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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. You are obviously a specialist on the issue so dare anybody argue your very thorough introduction on the theme. Thank you for the valuable update.
  2. Oh man, what is Thailand getting into ? On the other hand, If it's any of the commercial EU movies, fine. Many european movies can be very entertaining. But if it's all the usual art house production, mainly on environmental-woke-feminist-socialist themes ...please, please....not entertaining enough for my nimble mind. Enough trouble and concern all around currently. People need to relax, have fun, be stupid for sure, and stop peeping over the hedge in the neighbouring countries lawns, trying to solve the weed problems in the gardens of others. Doing such, makes one neglect one's own garden.
  3. Is it not in Japan where they sell officially those so-called used girlie panties-knickers, openly, legally and freely ?
  4. Very true. Wonder if he gave them the empty cigar box with a dedicated autograph as a souvenir ?
  5. "Trudeaunism" is not considered any better by many.... But I would definately go anyplace in a big canadian city one day, when I decide to purchase finally one of those nice Canada Goose winter feather quilts !!...far cheaper there for sure...
  6. Was Clinton the horn blower any better ? Very popular though....
  7. I'm sure you are right. But I cannot control or help genetic heritage. On the other hand I can help what's in my plate and going down. I used a simple technique when my previous cholesterol levels and other related levels were not to the norm. Quit smoking and changed the diet and took homeopathy (Cholesternium in 9 CH) due to the bad press of statin based anti-cholesterol medication. It dropped significantly at the appropriate level at the next check after 6 months. As I am no doctor, cannot say which worked, but it worked for me and that's what really matters.
  8. I think it's their money and notoriety that makes them so hansum.....
  9. Very true and definately the boy is a quality tourist one would not want to chance banging into, in the Gents room, powdering his nose with white talc.
  10. Build all the bridges one may dream with the Chinese, but don't expect them to spend anyplace other then chinese run establishments in Thailand, that their flag tooting guides are well drilled to introduce and induce.
  11. Let the driver handle it...even better !!
  12. Cannot say yet my dear fellow. Have not yet lost any hair either above, below or behind 😂... but if anybody feels better hiding it, I don't see the problem in people to feel confortable with themselves ??
  13. What could possibly be better , natural and strong fertilizer then cow sxxT ?
  14. One cannot fight genetics. On the other hand, the hair implant surgeon, can, at a cost But often one can see in the streets, the gardening done on the implanted heads, a mile away usually on the front part of the hairline. A bit like sleepy Joe..... Which is why a reputable surgeon would be better with of course a reputable price tag.
  15. you made my day...😂
  16. Great yes...but just the small hands busted as uausl....the top earners and chancers in the "trade", rarely come under the limelight in Los...pity.
  17. May I politely recommend not to forget or loose your condoms in the land of the Rising sun. Have fun....😉
  18. Drugs, drugs and again drugs....are usually the main culprit. (worse with booze mixer probably ?)
  19. In many yupee Gulf states like Dubai, Abu Dhabi the I/O's always pick on the single hottie type young females travelling alone and cross examine them at the counter...personally have witnessed it.
  20. The barfines may be higher and thus better (for her) in Taipei...🤑
  21. Watch out for the scale of the result as it is differently measured in many countries. Obviously the secret lies in diet and of course exercise. But diet is the keystone in the structure of low cholesterol.
  22. No point in rushing past immigration in 5 minutes and then having to wait 45 minutes at the carrousel for the luggage to arrive. Checked bags do not (yet) have an express delivery paid service I think !! All depends on the time of arrival (or departure) say many a travail guru. But that never worked for me as in the supposedly "calm" period it ended up once with almost an hour in the immigration lines of arrival.
  23. Man you make me feel lika a Dinosaur with my i7 Pro, Intel based 2016 unit !! 😆 Guess I'll go for the Pro as the Air seems to have the heating issues. Hope the 2024 one's will get back the touchbar.
  24. Before wanting to take something to sleep, OP may want to consider what not to take and avoid in order to get a good night's sleep. The classics to avoid pase Noon are any soda drink, booze, coffee, tea, fruit, certain vegetables with any vitamin C base, any spicy delicious food...try to eat some horribly bland and plainly boiled say fish with bland rice. No salt or sauce, onions or anything else. Try for a few days a and then if it does not work obviously you take another path.
  25. Airlines also fuss as they have different rates, depending from where you purchase.
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