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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Where else would I rather be? I can't think of anywhere. Seems like the list makers did well.
  2. Not "tourists" but settlers from China. That's what some people seem to want. Look closely at what has happened to parts of Laos. Chinese simply moved in and took over, laws and visas be damned.
  3. He who controls the Mekong controls Thailand and Indochina. Xi controls the Mekong.
  4. Yes, I'm going back to that (for Chaengwattana). Today, my online registration is now 10 days pending. Yesterday, I went ahead and sent a 90 day with EMS mail. It's already been delivered.
  5. The reminders aren't a problem for Chaengwattana. I received mine a week ago and registered the TM 47 online the same day. Still, I wait. The wait wouldn't be a problem, except that I don't want to go past the date due and then make a 46km trip to Chaengwattana. Mail, which I used for most of Covid, was never a problem. They always managed to do that timely enough. Mail, of course, is more of a problem for them, which leads to the question of what don't they get off the rocker and process the existing 90 days waiting for approval.
  6. My report before this last one (to Chaengwattana) was problem filled too. I'm thinking of just going back to mailing it in, although I noticed on another topic that there is an unofficial change there, too: Immigration requiring an EMS postage meter put on the return envelope as well as registering the package sent to them.
  7. He's right to have doubts about doing it online. I submitted mine online 8 days ago, and it's still pending. The online system is increasingly unreliable. Apparently staff simply disregard submissions. I guess they would rather have a hall full of people than simply go through the online system and click a button.
  8. On the bright side, it will be impossible to blame retirement extensions for this one.
  9. For the last four days, the weather app on my phone has said 100 percent chance of rain. But there hasn't been so much as a drizzle.
  10. Bitter, yes. But not always third rate. The Chinese have bought off quite a few highly credentialed Western faculty and their publication history. That boosts the rankings of Chinese universities. And when I say "bought off," that means they pay a lot for people with lengthy resumes. Some of those people are now on trial in the US for espionage. Then, there are always people who can supply Chinese academics with q1 quality papers for a price. I must admit, it is sometimes tempting to think of picking up $US50,000 to $75,000 rather than just put another entry on the CV.
  11. I just checked the website. It still says to put a 10 baht stamp on the return envelope. I'm not doubting what the officer told you, but the online system clearly is not as efficient and trustworthy as it was some months back. Last time I filed, after waiting 5 days, I cancelled the pending application I had submitted and applied again. They took four days to then approve the new application--on the afternoon of the very last day my old 90 day expired.
  12. I'm hoping you're right. I don't want to see any changes. Or, if they do, at least allow for the so-called grandfathering clauses. But Big Joke seemed so riled about the "biker gangs" I'm afraid he might push it up to 65 or 70. Probably most people that age can't even handle the weight of a biker gang Harley Davidson.
  13. This is just about the only crumb left on the table to give to the people that voted for PTP. What happens if PTP reverses on this one, too?
  14. The buy 1 get 1 free every month on the Mos Burgers should get new customers breaking down the door.
  15. Appears so. On many levels. I was wrong about the US ambassador tweeting about his jogging above. No, while the Chinese ambassador was getting a meeting with Srettha, here's what the American ambassador was doing:
  16. Your post makes me pause and think. If they reform the current retirement extensions and increase the age to match the Thai retirement age of 60, then there are going to be a lot more people needing these expensive Reserve/Elite visas or whatever they call them.
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