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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Indeed; and she'll have to buy a back hiking tent to wear if she's going to Iran
  2. It's not wise to make veiled threats to other posters on this forum either.
  3. No I am not incorrect, this is unparalleled nonsense from you; this is an open forum, you can’t hijack a comment, everyone on the forum is allowed to comment on any other comment. You made a comment trying to hijack the topic and change its focus to the atrocity in Sweden, and I replied to you, which I am at liberty so to do.
  4. “Yes, I think most people read about that appalling atrocity” This was the first line of my reply to you when you made the comment “You didn’t read about the shooting incident in Sweden last week?” Your apology is accepted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It is noted however, that you are still trying to hijack the topic to make it about that appalling slaughter in Sweden; your deflection and whataboutery will earn you many left wing brownie points, so well done for that.
  5. Well, I know you’re the forums number two deflector of any criticism of Islam, but even by your own bizarre delusions, to still be in denial when he said to the police on his arrest “Allah Akbar” is extremely perverse. As an Afghani, his native tongue would be either Pashto or Dari, not Arabic; but maybe you simply do not understand the Islamist phrase “Allah Akbar” …………. might be an idea to research it.
  6. Absolutely, right on the money, and it is always the same; it will be interesting to see if those two vile muslim racists are prosecuted by the Australian authorities; but I shan’t hold my breath. Worst of all though, we have a few bleeding heart lefties on here, continually deflecting any criticism of Islam and muslims no matter how heinous their crimes; the forum is rife with Hamas huggers.
  7. From a BBC report on their website: “Munich public prosecutor Gabriele Tilmann told reporters that the suspect had said "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) in Arabic when he was detained and she suggested he "may have had an Islamist motivation”. A two-year-old girl is among two people who were critically injured in the attack near Munich central station on Thursday. She is in intensive care.
  8. More classic left wing deflection from you, and still no comment on this appalling act of Islamic terrorism. And now, you want me to adjudicate on some spat you had with another poster that was nothing to do with me whatsoever; more deflection away from the topic. The only comments of yours I replied to were “You didn’t read about the shooting incident in Sweden last week ?” … which was trying to hijack the topic and deflect from the terrorist attack that is the topic of this thread. I then replied to your comment “There are many others you've missed that were not” …… agin trying to deflect any attention away from the reality of the danger that the civilised world faces from Islamic terrorism. It seems you are prepared to do anything to avoid any criticism of this, or any other muslim terrorists. And you laughingly claim not to be left wing, yet you are incapable of hearing any criticism of Islam, or muslims, or even allowing any discussion about it; we sow, we reap, and the bleeding heart leftists enable.
  9. Nonsense; you distill the very essence of left wing apologists. You have not said one single word of condemnation about this terrorist attack, not one. This vile muslim scrote ploughed his car into a crowd of innocent citizens, leaving more than 30 injured, some children, and some in life threatening condition; and all you have done is try and deflect attention away by citing a totally unrelated atrocity in Sweden, or claim a pathetic disclaimer that you were just being pedantic. I see you. Take a look at the 21st century history of Islamic terrorism, because you are batting for the wrong team; every shame on you.
  10. And hundreds of others I have not listed that were Islamic terrorism; however, it seems that you are happy to completely ignore all those, as you try your default left wing ploy of deflection from any criticism of Islam. The comment of yours that I replied to was “You didn’t read about the shooting incident in Sweden last week ?” This is whataboutery, nothing to do with the topic, just trying to deflect, and draw attention away from this appalling Islamic atrocity … shame on you.
  11. Indeed; vehemently opposed to anyone slightly to the right of Karl Marx 😬
  12. Yes indeed, mental health problems seem to affect a lot of Islamists. Here’s a few more examples of this terrible mental health problem that so many of them seem to suffer from: 9/11 USA 2,996 dead 25,000 + injured 7/7 London bombs 52 dead 784 injured 2017 London Bridge, 8 killed 48 injured 2017 Barcelona, driver mows down 100 people, 14 dead 130 injured. 2022 Manchester concert bomb, 22 dead 119 injured 2015 Charlie Hebbo 12 dead 2019 London Bridge 2 dead 3 injured 2020 France stabbing and beheading 3 dead 2020 Samuel Paty, French teacher beheaded in the street 2015 Bataclan, Paris 130 dead 350 wounded 2015 Nice, France, truck rampage 86 dead 434 injured 2023 Arras France .. teacher stabbed to death 2016 Rouen France 85 year old priest has throat slit at alter of church 2023 Brussels, 2 Swedish football fans shot dead 2018 Carcassonne France 5 dead 15 injured 2024 Crocus hall Moscow: 140 dead 300 injured ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. How in god’s name can you not think that this vile, odious, muslim slug is not an Islamist; why would a non Islamist from the religion of peace commit such an atrocity, do you know nothing at all about 21st century Islamic terrorism in Europe (rhetorical)
  14. Firstly, using capital letters is the online equivalent of shouting at someone; it is against forum etiquette, and just makes you look rude and angry. So you think this Islamic asylum seeker from Afghanistan had another reason for ploughing his car into a group of innocent German citizens, other than the fact that he is an Islamist; that is one hell of a remarkable, and deluded defence of Islam. And calling the truth hate speech, doesn’t work anymore, everyone has seen through that student slogan.
