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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Same excuse used throughout Europe by terrorists and their left wing bedwetting apologists … it’s the classic get out of jail card, designed for the gullible and incurious.
  2. Hello Joe Over the last 8 years I have had many items posted to me from the UK. My system has always been; a friend packs the items in an old turned inside out plastic carrier bag, and hand writes the label, making it look as unprofessional as possible. Last year I had some Paul Smith and Oliver Spencer shirts valuing £450 sent this way. My friend wrote a value £37.40 on the declaration slip, and like everything else I have had posted they arrived without a problem. However, just an hour ago, I received a parcel with some M & S underwear and a book posted by my friend last week. He wrote £25 on the value, and this time the parcel arrived with a customs paper attached with a scan code to pay the tax of 14 Baht … yes, 14 Baht. I don’t know how it has been calculated but £25 is circa 1,160 Baht, so it only represents less than 1.5%. Remember, if you buy from an online store to be posted here, they will always declare the correct amount, so you will pay the scaled code depending on what it is. Also remember that my system is taking a risk to an extent., if they open a parcel and deem the item to be worth more than the declared amount. My friend always removes price tags and labels to try and negate this.
  3. Good news obviously, but merely the tip of a gigantic iceberg; and the concern remains that such prosecutions and convictions will continue to be very selective.
  4. Great, many thanks. I was unaware that the minibus had done a double somersault over the white van before coming to rest on its side; very helpful diagram, and certainly clears things up for all the speculators ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Looks like a completely straight road, especially in the direction it was coming from; you can see a pick up parked 100 metres or so away, and the street lights are all aligned indicating a straight road.
  6. Usually (but not always) with these minibus accidents, the cause turns out to be falling asleep. With no Tachograph control over hours that bus, truck and minibus/van drivers work here, it becomes inevitable. Over the years, I have read countless reports of accidents where it transpired that the driver had been working for up to 30 hours; the amphetamines can only keep them awake for so long.
  7. Address your concerns to George Kooymans and Barry Hay, the lyricists of Radar Love by Golden Earring
  8. Sorry to diversify slightly but …. New Mazda BT-50 Double Cab Hi-Racer worth a butchers ??
  9. I've been drivin' all night, my hands wet on the wheel There's a voice in my head that drives my heel
  10. Good, and very interesting comment Richard. And you are, I believe, correct in your suspicion that the Sharia councils in the UK are predominantly run by (exclusively) men of Pakistani heritage. Ask any muslim woman prepared to speak, how she thought her divorce was handled by one of these councils. I had my own business in a London wholesale fruit market from 1985 - 2009. Due to the demographic of its location, I had many Pakistani, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi and Lebanese customers. The Lebanese lads, were, in fairness, mainly Christians. However I had one customer, a young Pakistani lad, Naz, (Nazir) who I sold produce to almost every day for over 3 years. He was very westernised; jeans, trainers, clean shaven, styled haircut etc. Like myself, and most Pakistanis, he was a massive cricket fan; we would discuss cricket almost every day, mercilessly mocking each others teams and players in the same way I would with one of my Aussie or Kiwi chums. I remember clearly the day in April 2005 when I arrived at my business at 03.00 as usual; there was a buzz in the market with people huddled around in groups talking. I soon learnt that Naz had been arrested because the previous evening he had, along with his 17 year old cousin, stabbed his beautiful 25 year old sister to death. The shock reverberated in the market for many months; how could this apparently fully integrated young muslim lad slaughter his own sister. It was a so called ‘honour killing’ because she had fallen in love with, and wanted to marry, a man of her own choice; ironically, not a non muslim, but a refugee from Afghanistan. Other muslim customers told me that the “honour” thing was radical in most Pakistani families, and that you can never know what lurks behind a respectable facade. The tragedy is still available on the BBC …. attaching a link. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/5087702.stm&ved=2ahUKEwjF2qmEp5SHAxWySmwGHQskCIEQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3kswkYvi5YAE2oDTpmpFdj
  11. So sad, very sorry to hear; sounds like he showed great courage and stoicism …. wishing you strength to carry on
  12. Apologies if this has been discussed before, but does anyone know what the situation would be regarding making transfers from overseas to your Thai wife’s account, to then access some of your funds this way ?
  13. This is classic antisemitism; somebody states that Hamas are a terrorist death cult, which is staggeringly obvious, to everyone other than somebody that is antisemitic; and you call their comment “Absolute nonsense” …. this is how you expose yourself, not by claiming to be antisemitic, but by providing irrefutable evidence that you indeed are.
  14. Complete and utter nonsense; the Palestinians left in 1948 at the behest of the surrounding Arab states, who told them to evacuate so that the combined armies of those Arab states could wipe out every jew in Israel. They were told that they could then return; unfortunately, as history bares witness, that didn’t work out how the Arabs planned. Your distortion of history is antisemitic Palestinian propaganda, no more, no less, but unsurprising coming from you, having witnessed your posting history.
  15. Excellent post Gottfrid; anyone with an IQ approaching double digits can see what years of appeasement to Islam has done. It has simply emboldened them, and cost hundreds more innocent lives
  16. radical Islam again ........ and again, and again, and again ✌️
  17. No fan of either, but Biden is clearly showing continuing signs of cognitive dissonance, and shouldn’t be allowed out unaccompanied; as for being reelected as President of the most powerful democracy in the world …. you have to be kidding
  18. My Aussie chum from East Wagga Wagga would always lead with “d’you fancy a f*** Sheila” and if she said no, he would follow up with “d’you mind laying down while I have one” ……. always need a follow up line. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. He didn’t claim it was a genocide, he said it was an genocide attempt; don’t change what people have said to suit the reply you wish to give. And BTW, the genocide of all jews is in the founding charter of the terrorists that perpetrated the 7th Oct massacre …. as if you didn’t know.
  20. And what genocidal policies would they be ? but you better google ‘genocidal’ before answering because you obviously have no idea whatsoever of its meaning
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