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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Everybody do your part! Get a Weibo account and upload videos of Chinese being kidnapped.
  2. Wrong. What people are angry about is that the one chance voters had to see a complete overhaul of the system that would have brought the country into the 21st century was scrapped. Just so one man could use his political party to betray his voters and stab coalition partner's in the back. All for his own selfish benefit.
  3. For the party, but certainly not for the people who voted for the party based on the party's promises they've already broken.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I was considering filing for the return. Should have known better. Flying below the radar is the key to a relatively stress free time, here. And it's becoming harder to do so.
  5. I would hope so. I would also like the pilot identified. If at fault, they should be liable for the full 80 million. There should be sizable deductions from their salary from now until they die.
  6. Much of the infrastructure, roads, airports, and port facilities, was built by the US during the Vietnam War. So were many of the vocational training programs.
  7. I think they must. Otherwise, why do they go around begging for foreign investment deals? What happens when the perception of this place is that is run by people with the attention span of a toddler and the planning ability of a boatload of pirates?
  8. My impression is that these guys get together, sit around some table while drinking a lot, and somebody says, "hey, let's try this!" And then they all sort of nod and, say, "yeah! sounds great. We'll write the rule tomorrow morning."
  9. Yep. Absolutely no chance of it being used for identity theft and somebody needing, say, a social security number for illegal work in the US.
  10. Said the same thing, repeatedly. Just said it again, above, and was accused of making "drama." Fact is, things were more stable for expatriates under Prayuth. He did, after all, just want to keep things in place where the system everyone exploited was known. The new guy, "Mr. Tax Man," has shown he will reverse on even his most basic promises from day one. PTP capable of anything.
  11. Prayuth looking better by the minute. I am absolutely serious. I've always maintained in these topics that PTP could (and now will) come in and make things miserable for expatriates.
  12. Actually, I think it is all those people on Thai Elite and who just re-upped before the increase in TE prices who are going to get reamed on taxes. They're the ones bringing in all the income outside taxable monies from abroad. Chinese and Russians about to get a big shakedown, I think.
  13. Not fast enough. I got my electricity bill yesterday.
  14. And behind the Chinese fraudsters comes Chinese state security. https://www.rfa.org/english/commentaries/china-southeastasia-crime-09142023181235.html
  15. I have seen buildings on university campuses built similarly. Up goes all exteriors and interiors and then you wait a few years for the elevators. Meantime, enjoy the stair climbing.
  16. Don't care what it says. It doesn't seem too hot to me, either. And that's what matters. I live in Bangkok all year round without a/c until very late at night, for the most part. Thailand/Bangkok is a great place to live.
  17. Some people seem to be working themselves into a heart attack by worrying so much about health insurance.
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