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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. I had more trouble quitting smoking but did manage. Not more then a social drinker with maybe a few glasses of wine and good Jack-Coke-Ice, not more then once or twice a month on social occasions or clubbing. The best deterrence to reduce booze was remembering the previous hangover before going out to the next party. It did help to reduce the excess of clubbing during the younger ages leading to sometimes getting wasted, I admit 😁. Society should always remember the problem cannot be solved in considering excess drinking (or even excess eating, smoking etc) per se as the problem. The problem is rooted deeper below the subject with disfunctionnal patterns due to various traumas, stress or similar that only a proper practician can diagnose. and p.s. why all the Bob bashing really ? you don't like it, you put it on ignore. Why bash somebody who has done no harm basically ?
  2. When you see the mess and what that Ursula von da Lion (as refered to) is doing in the European Union presidency....one may understand voices of protestation emerging all over the world.
  3. If you are fleeing the madness of downtown NYC then definately avoid Bangkok on the whole, for the winter break, If you like a place with non stop energy all around, are not turned off with the bustling of a lovely overpolluted metropolis, need to have everything at hand with public transport, entertainement, good food for every budget, great gals in the skyview bars, entertaining malls for XS to XXXL wallets, the well maitained soapys, definately downtown Bangkok will be a dream. But who am I as I do not stay all year round so it can be a different ball game from one person to another, with considerations between a snowbird stay, a 179 day stay and to settle down full time and start a full time job filling out the TM forms.
  4. Like Sin City or not...but they do have some amazing and unbelievable venues.
  5. He just doing his job to promote Thai culture. No harm in that now ? Regarding the entire region ranging from Asia to South Pacific and beyond, it could be challenging to beat the popularity of Bollywood and those indian hotties that are simply gorgeous.
  6. Be it Biden, Trump or Sunak, they all have nominated either family or cronies at top positions. The only difference could be that once ousted from power, the new kingpin in office, put's in his new cronies. In Thailand, it could be a bit more patriarcal with politics carved on foundations of power and money and tend to remain within the respetive dynasties. When it comes to politics, very much a same joke all over the world.
  7. How many cops or officials in the VIP Gold Member-Prime List ?
  8. How do the nigerians manage worldwide to establish drug networks almost overnight ? Are they that smart and the authorities that incompetent ? Or is the money involved reaching such summits, that they bribe their way in almost anywhere and everywhere ? Or maybe considering the alarming amount of policy makers globally who are hidden junkies, despite their italian cut suits.....it could somewhat be a piece of the puzzle.
  9. Be it man or woman in Thailand or abroad. Avoid pissing people off in today's world. Globally, people are loosing it with violent reactions. It seems to have started or got worse since post-COVID. Current uncertainty all over the world, due to the economic downfall mainly due to the wars and sanctions, have led to tensions that are discharged through ultimate violence, at the slightest spark.
  10. This is what makes them dangerous...the Chinese. They have a will, a way and ruthless discipline.
  11. Obviously the documentary does not give some crispies on his extraconjugal goals ?
  12. Guys have a tendency to think that girlies have similar norms for looks on the opposite gender then we do. Ladies often do not. Girlies look far beyond and deeper inside, considering of course that the chap does pass the mental test and has basic to acceptable looks. The top chancers always with hot girls (normal non working girls) are often average looking lads, and do not have a Panamera parked outside. Thank god for those with no bodybuilding skills and a Honda parked in the garage. Do not forget that society can more or less accept a 65 year old guy with a 27 year old girl.....but rarely accepts the opposite, no matter in which country. Quite unfair, I agree. Tongues usually wag when a hottie 60 year milf-cougar, dates a dashing "hansum" 28 year old lad. Unless it's Madonna and even then.... Last but not least. The best place to pick up nice girlies is in a male gay bar 😂. Far less competition guys. Nice girls who have not raised the protective shield barrier and are open to fun that leads to a close-in. Watch out nevertheless not to hit on a ladyboy 🤭
  13. With mainly the female population, stuck on their phones (that seem to have never ending batt. capacity), perhaps this channel of communication would identify with the norms that have become addictive to many ? But to consider what lifechanging news the PRD could relay, that is a different novel all together....
