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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. Consider a hostage situation in a large bank (not the west bank!....a regular cash commercial bank!!..ok sorry bad pun) Do the cops charge in, claim it's the criminals who started it first and blindly shoot at anything that moves ? or do they bring in the top negotiator team for a civilised outcome ?
  2. Did Greta T, fly over in her jet to enjoy the free food. drinks and publicity ?
  3. The good ole retiree has already taken his pants off it seems on the photo....waitin for his Missus to doze of ? 😂
  4. Rich could sometimes be a sense of carelessness and lightness on what's spent today and no concern on what could happen tomorrow. For some it could be how to get rich and for others, how to remain rich. Rich could also mean are you rich and happy and then it's great and the best thing that could happen. But if rich (by our standards) and unhappy, then it's a shame as one is not really rich, no matter the size of the wallet !!
  5. I've being bying and using it in cooking for ages and the packages all say they are from India. Some back wound pains, highly relieved and many other positive effects. No issues till now. It is also widely used in the west by local chefs who also get it from India and would be surprising if the local sanitary authorities let any issue go below the radar.
  6. Sorry, my "business" is usually 10 to 6 pm😂..but thanks however for the suggestion.
  7. The laws are often quite clear. Their interpretation by the authorities (police, courts, lawyers etc) is what difers and can create issues.
  8. Excellent suggestion as they do have Melatonin homeopathic 5CH doses that put you to bed at different hours. . Great idea, never thought of it. Thank you.
  9. I do fully trust the vaccines of the past that saved many lives. (polio, tetanos, all the "pox" stuff, yellow fever, typhoid etc etc). Also was forced to take the COVID jab due to all the restrictions and so on. But one cannot help thinking the haste in which the Covid vaccines were released and one cannot ignore much of the feedback from people reporting different side effects. Not saying at all the COVID vaccines are not efficient or unsafe. But in the field of vaccines, public trust is necessary and that's far from being attained in these mRNA messenger vaccines, wheather they are fully safe or not.
  10. Most of our distinguished posters here do taxi back and forth, West and East. We all know that jet lag on the first days or week mainly on arriving in Thailand in the local morning hours when it all starts here, and the body is still tuned to the late night deep sleep cycle back home. Nothin more annoying then loosing a few days in Thailand until the metabolism adjusts, mainly if you time is limited here and you want to get down to "business" asap. Before leaving, I personnaly if possible, try to go to bed at some absurd time of the afternoon and wake up in the middle of the night, in an attempt to somewhat adjust to Thai timezone. How do you cope with it on arriving here ? just let is pass ? some other way ?
  11. Thrilled ? cannot say. But definately she did not like that nice new pink vaccum cleaner, despite the wifi function, I got her for christmas some time ago.
  12. Look at the officer on the right. The one in a long sleeve blue jacket. Real funny how the photo caught him with his fists/wrists in a sort of warming up position. Almost as if waiting for the suspect to move an eyelid and thus practice some new kicks and punches. 🤣 His body language is quite funny 😆
  13. Another farang displaying his clout all over like a fool, then getting busted and subjectively giving all the decent farangs a bad image. It is such types that spoil the image of the decent quality retirees or foreigners in Thailand.
  14. Turkish Airlines is very popular in Europe and are considered to offer quality service and better prices then the other Gulf state airline majors. Not to forget that Istanbul is a great place to visit, great hotels, amazing food, lovely and friendly girla all over, cheap booze and great clubs and all with great prices. Like anyplace, if one is looking for bad, looking for anything to rant about, one ends up in only seeing the bad. TA would not launch a direct flight just to annoy a few. IST is very popular holiday destintion for many Thais.
  15. Very good news. It will avoid the time consuming and annoying changments of flights in different hubs.
  16. It would be a different story if the agent wanted a 500k fee🤣 but here it is for the bank a/c so makes sense...until the rule changes.
  17. Hope the PM does not let Thailand get bullied.
  18. Much of the taxes in the west are due to the environmental fascists who impose climate tax on air travel. Hope Asia never falls into similar dogmatic climate tax policies.
  19. Good, one less on the streets, provided he is the right chap and guilty. Sometimes mistakes can occur in mistaking names or having people having similar names. Rare but can happen.
  20. Good recommendation and to push it a bit further, I always wear a light jumper and a light scarf in the BTS Skytrain, taxis or some malls 🤣. A bit a hassle to carry it around all day but it is a lifesaver.
  21. Ok then you know all about it as you lads in Europe are more advanced in homeopathy. Do your research with your symptoms but eye with nose calls for Allium Cepa definately as it seems more nose related with the granules dose of 7ch. The hardest bit is to hit on the right dillution that changes from one to another. If you can, avoid the strong allopathic nose sprays as they can relieve but can cause other issues and can be rather strong just for a common chill.
  22. Try a saline based solution to wash nose-eyes and general ENT wash solutions (ent in english = orl in your language). Could help. Avoid over heavy food and booze for a week as it works for me. If a smoker...well then it may be part of the issue. If in Bangkok, pollution does not help. If you pass through Europe or have anybody come to visit, try some homeopathic dilutions as they did work with me, no matter all the ranting you may hear against it. For nose issue I would try Alium Cepa or Kalium bichronicum in 9CH dosage granules (not the single dose), If the years hurt or tickle when you press then it's minor, If it hurts when you pull, then maybe a doctor would be better advice You sometimes need to try different dilutions or types to hit on the right homeopathic for you. At worst it won't work and it's harmless with no side effects. All the best and sorry if I offended any anti-homeopathic antipathics !!!
  23. Avoid eye contact with the unruly. You will almost never need then to defend yourself. Keep them of course under your watch from the corner of the eye. If on the street, use the windows of shops to keep an eye if you feel they are to close. Make yourself invisible by seeing them but with no looks. Wheather one knows how to fight or not, I dare the best tatami champion fighter, to deal in the street with a bunch of drunk-drugged hoodlums who won't even feel the pain on all the fancy Hon-Gesa Gatame one may consider mastering,. The only battle you may win, in the one you never had to fight (Sun Tzu - the art of War).
  24. I have burned bridges with all toxic so called "friends" all around. For sure. But it took sometime for me nimble brain to open up my eyes. Discard the the ones who would constsantly have a tendency to make unpleasant comments or remarks on this or that. Get rid of the kind who just call you when they are bored and maybe could not find anybody else to party. Avoid those who always are eager and expecting for you call them over to dine and wine at your energy, time and expense but never sent the elevator back...not to forget those who just like to push in within your own social circles, mainly to broaden their agendas or tying enlargen their own network with your acquaintances/friends and invite them over and not call you ...you know what I mean !! 😉. Not to forget those who manipulate, try to make you feel guilty or bad - the types that elementary psychology (and the psy bible DSM V), describes as the perverse narcistics. Getting rid of such toxic people gives one sense of freedom, well being and saves one from the toxic energy of such characters. So yes, definately burn the bridges with such people back home and mainly...most important don't repeat similar mistakes in being to nice to those types when in Thailand as they are equally all around. Break the bad bridges and build new ones with better foundations. Sometimes it's better to go out alone, if needed of course socialise, have fun, party with strangers with no strings attached and probably you won't see them again. Nice and open minded people are unfortunately magnets that attract, what we call the "users". Better alone then in bad company....who gives a hoot of what anybody can think or say, if you treat yourself to a fancy restaurant, alone ?
  25. "Quality Adult Game Parlour Entertainement" for "quality" tourists.
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