Eloquent pilgrim
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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim
Very good points you make; every year for the last 5 years, they have found some pedantic reason to make the marriage extension difficult. For 4 years they accepted the bank letter from the previous day, this year they made us go back to the bank to get another one dated on the day. They do everything possible to be unhelpful, obviously trying to drive me into the welcoming arms of an agent; they would definitely try and shaft me unless I do as DrJack suggests and leave Thailand and reenter starting over … thanks for your input
For the last 5 years, my wife and I have renewed my extension of stay based on marriage ourselves at Hua Hin with 400k Baht in my account. I have had some unforeseeable expenses recently and will not have the 400k Baht in my account; so I am wondering if I can get an agent to do the extension, and how much they might charge. I don’t want to change to another type of extension because I will be able to go back to my normal procedure next year. Also any suggestions for an agent in Hua Hin welcome ….. thanks
Once again you wrongly accuse me of Islamophobia, and once again I have to remind you that my fear of Islam is nothing to do with any phobia; it is based on a logical, rational consideration of the thousands of terrorist attacks carried out by Islamists. It is based on a fear of the 30 Sharia councils operating with impunity in my country, practicing FGM, honour killings, forced marriages of schoolgirls, and much more. And every time you accuse me of Islamophobia I will remind you that my fear of Islam is not phobia driven in any way. You continually try to shut down any conversation about Islam, and keep parroting the line that it has nothing to do with the subject of this thread; well, you obviously haven't been paying attention, because in the ensuing riots, directly related to the killings, Mosques have been attacked, and Muslims gangs have been attacking white residents in retaliation, so Islam has become very much an integral part of the subject and is not off topic any more than the right wing rioters are.
Of course they condemn it, they have no choice, it’s against UK law; but they don’t do anything to stop the practice; they condemned the Muslim grooming rape gangs that operated all over the country for 30 years, and probably still are; but again, did nothing to stop them even though people in their communities knew the perpetrators.
In your earlier comment you asked me for any evidence. I provided a link to an article about FGM on the NHS website; you obviously haven’t read it, or you would not be in any doubt about how serious this illegal procedure is in the UK. You are obviously a contrarian, because you then misquoted what I said, and answered to me saying “most procedures are carried out in secret” which is not at all what I said. What I said was “a lot of procedures carried out under the direction of any of the UK’s Sharia councils, are mostly kept secret” This has no reflection at all on the many thousands that are reported on the NHS website; but you wouldn’t know that because you haven’t read it. As for you dismissing thousands of cases of female genital mutilation based on the percentage of the population that they represent … wow, I mean wow; maybe ask any women you know if they agree with you.
Well, congratulations, that is certainly a piece of Olympic standard whataboutery; you are now wondering why I haven’t mentioned these vile abuses being practised by other multiple cultures. In case you had forgotten it is because you have accused me multiple times of Islamophobia for mentioning the abhorrent abuses carried out by Islamists in the UK. I do not know of any other culture, or religion in the UK, that practices FGM, honour killings, and the forced marriage of prepubescent schoolgirls in direct defiance of UK laws, so maybe you can enlighten me as to any others that you are aware of, because you certainly seem to have very limited knowledge of Islamic activities in the UK . It seems that there are no lengths that you will not go to in order to deflect any criticism away from Islam. I don’t know what your affiliation is with this misogynistic, homophobic, child abuse religion, but it appears to have completely possessed you.
Thanks for your reply; not sure where you live in the UK or what you are saying you are unaware of. So, just taking the female genital mutilation issue, because I have friends in the UK that are doctors and nurses and they often talk about this abuse. You might be shocked by the numbers if you are unaware; and it must be remembered that a lot of these procedures carried out under the direction of any of the UK’s Sharia councils, are mostly kept secret, so the figures are probably much higher. The link I am attaching is from the NHS website and safe to open https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/female-genital-mutilation/april-2021---march-2022&ved=2ahUKEwjam4jwruKHAxXNVkEAHQjcDXgQFnoECEEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0zw2jfXWIasGvwwSyckNUK
You have not to my knowledge, posted any comment either in support of, or against, any of the appalling practices of Islam that I find so abhorrent; so it begs the question as to why you have accused me of Islamophobia about 6 times for stating that these practices are vile, and are a violation of the human rights of children in the UK …. the only alternative I can think of is that you are simply trolling my comments because you cannot tolerate any criticism of Islam, even when it is entirely justified, as mine have been.
