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Everything posted by CanadaSam

  1. In a perfect world, the cop who took the time to talk to them, and rescue them would be promoted, and rewarded. The parents of the friend who "refused" to help them, should be prosecuted. And no words for the father, who has a special place reserved for him in hell, I would think.
  2. Killing even ONE human being would probably put me into a state of depression that I could never get out of, similar to most "normal" human beings. These guys that murder thousands, even hundreds of thousands, must be a special breed of animal that never developed normal, humane brains.
  3. Wow, this could mean permanent paralysis for life! I feel really sad for the little girl.
  4. I think it's time we were grateful to the Royal Thai Police for doing an excellent job tracking down these criminals pretty quickly and apprehending them!
  5. This is just another variation on Darwin's weeding out the stupid from our gene pool.
  6. <deleted> place, only somebody who wants to throw away their money for things you can get in many, many other places in the world would go there. Same for almost all "muslim" countries.
  7. Disgusted at the sick people on this forum making fun of a serious crime. YOU don't know if she was an honest, innocent, gullible, young girl, but are immediately coming up with all kinds of jokes about her being a prostitute! Reminds me of Indians / Arabs who think ALL girls in Thailand are ho's, and get locked up for it. Shame on you, she could be a relative of yours that was raped, find that funny?
  8. Kudos to Sheryl for calmly answering OP's questions numerous times, him obviously being unwilling to take (valuable) advice. I personally used to import medicines at the beginning of my stay in Thailand, but very quickly found out there is a world of difference in cost by buying it here, even if taking two tablets to make up for one imported tablet.
  9. Well, we all know the world is over-crowded, so let's hope the gene pool gets more intelligent, due to folks like this.
  10. I'd be more interested in knowing which local news outlets carried this story, because that would result in vast public outrage, which would move this sad issue closer to a fair conclusion faster, and justice for this brave woman!
  11. For Canadians, the embassy only cuts a small corner portion of the entire passport and gives it back to you (if you request it back).
  12. And, OP, your post would have been a LOT more interesting had you included how the massage(s) went, preferably in detail, should I ever wish to have the in-call experience!
  13. At the rate this type of senseless serious crime is increasing amongst teenagers and young adults, I think the authorities should consider building more jails as a priority. You can not let murderers like this roam freely in society, no matter their age!
  14. I don't understand what Canada Post has to do with this. In all my experiences of renewing my Canadian passport at many embassies / high commissions in foreign countries, they either issue it in the local office, or have it brought in via diplomatic channels. Get to the embassy in Bangkok immediately and request a new passport, explain the circumstances to them, the staff there is pretty helpful, IMO.
  15. Wow, the judge must have been having a bad day, over 5 years in jail for harrassment! Probably first time conviction? A year would have taught them properly never to think about doing it again!
  16. Thai women are simple, you provide the funds for them to be comfortable, and they are never "not in the mood", I suspect also because they realize if they say no, a girl down the road will say yes.
  17. Contrary to the advice some have given you, keep it the he77 out of Thailand unless you want a large chunk of it paid to the tax authorities! Although nobody knows for sure how it is going to pan out, at the moment, it looks like all remittances to Thailand from foreign countries will be taxed, heavily!
  18. The answer is in the name CPR = Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Resuscitation means to re-activate something, including a heart.
  19. I don't know about getting old, but people are just dying to get into the cemetary.
  20. So, the first question (for me) that needs to be answered, is does anybody know of a reliable, reasonable accounting firm in Pattaya? Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
  21. So, an overloaded (old) lift, carrying, among other (heavy) things, 3 metre poles, which hit the ceiling and stopped the lift before it's normal position, and then these Darwin award wannabe's try to force the lift to go even higher, even with the poles blocking it from going up any further?
  22. Yes, 1000 baht on 20% interest daily compounded equals baht: 79,644,319,771,493,630,000,000,000,000,000
  23. I don't know what world you live in, but BRICS comprises the second largest economy in this world, only surpassed by the USA (for now), as many other countries are joining BRICS all the time! In fact, the BRICS economy is already far greater than the entire European Union, with the "Euro" currency, so why should BRICS not have their own currency?
  24. I think it's kind of disrespectful to our maker, who made the female body absolutely beautiful, and in my mind, kindof perfect! Trying to change it's Godly beauty by man-made ink, is like trying to paint over the Mona Lisa, with water colours, by a retarded child.
  25. I think you mean mental hospital, not prison?
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