  15. Who is this “we” that doesn’t know why he did it ? ........... because I certainly know why he did it, it is because he is an adherent to Islam, and no other reason; you can deny, deflect and delude yourself as much as you want, but your left wing extremism is as transparent as it is disturbing. You don’t like prejudice, yet you seem to be prejudiced against the innocent victims of this appalling act of terrorism as you defend this vile terrorist as “just a next door neighbour” … shame on you.
  16. Integrated in order to slaughter; they play the long game, and still apologists like you defend their terrorism … absolute shame on you.
  17. Why oh why, do radical left wingers like yourself defend terrorists ? This is a genuine question, because I am completely mystified as to why you would want to defend this muslim extremist.
  18. Well, the point being that it is not just a chat group amongst a few chums who are not accountable for anything apart from their own consciences; this group included the two Members of Parliament that have been suspended, and one of them, Andrew Gwynne, was actually the Health Minister. There is a responsibility and accountability that comes with being an MP, and you cannot be seen to be indulging in racist, sexist, antisemitic, and abusive comments, about other MP’s, your constituents, and the public in general; if this had been a Tory chat group, the left would have been all over it wanting heads to roll, and rightly so … goose and gander. I see that Labour have now suspended 11 Labour councillors that were in the group. The group is rotten to the core, and I am not sure why you don’t think this should be news.
  19. Yes, I have read a similar report elsewhere about him being a store detective, I guess the full facts will come out in time when he is prosecuted. I never deliberately post false information, and the Times are usually reliable; if their report proves inaccurate, I will happily retract my comment. All that notwithstanding, what I cannot understand is why you seem so keen to defend this vile Islamic slug’s right to stay in Germany, especially if it is your home country. Haven’t Germany suffered enough from this Islamic invasion already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. Yes, I think most people read about that appalling atrocity; have you read about these few ? 9/11 USA 2,996 dead 25,000 + injured 7/7 London bombs 52 dead 784 injured 2017 London Bridge, 8 killed 48 injured 2017 Barcelona, driver mows down 100 people, 14 dead 130 injured. 2022 Manchester concert bomb, 22 dead 119 injured 2015 Charlie Hebbo 12 dead 2019 London Bridge 2 dead 3 injured 2020 France stabbing and beheading 3 dead 2020 Samuel Paty, French teacher beheaded in the street 2015 Bataclan, Paris 130 dead 350 wounded 2015 Nice, France, truck rampage 86 dead 434 injured 2023 Arras France .. teacher stabbed to death 2016 Rouen France 85 year old priest has throat slit at alter of church 2023 Brussels, 2 Swedish football fans shot dead 2018 Carcassonne France 5 dead 15 injured 2024 Crocus hall Moscow: 140 dead 300 injured All these slaughters of innocent western civilians, and there are hundreds more, yes, hundreds more, were carried out by adherents of, and in the name of, the faith of Islam; when you try to divert attention away from what is an enormous problem for western civilisation, with your whataboutery, you become a massive part of the problem. Have a great day.
  21. Below is a direct quote from the UK Times story this morning; it’s always possible they are incorrect, but it would be very unusual, they normally verify stories before printing. Not sure why you seem to be defending his stay in Germany, but I am rarely able to understand those on the far left. “A police spokeswoman said the suspect had been identified as Farhad N, a 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, who had a record for drug offences and theft. According to the authorities, his asylum claim had been rejected but he was allowed to stay in Germany”
  22. This is the legacy of Mutti Merkel, and history will not remember her kindly; what I don’t understand is that this muslim invader, named as Farad N, had his asylum application rejected, but was allowed to stay in Germany despite having a criminal record of drug offences and theft (hence the Mini Cooper) …… this is the absolute lunacy of the left, Islam is invading Europe and European governments are enabling them.
  23. Have you looked up the difference between the prefix, pro, and the noun, lover, yet; because if you have, you can then look up ‘fluid’ as well ….. you’re welcome ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  24. Well, your master's degree obviously wasn't in English language, if you cannot understand the difference between a prefix and a noun.
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