No, you have a word with yourself; you have been accusing me of an Islamophobic diatribe for abhorring certain practices pertaining to Islam, but now you refuse to defend the very practices that you say make me Islamophobic for criticising. Time to fess up; you can’t have it both ways, either own your support for Islam, or understand that I have perfectly valid reasons for fearing it.
So, I take it that you approve of the female genital mutilation of 12 year old girls in the UK, and that you approve of honour killings, and the forced marriages of prepubescent schoolgirls to middle aged uncles in the UK. I wonder if you would give the same approval if it was happening in your own country ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Heinous murder of three children, reach for your Islam/Muslim thing” This sounds very much like you were accusing me of blaming Muslims. So, to be clear, do you approve of the female genital mutilation of 12 year old girls in the UK, or elsewhere for that matter; and do you approve of honour killings, and the forced marriages of prepubescent schoolgirls to middle aged uncles in the UK, or elsewhere; because when I have mentioned finding these things abhorrent, you have accused me of Islamophobia, so please tell me exactly where you stand on these issues that you claim make me Islamophobic … thanks.
Utter nonsense, you need to stop making things up. I did not blame Islam or Muslims for the appalling slaughter of the 3 little girls, I just said that the rioters used the killings to go on a mindless rampage, and that their grievance was really immigration, Muslim immigration in particular, which you now seem to understand. Once again you falsely accuse me of Islamophobia, and once again I need to repeat that there is no phobia involved in my fear of Islam; however, I greatly fear the 30 (and counting) Sharia councils now operating with impunity in my country. I also loathe the forced female genital mutilation of 12 year old girls, the forced marriages of schoolgirls, the persecution of gays, and the subjugation of women; maybe none of these things bother you because they are not happening in your country, and you may well even be ignorant of them happening.
Just tell me one thing in my comment that you have made this reply to that is untrue; you can call my comment an Islamophobic diatribe as often as you like, but everything I said is factual. I have explained to you countless times that my fear of Islam is based on sound, logical, and rational thinking; and every time you falsely accuse me of Islamophobia I will defend my position.
As stated many times, there is no phobia whatsoever involved in my fear of Islam, but you still throw the word around like a student protester. Islamists hang gays from cranes (not in the UK - yet) subjugate women including imprisoning them for incorrectly wearing the hijab (not in the UK) Islamists force female genital mutilation on 12 year old children (in the UK) Islamists force prepubescent schoolgirls to marry old men (in the UK) They practice Sharia law, against UK law, promoting honour killings (always of daughters, never of sons) and it also includes their divorce law (you can imagine how well that works for the subjugated women) So you see, my fear of Islam is based on logical, rational reasoning, nothing to do with any phobia, but you keep saying it, I’m sure it gives you a warm virtuous feeling inside.
I was not talking to you, I was replying directly to a poster that had questioned my knowledge of Islam; so, although you are free to reply to any comment on this thread, don’t try and tell me what I can and cannot post; you are not a moderator, although you continually act like one. Unfortunately, my reply to @brewsterbudgen included some criticism of Islam which obviously traumatised you; that is your issue, not mine. You seem happy to continually mention the pointless and mindless violence of the riots, but remain in complete and utter denial about the reasons behind them; it must be your complete lack of knowledge about the events of the last few decades in the UK.
Thanks for your reply, although I’m not sure how my fear can be both understandable and irrational at the same time; however, that not withstanding, I have already read extensively about the many different factions / sects of Islam. I also have some personal experience dealing with Muslims. I had my own business in a London wholesale fruit market for many years, and in that time I had something like 30 Muslim customers; mostly of Pakistani, Iranian or Iraqi heritage, a few from Lebanon, although most from Lebanon were Christians. One Pakistani lad that was a regular customer for 3 years, was called Nazir (Naz) very westernised, jeans, trainers, funky haircut, and like myself, a cricket fanatic. I arrived at the market early one morning in April 2005 to learn that the previous evening he had, with the help of a seventeen year old cousin, stabbed his beautiful 25 year old sister to death, for wanting to marry an Afghan man, rather than a man from the Pakistani family circle. I subsequently had countless conversations with other Muslim customers about this, and was somewhat alarmed by the dismissive acceptance of the other Pakistanis; this was not the case with Muslims of other heritage, who told me that the ‘honour’ issue was only held to such extreme by the Pakistani community. He was jailed for life in 2006 with a minimum sentence of 20 years; this is just another example of the unpredictable violence that can nurture a fear of Islam.