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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. The chinese never really made it into our pockets via the smartphones in the global gsm market. But they definately will enter our lives fully in their highly connected EV cars offered to the world at crashed prices. For the best or the worst.
  2. In today's world, people all want premium quality service at crashed prices, It's the rule of the market. And the market rules at the end of the day. Smart entrepreneurs will follow the trend. Others will collapse.
  3. The distinguished sturdy contributors here will not change their minds. All have their own idea in this issue and no matter of ranting here will change people's idea, All for the best to have an independant mind and non-mainstream opinion To keep this short, it is the duty of every nation to look into their own interests, before serving the orders of any western superpower. No matter which country or which despot in power; it's business first for many of our so-called "developped homelands". So why should Thailand not be allowed the same ?
  4. One may have belived some sort of weight partition or basic aeronautic physics had it been another airline. But with all respect, when many things are enforced in Thailand, the main purpose is to make..... m o n e y !!!!
  5. In local logic amongst a few many, a greener approach, could mean painting the roads in green. 🤨
  6. Excess booze but mainly drugs that dangerously seem to now to be a norm, is leading to an new generation of violent junkies who will spread violence and insecurity all over. Unfortunately, considering the amounts of big money involved, small chances that governance may take genuine steps to prevent and fight the problem. The usual steps will target the low level peddlars or junkies and rarely hit those on the top getting their cut of the money...and the meth probably.
  7. OP should avoid the chinese crap that flodded our homes and go for either the Philipps Hue systems...or even Ikea who has good quality strip led lights that can be cut and that are of good quality.
  8. You are very right. Never did the dirty work myself....always used my banker for the job...well used to anyhow. But is it necessary to get rude, really ? Sorry if my post enraged you and made you loose your cool. Have a nice evening.
  9. With all the scandals in finance, I would not even trust a banker in the US face to face....so on a forum ? well...if that's the norm...
  10. Spend and enjoy by all means ...but within one's limits. Avoid or never get in debt. Always have a cushion for emergencies at the bank. Most important, avoid listening to others or giving them details, when it comes to your money. The best way of spending your money is what suits you and what is within your limits.
  11. I definately would never to back to a restaurant no matter how good it is (or obviously how bad), if the service staff is rude and indifferent. The OP is kinder then me. I would never leave a tip and never feel bad on seeing the waitress/waiter pulling a long face with no tip due to bad service. It is your duty as a customer to gently educate in the ways of decent customer service and not to let bad behaviour or cheating practices get away. Low wages of the staff are unacceptable, yes for sure. But we would all be ranting here and getting into tantrums if the prices increase consequently due to a wage increase....be honest with yourself in private...🤫 Sorry if anybody is offended.
  12. We could argue, bat and ball for ages. I could come up with hotels in BKK costing 100 $ and others in the Canaries Islands (Spain territory just in case) or Alicante, that are 1/3 of the price. I am not trying or need to convince you. All depends where you look and what you are trying to argue. But in general when it comes to daily shopping or groceries, health care. Spain is cheaper or similar to Thailand. And wait to see how the plan to tax foreign earnes income hits. It could change the ball game but nobody can really say for the moment. But the doubts persist and many are selling their properties. Maybe you live in a very tight budget environment in Thailand and good (or bad?9 for you. But go to a western standard supermarket in Bkk or a costal town of Thailand., purchase say 1 big piece of salmon or a huge imported steak (spanish or NW), You may get the point. No hard feelings pal.
  13. I would avoid walking around barefoot or in flipflops with all the snakes and other pests around; obviously mainly in the country side or in a private bushy garden though maybe not that much necessary under Nana BTS Station BKK !!🤪 ...but even in downtown BKK, if a 6,1 ft ladyboy steps on yer toez with his/her platform boots, you can end up with trouble down your footsies.
  14. Restaurants, shopping in general and you can find a home at the same prices as those swanky houses or condos in Thailand. The booze is also very accessible for those who indulge, as well as the girlie for the mongrels. Not to forget health care or insurances that are a bit less the the overcharging in Thailand. Mainly you are in a european country that does not shun foreigners. Of course you can find cheaper or more costly in both countries depending on what you are trying to argue about. But globally, Spain is a great bargain, in Europe, convenient commuting by plane to the UK, Mainland Europe or USA which explains why so many retirees chose to settle down. Spain is not really cheap as a matter of fact. It's Thailand that's becomming more and more expensive daily. Do you get the subtle nuance ?
  15. Definately a better deal now then Qatar or Emirates and similar.
  16. Free press ? In Europe they have censored the Russian International Cable TV netoworks. Free education ? really ? I think the freshmen back in the US won't agree. Best welfare ? really ? Check out the miserable pensions handed out in many western nations, and why the pensioners need flee to Asia to survive. Advanced health care for all ? I think that a fast check on the many homeless in the streets of NYC or Gdansk may slightly disagree with that. Sorry. No hard feelings and no offence.
  17. Can it not backlash when comming back later ?
  18. What about the foreigners killed in the rash bombings of Gaza ?
  19. Until 2019, 8 countries were allowed to carry on purchasing oil from Iran. As for Russian crude, it is still filling up tanks in western nations. Russia sells crude gas and oil to smart nations (eg China) who refine and resell to the west, making substantial profit inbetween. Rotterdam and another gas tanker port terminal in France, are the main points of entry.
  20. You make a good point as there are more and more reckless mongrels getting their weekly or monthly maintenance, with no protection at all, putting themselves and others at high risk of spreading, sometimes, deadly STD's.
  21. As long as one does not end up as the shirtless farang in a car and get busted by the cops.
  22. Bangkok is currently going through a hazardous pollution alert. It's not only the farm fires but also the uncontrolled motor vehicles stuck in jams. Public transport should be developped, with better connections to the outskirts of Bangkok area and individual private cars restricted from the downtown areas (except taxis, public service or bolt, grab etc etc). Pollution hazard does not only hit the poo. Even the hi-so's can suffer from the bad air quality despite being in hermetic environments and closed aircon environments. But of course, who cares really here ?
  23. The more posts, the better for the site, is it not ?
  24. Cost of living in Spain in many domains, is cheaper then Thailand for sure, with great quality standards at a fraction of the cost. I fully agree with yøu.
  25. Even the USA would be more visa friendly to eligible foreigners under the VWP (Visa Waiver) granting hassle free stay in the US on tourism basis for 90 days. Only a one time hassle online for the ESTA input that once completed is valid for a few years I guess. No further hassles to stay 90 days. Of course this is the ultima ratio with an absurd comparison on the USA and Asia. The point is to underline that even hermetic USA is more open to foreigners and tourism then Thailand apparently.
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