them to not try and placate barbarous acts. Just saw a message on twitter that shows one of the murderers trying to behead a semi-conscious "Asian man" with a garden tool. Will watch to see if it is confirmed. What is confirmed is the utter barbarity and the personal glee the killers are getting out of slaughtering people.
  2. Have Gun is a good western. But I hate Wagon Train. No mention of Maverick in this topic so far. But the Maverick episodes that spoofed Gunsmoke and Bonanza are funny. "Three Queens Full" is the Bonanza spoof episode.
  3. Hong Kong (1960) with Rod Taylor Rockford Files with James Garner Magnum PI with Tom Selleck
  4. According to Wiki, this is what Sri Lanka's economic sector is like: Except for tea, isn't that pretty much what Thailand does, too? What are they going to trade with each other?
  5. I hope it means, "My God, what have we done by inviting that murderous dictator from Burma. Let's see if we can drop him off the list quietly, at least."
  6. Khaosod has a story about the mother of one of the Thais Hamas murdered. Her son was paid, says the article, about 80,000 baht per month on a banana farm. He sent 58,000 per month back home to Thailand. That would indicate his own living expenses were minimal. So perhaps these workers are also receiving subsidized housing and other benefits. This does not seem like an exploitive wage to me or a "really rotten deal" by "that lot."
  7. Why is it I never hear Free Xinjiang?
  8. Pharmacies are everywhere. It's just that there are no pharmacists on duty so you can buy anything other than shampoo.
  9. Are people in Khon Kaen going to need to take cover when there is a shooting in Hat Yai?
  10. Good to see everyone on AN being warm and welcoming to newcomers as usual.
  11. Bad food, no exercise, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, and fear of going to the hospital or a physician because it will bankrupt you--even if you're insured. I wonder for how many Americans the walk from their house to their car or their car to their office door is the most intense exercise of the day.
  12. Will this mean a cut in maintenance? More power outages? Reduced repair times? Where I live, I get three or four power outages per year, and they last around 45 to 50 minutes. That's fewer than I experienced back in the US. Right now, electric power is pretty reliable in my area. Hope it stays that way.
  13. Will this push more downstream faster? https://thethaiger.com/news/national/ayutthaya-builds-dykes-to-protect-homes-amid-rising-chao-phraya-river-levels
  14. Trump has a record of non-performance. Doesn't come through on anything. Even has Biden building the border wall that he couldn't.
  15. Next time, don't complain when a driver offers to do it off meter for 400 baht
  16. I wonder about this. Will they allow it for foreigners. I know when I became eligible for the senior pass on the BTS, I was denied it because I was foreigner. Sure taxes are a lot different, but . . .
  17. Several years ago, while working at a Thai university, staff brought me a pistol a student had carried to campus. I took away the gun and contacted the administration, which told me I had to give him back his gun because it was his property.
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