  14. What about drugs ? Will the junkies be banned from their candy at midnight when the ball ends ? Obviously not.
  15. Sensible tourists would postpone their visit to Thailand considering the health hazards. Pollution does not just stick to one area on the short term. Hazards that need to be tackled rapidly with faster and enlargened developpment of reliable public transport. Reliable public transport that could justify a ban of private vehicles in downtown areas as an option. Obvious exceptions to those providing transport (taxi, car sharing, bolt, grab, deliveries etc.). Large metros in China ban private vehicles when the PM2.5 levels reach a red level. If the Chinese can do it....
  16. Money + women rarely yield a positive result. Always keep assets seperate, hidden and be worth more alive, then when dead.
  17. Wait till the taxi and tuk tuk mafia get to hear of this fine incentive. In fact the bus routes, like in any popular beach town of Thailand, should be extended all over the area (and not just at tourist hotspots). It will highly help reducing many problems.
  18. How we all would just love finding the secret fountain of immortality in some cave !! Maybe one day Elon Musk orJ. Bezos could help that out for us..!!!
  19. We all look great at our youth in our sweet 16 !!! The problem is that we realise it only later as when teens, one always tries to look older to pass through the ID check at the club maybe ! But man ohj man..... when I think of all those missed occassions, due to some basic teen shyness....all those moments when the honey pie or the treat of the moment was practically offering herself on the plate..man oh man...I could slap meself now !!🤣 Missed so many chances to make the girlie of the moment happy...🤣 With age we change, better or worse depending on lifestyle and mainly what we allow ourselves and our minds to become. Obviously the sour, angry, rude people, with bad food and drink habbits will turn physically ugly, no matter what. Not always obviously but very often. You can see sharp looks but the eyes give away all the toxic of a person. The ladies and girlies are great in probing this at the first sight. What us guys always forget is that a regular girl (not a prostitute or gold didgger), will usually prefer a guy with normal shape and looks, but who is nice, smart, has inner confidence, funny at ease with others, does not hate or discriminate....rather then the opposite type all great in fitness shape but who is a real asx&&le...ask any (normal) girlie... What we also forget that by female standards, a guy with confidence is not the big mouth at the Sports Bar or the bully at the local testosterone fit-club...far from that. If you have had a normal life, you can see those with inner confidence, who are not lonely, who have succeed in their lives, dont' brag or display, are happy, usually discreet people. always smiling, never a mean word (even if they can be humanly mean inside sometimes🤣). The lonely sour drunks consider such people as fools, as they mistake nice and happy with guilable/stupid. Obvisouly all this is not a rule of the thumb and with exceptions like anything....
  20. You do know that the forms cirted were aimes obviously at the expats and retirees living here and who spend far more then the "quality russian or chinese" tourists ?
  21. Oh man....considering all those who gamble anyhow, make the issue legal, impose good tax on the Monaco or Macau style casinos that could be developped, and move on.
  22. I'm surely in the wrong, but I just cannot join the heard and follow the pink flag in any guided tour...perhaps with age and time, the thought could change ?
  23. They will do it the brit pub style...get drunk beforehand and end up fully wasted by 11pm...cheeers mate ! 🤣
  24. Genetics play a role, no doubt. Over exposure to sun also can play a role in premature aging of the skin. But not as much as the inner mental state of the subject. A sour and bitter poster individual 😚 will obviously look the part. A subject with a childish mind, happy, foolishly nice to all, stays away from toxic people, ignores all the sh@[t going on all over the world, no drugs or excess booze, who is not afraid of being silly n'stupid, who does not take himself/herself to seriously, and who knows a great plastic surgeon, will obviously look younger and be far more fun to hang out with to tease the fine ladies all around. 🤣
  25. TM47 . TM27 (change of address) or TM30 when it's a private home, need to plainly be abolished. They are plainly dinosaurs of bureaucracy from the dark ages.
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